Contents (Links to Click on)


Alpert, J. C., and K. Brill, 1998: Display of multi-model regional ensemble forecasts using 3-dimensional animated Vis-5D. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 277-278.

Angevine, A., and K. Mitchell, 1999: Model comparisons with turbulence measurements from wind profilers. Preprint 13th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, January 10-15, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

Baldwin, M. E., and T. L. Black, 1998: Post-frontal precipitation forecasting experiments in the western U. S. with NCEP's Eta-10 Model. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 217-218.

_______, and S. D. Hrebenach, 1998: Experiments with bias-corrected temperature guidance using NCEP's Mesoscale Eta Model. Preprint 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 388-389.

_______, and K. E. Mitchell, 1998: Progress on the NCEP hourly multi-sensor U. S. precipitation analysis for operations and GCIP research. Preprint 2nd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 10-11.

_______, and J. S. Kain, and T. L. Black, 1998: Eta model forecast sensitivity to initial conditions for the 22/23 Feb 98 Florida tornadoes case. Preprint 19th AMS Conference on Several Local Storms, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Behringer, D., W., M. Ji, and A. Leetmaa, 1998: An improved coupled model for ENSO prediction and implications for ocean initialization. Part I: The Ocean Data Assimilation System. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, April 1998, 1013-1021.

Benjamin, S. G., J. M. Brown, K. J. Brundage, B. Schwartz, T. Smirnova, T. L. Smith, L. L. Morone and G. J. DiMego, 1998: The operational RUC-2. Preprint 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 249-252.

_____, M. Baldwin, G. DiMego, and E. Rogers, 1998: Results from daily forecasts of the NCEP Eta-10 model over the Western United States. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 246-247.

Bidlot, J., M. Holt, P. A. Whitman, R. Lalbeharry, and H. S. Chen, 1998: Towards a systematic verification of operational wave models. Proc. 3rd International Symposium WAVE 1997, Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis , ACSE. Ed B. L. Edge and J. M. Hemsley, 653-663.

Black, T., and C. Peters, 1998: Eta model guidance for the North American coastal zone. Preprint 2nd Conf. on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes and 2nd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Bosley, K. T., J. A. McGinley, T. J. McQueen, S. M. Zubrick, and G. J. DiMego, 1998: The application of the local analysis and prediction system to the Chesapeake in support of the development of oceanographic and meteorological forecasting capabilities. Preprint 2nd Conf. on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes , 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Breaker, L. C., and P. C. Liu, 1998: Application of the wavelet transform to the characterization of intraseasonal oscillation in sea surface temperature, wind stress, and sea level off Monterey, California. Preprint 2nd Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

_______, D. B. Gilhousen, and L. D. Burroughs, 1998: Preliminary results from long-term measurements of atmospheric moisture in the marine boundary layer in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 15, June 1998, 661-676.

_______, V. M. Krasnopolsky, and E. M. Maturi, 1998: GOES-8 imagery as a new source of data to conduct ocean feature tracking. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment, October 5-7, 1998, San Diego, California.

Chen F., K. Mitchell, Z. Janjic, and M. Baldwin, 1998: Impact of land-surface processes on the NCEP Eta Model quantitative precipitation forecast. Preprint Special Symposium on Hydrology , January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 281-284.

____, and ________, 1998: Using GEWEX/ISLSCP climatology forcing to simulate global soil moisture fields and the hydrological cycle for 1987-1988. Preprint 9th Symposium on Global Change Studies, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 310-311.

Chen, H. S., 1998: Update of NOAA/WAM global ocean wave model. SAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, Res. Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, ed A. Staniforth, Rpt. No. 27, WMO/TD-No 865, January 1998, 8-9.

Collins, W. G., 1998: Complex quality control of significant level rawinsonde temperatures. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 15, February 1998, 69-79.

Derber, J. C., and W.-S. Wu, 1998: The use of TOVS cloud-cleared radiances in the NCEP SSI analysis system. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, August 1998, 2287-2299.

DiMego, G. J., M. E. Baldwin, T. L. Black, F. Chen, F. Mesinger, K. E. Mitchell, D. F. Parrish, E. Rogers, and Q.-Y. Zhao, 1998: Enhancements to the operational ``Early'' Eta analysis and forecast system at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 245-246.

Doranl, J., W. Roeder, Z. Toth, and Y. Zhu, 1997: The AFGWC/45 WS/NCEP ensemble test: An operational point verification of ensemble precipitation probability forecast. Preprint 12 th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Du, 1998: A review on ensemble forecasting (in Chinese, ``Asian Monsoon and Heavy Rain Events in China''). Science Press in Beijing, September 1998.

Dudhia, J., J. Klemp, W. Skamarock, D. Dempsey, Z. Janjic, S. Benjamin, and J. Brown, 1998: A collaborative effort towards a future community mesoscale model (WRF). Preprint 12 th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 242-243.

Gartner, W. E., M. E. Baldwin, and N. W. Junker, 1998: Regional analysis of quantitative precipitation forecasts from NCEP's ``Early'' Eta and Meso Eta Models. Preprint 12th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 12-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 187-189.

Gemmill, W. H., and V. M. Krasnopolsky, 1998: Weather patterns over the ocean retrieved by neural network multi-parameter algorithm from SSM/I. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment , October 5-7, 1998, San Diego, California.

Grumbine, R. W., 1998: Virtual floe ice drift forecast model intercomparison. Weather and Forecasting, 13, September 1998, 886-890.

Holt, B., A. K. Liu, D. W. Wang, A. Gnanadesikan, and H.S. Chen, 1998: Tracking storm-generated waves in the northeast Pacific Ocean with ERS-1 synthetic aperture radar imagery and buoys. J. Geophys. Res., 103, no. c4, 7917-7929.

Hong, S. Y., H.-M. Juang, and Q. Zhao, 1998: A precipitation physical package for the NCEP Regional Spectral Model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 125, 2621-2639.

____, and _____, 1998: Orography blending in the lateral boundary of a regional model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, June 1998, 1714-1718.

____, _____, and Q. Zhao, 1998: Implementation of prognostic cloud scheme for a Regional Spectral Model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, October 1998, 2621-2639.

____, and H.-L. Pan, 1998: Convective trigger function for a mass-flux cumulus parameterization scheme. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, October 1998, 2600-2620.

Janjic, Z. I., T. L. Black, and G. DiMego, 1998: Contributions toward development of a future community mesoscale model (WRF). 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction , 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Ji, M., 1998: Impact of the TOGA observing system on ocean initialization and ENSO prediction, Preprint 2 nd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

__, D. W. Behringer, and A. Leetmaa, 1998: An improved coupled model for ENSO prediction and implications for ocean initialization. Part II: The Coupled Model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, April 1998, 1022-1034.

Juang, H.-M., 1998: The NCEP mesoscale spectral model for small-scale and short-term predictions. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction , 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 240-241.

_____, M. Iredell, and. R. Petersen, 1998: Experimental results of the North Atlantic aviation weather forecasts by the NCEP Regional Spectral Model. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 197-198.

Kain, J. S., D. J. Stensrud, M. E. Baldwin, and G. S. Manikin, 1998: A comparison of two convective parameterization schemes in NCEP's Meso Eta model and the implications for quantitative precipitation forecasting. Preprint 12th Conf. on Numerical Wea. Prediction and Preprint 16th Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

____, M. E. Baldwin, D. J. Stensrud, T. L. Black, and G. S. Manikin, 1998: Considerations for the implementation of a convective parameterization scheme in an operational mesoscale model. Preprint 12th Conf. on Numerical Wea. Prediction, 78 th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 103-106.

Kalnay, E., and Z.-X. Pu, 1998: Application of the quasi-inverse method to accelerate 4-D VAR. Preprint 12 th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

______, S. J. Lord, and R. D. McPherson, 1998: Maturity of operational numerical weather prediction: medium range. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 79, no. 12, December 1998, 2753-2769.

Kaplan, M. L., J. M. Egentowich, Y.-L. Lin, A. J. Riordan, and R. A. Rozumalski, 1998: Observations and numerical simulations of the generation and transport of a Central American air mass into the southeastern U. S. prior to a tornado outbreak. Preprint 16th Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 314-319.

Kelley, J. G. W., L. C. Breaker, J. L. Miller, B. Balasubramaniyan, and J. B. Zaitzeff, 1998: The importance of salinity in estimating the circulation in coastal areas such as the shelf region off Chesapeake Bay. Preprint Second Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

______, H. J. Thiebaux, D. Chalikov, and D. W. Behringer, 1998: Impact of data assimilation in the Coastal Ocean Forecast System. Preprint Second Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Kocin, P. J., L. W. Uccellini, K. F. Brill, and M. Zika, 1998: Northeast snowstorms: An update. Preprint 16 th Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 421-423.

Kodama, K. R., and H.-M. H. Juang, 1998: An assessment of warm season regional spectral model forecasts for the Hawaiian Islands. Preprint 12th Conf. on Numerical Wea. Prediction , 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 143-146.

Koren, V., Q.Y. Duan, J. Schaake, and K. Mitchell, 1999: Validation of snow-frozen ground parameterization of the Eta model. Preprint AMS 14th Hydrology Conference, January 10-15, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

Krasnopolsky, V. M., 1998: Neural networks as a generic tool for satellite retrieval algorithm development and for direct assimilation of satellite data into numerical models. Preprint 1 st Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AMS 78th Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

____________, W. H. Gemmill, and L. C. Breaker, 1998: A neural network multi-parameter algorithm for SSM/I ocean retrievals: comparisons and validations. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment , October 5-7, 1998, San Diego, California.

____________, 1998: GOES-8 imagery as a new source of data to conduct ocean feature tracking. Proceedings of 5 th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment, October 5-7, 1998, San Diego, California.

____________, 1998: Validation of coastal sea and lake surface temperature measurements derived from NOAA/AVHRR data. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment, October 5-7, 1998, San Diego, California.

____________, 1998: Weather patterns over the ocean retrieved by neural network multi-parameter algorithm from SSM/I. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment, October 5-7, 1998, San Diego, California.

Kumar, A., and M. P. Hoerling, 1998: Specification of regional sea surface temperatures in atmospheric general circulation model simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, April 1998, 8901-8907.

_____, and ________, 1998: Annual cycle of Pacific-North American seasonal predictability associated with different phases of ENSO. Journal of Climate, 11, December 1998, 3295-3308.

Li, X., W. G. Pichel, P. Clemente-Colón, and V. Krasnopolsky, 1998: Validation of coastal sea and lake surface temperature measurements derived from NOAA/AVHRR data. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment, October 5-7, 1998, San Diego, California.

Lin, Y., K. E. Mitchell, E. Rogers, and M. E. Baldwin, 1998: Assimilation of real-time, multi-sensor hourly precipitation observations into the NCEP Eta Model. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 174-175.

Maes, C., 1998: Estimating the influence of salinity on sea level anomaly in the ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, October 1998, 3551-3554.

Manikin, G. S., K. E. Mitchell, and D. J. Stensrud, 1998: The impact of a cold pool initialization scheme on a QPF forecast using the NCEP Mesoscale Model. Preprint 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 121-123.

_______, ________, ________, J. S. Kain, J. Gerrity, and M. E. Baldwin, 1998: Convective scheme tests on the coastal precipitation bias in the NCEP Eta Model. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 107-110.

Marshall, C., K. Crawford, K. Mitchell, D. Stensrud, and F. Carr, 1999: Evaluation of the new land-surface and planetary boundary layer parameterization schemes in the NCEP mesoscale Eta model using Oklahoma Mesonet observations. Preprint AMS 14th Conference on Hydrology, January 10-15, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

Masutani, M., K. Campana, and S. Lord, 1999: The observing system simulation experiments for NPOESS. Preprint 3rd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, January 10-15, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

Mathur, M. B., K. F. Brill, and C. J. Seaman, 1999: Evolution of slantwise vertical motions in NCEP's mesoscale Eta model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 5-25.

Mesinger, F., 1998: Quantitative precipitation forecasts of the ``early'' Eta Model: An update. Preprint 16th Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 184-186.

________, 1998: Comparison of quantitative precipitation forecasts by the 48- and by the 29-km Eta Model: An update and possible implications. Preprint 12th Conf. on Numerical Wea. Prediction and Preprint 16th Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

________, 1998: Performance of the 48-km Eta in forecasting tracks of major landfalling Atlantic hurricanes of the 1966 season, Bertha and Fran. Preprints, Symposium on the Research Foci of the U.S. Weather Research Program, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 526-528.

Mitchell, K., J. Schaake, D. Tarpley, F. Chen, Y. Lin, M. Baldwin, R. Rogers, G. Manikin, A. Betts, Z. Janjic, Q. Duan, and V. Koren, 1999: Recent GCIP advancements in coupled land-surface modeling and data assimilation in the NCEP mesoscale Eta model. Preprint 14 th Conference on Hydrology, January 10-15, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

________, G. DiMego, T. Black, E. Rogers, M. Baldwin, Z. Janjic, F. Mesinger, G. Manikin, and J. Gerrity, 1998: Recent Eta Model advancements at NCEP and recommended USWRP initiatives in modeling deep convection in mesoscale NWP models. Preprint Symposium on Research Foci of the US Weather Research Program, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

________, F. Chen, M. Baldwin, J. Schaake, Q. Duan, E. Rogers, Y. Lin, K. Brill, and G. Manikin, 1998: Recent land-surface modeling advancements in the NCEP Mesoscale Eta Model and relevance to air pollution applications. Preprint 10th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air & Waste Management Assoc., 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Pu, Z-X., S. J. Lord, and E. Kalnay, 1999: Forecast error sensitivity and adaptive observations with the quasi-inverse linear and adjoint NCEP global models. Preprint 3rd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, January 10-15, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

__, E. Kalnay, and Z. Toth, 1998: Application of the quasi-inverse linear and adjoint NCEP global models to targeted observations during FASTEX. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

__, S. J. Lord, and E. Kalnay, 1998: Targeted observations: forecast sensitivity experiments with USAF dropwindsonde data in the NE Pacific Ocean in February of 1995. Preprint 12 th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

__, ____, and _____, 1998: Forecast sensitivity with dropwind- sonde data and targeted observations. Tellus, 50A, 391-410.

Randall, D., J. Curry, D. Battisti, G. Flato, R. Grumbine, S. Hakkinen, D. Martinson, R. Preller, J. Weatherly, 1998: Status of and outlook for large-scale modeling of atmosphere-ice-ocean interactions in the Arctic. Bulletin the American Meteorological Society, 79, 197-219.

Reynolds, R. W., 1999: Differences in sea surface temperature analyses produced by different methods - implications for climate studies. Preprint 3rd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, January 10-15, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

________, D. C. Stokes, F. Vossepoel, and G. Wick, 1998: ENSO observing and analysis systems for sea surface temperatures and salinities. Preprint 2nd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Rogers, R., D. Parrish, and G. DiMego, 1998: Data assimilation experiments with the regional 3-d variational analysis at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Preprint 12 th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 32-33.

Rozumalski, R. A., and M. L. Kaplan, 1998: Geostrophic adjustment, explosive cyclogenesis, and the initialization of mesoscale numerical simulation models. Preprint 12th Conf. on Numerical Wea. Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 91-93.

Rutledge, G. K., V. Baer, G. DiMego, and J. Hayes, 1998: A user-driven data requirements and assessment approach for AWIPS/NOAAPORT. Preprint 14th Int'l. Conf. on Int. Info. & Proc. Sys. for Meteor., Ocean. and Hydro., 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 392-395.

Seaman, N. L., S. A. Michelson, P. C. Shafran, and D. R. Stauffer, 1998: Forecasts of severe squall-line development in MM5 using explicit moist physics at 4-km resolution. Preprint 12th Conf. on Numerical Wea. Prediction and Preprint 16th Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Shafran, P. C., and N. L Seaman, 1998: Comparison of numerical predictions of boundary-layer structure over the midwest during the Lake Michigan Ozone Study (LMOS). Preprint 10 th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air & Waste Management Assoc., 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 349-353.

Sindic-Rancic, G., Z. Toth, and E. Kalnay, 1998: Storm scale ensemble experiments with the ARPS model: Preliminary results. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 279-280.

Stensrud, D., G. Manikin, E. Rogers, and K. Mitchell, 1998: Importance of cold pools to mesoscale model forecasts. Preprint 16th Conf. on Wea. Analysis and Forecasting, 78 th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 153-156.

Szunyogh, I., Z. Toth, S. Majumdar. R. Morss, C. Bishop, and S. Lord, 1999: Ensemble-based targeted observations during NORPEX. Preprint 3rd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems , January 10-15, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

Tolman, H. L., 1998: Effects of observation errors in linear regression and-average analyses. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 124, 897-917.

______, 1998: A new global wave forecast system at NCEP. Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis, Eds. B. L. Edge and J. M. Helmsey, ASCE, 777-786.

______, L. C. Bender, and W. L. Neu, 1998: Comments on: The Goddard coastal wave model. Part I: Numerical method. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28, 1287-1290.

______, W. L. Neu, and L. C. Bender, 1998: Comments on: the The Goddard coastal wave model. Part II: Kinematics. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28, 1305-1308.

Toth, Z., I. Szunyogh, K. Emanuel, C. Snyder, J. Woollen, W. Wu, T. Marchok, R. Morss, and C. Bishop, 1998: Ensemble-based targeted observations during FASTEX. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

____, Y. Zhu, E. Kalnay, and S. Tracton, 1998: Probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts based on the NCEP global ensemble. Preprint 14th International Conference on IIPS, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

____, ___, T. Marchok, S. Tracton, and E. Kalnay, 1998: Verification of the NCEP global ensemble forecasts. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction , 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Tracton, M. S., J. Du, Z. Toth, and H.-M. Juang, 1998: Short Range Ensemble Forecasting (SREF) at NCEP/EMC. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction , 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 269-272.

_______, and __, 1998: Short-range ensemble forecasting (SREF) at NCEP/EMC. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling. Ed. A. Staniforth, Report 27, CAS/JSC Working Group Numerical Experimentation (WGNE), WMO/TD-No. 865, 5.58-5.59.

_______, and __, 1998: SREF at NCEP. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems , November 1998, Reading, England, 7 pp.

Vergara, J. A., H.-M. H. Juang, and S.-Y. Hong, 1998: An evaluation of the regional forecasting for Chile-South America. Preprint 12th Conf. on Numerical Wea. Prediction , January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 151-154.

Wang, W., and A. Kumar, 1998: A GCM assessment of atmospheric seasonal predictability associated with soil moisture anomalies over North America. Journal of Geophysical Research , 103, November 1998, 28,637-28,646.

White, G., and A. daSilva, 1998: An intercomparison of surface marine fluxes from GEOS-I/DAS, ECMWF/ERA and NCEP/NCAR fluxes. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

_____, R. Kistler, S. Lord, and S. Saha, 1998: The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and TOGA/COARE. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.

Young, C. K., H.-M. H. Juang, and S.-Y. Hong, 1998: Predictability experiments on the severe weather events over the Korean Peninsula using the NCEP Regional Spectral Model. Preprint 12th Conf. on Numerical Wea. Prediction, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 81-83.

Yu, T.-W., 1998: Use of satellite ocean surface winds in NCEP real-time operational analyses and forecasts. Preprint, Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting of the AGU, Suppl to AGU EOS Trans, 79, No. 24, p W36.

Yucel, I., W. J. Shuttleworth, J. Washburne, and F. Chen, 1998: Evaluating NCEP Eta model-derived data against observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, 1977-1991.

Zhao, Q.-Y., T. L. Black, Y. Hou, and K. A. Campana, 1998: Improving the shortwave radiation calculations in the Eta Model at NCEP. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 199-200.

____, _____, G. DiMego, R. Aune, Y. Lin, M. E. Baldwin, E. Rogers, and K. A. Campana, 1998: Assimilating cloud and precipitation observations into the Eta Model to improve cloud and precipitation forecasts. Preprint 12th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 78th AMS Annual Meeting, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona, 179-180.

Zhu, Y., E. Rogers, P. Shafran, and S. J. Lord, 1999: NAOS experiments on the U. S. upper air observing system using NCEP global and regional forecast system. Preprint 3rd Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, January 10-15, 1999, Dallas, Texas.


Antolik, M. S., 1998: Eta-based MOS quantitative precipitation forecasts in an era of rapidly changing numerical models: How well can we do? Preprints 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 446-449.

Calkins, J. E., M. R. Peroutka, R. K. Meiggs, and J. Lang, 1998: Creating NOAA Weather Radio broadcast scripts using Interactive Forecast Preparation. Preprints 14th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., pp. 355-358.

Charba, J. P., 1998: Evaluation of LAMP quantitative precipitation forecasts. Preprints 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 440-442.

_____, Y. Liu, M. H. Hollar, B. Exley, and A. Belayachi, 1998: Gridded climatic monthly frequencies of precipitation amount for 1-, 3-, and 6-h periods over the conterminous United States. Wea. Forecasting, 13, 25-57.

Churma, M. E., and S. B. Smith, 1998: Evaluation of the AWIPS thunderstorm product. Preprints 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 472-474.

Kelly, D.S., and J. E. Ghirardelli, 1998: A general overview of methodology and applications of the Local AWIPS MOS Program (LAMP), a short-range forecast guidance product. Preprints 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 437-439.

Kitzmiller, D. H., 1998: Probabilistic 0-3 hour rainfall forecasts from a satellite extrapolative-statistical technique. Preprints 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 453-455.

Mannarano, D., and R. Beasley, 1998: Quality control of ASOS observations. Preprints 14th International Conference on Inter active Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 487- 491.

Meiggs, R. K., M. R. Peroutka, and D. P. Ruth, 1998: Implementing Interactive Forecast Preparation nationwide. Preprints 14th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 359-363.

Peroutka, M. R., R. K. Meiggs, and M. B. Romberg, 1998: The generation of products in Interactive Forecast Preparation. Preprints 14th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology , Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 350-354.

Ruth, D. P., 1998: Model interpretation using slider bars in Interactive Forecast Preparation. Preprints 14th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 464-468.

_____, M. A. Mathewson, T. J. LeFebvre, and P. K. Wu, 1998: Interpretation and editing techniques for Interactive Forecast Preparation. Preprints 14th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 345-349.

Saffle, R., J. Cappelletti, W. Carrigg, T. Ganger, M. Jain, D. Miller, and S. B. Smith, 1998: Accelerating the integration of new meteorological algorithms into the WSR-88D-The Common Operations and Development Environment. Preprints 14th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 254-258.

Silverman, A. M., R. W. Przybylinski, and D. H. Kitzmiller, 1998: Derived WSR-88D products and environmental indicies as severe weather predictors - a statistical evaluation. Preprints 19th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Minneapolis, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 744-747.

Smith, S. B., G. W. Reuter, and M. K. Yau, 1998: The episodic occurrence of hail in Central Alberta and Highveld of South Africa. Atmosphere-Ocean, 36-2, 169-178.

_____, J. T. Johnson, R. D. Roberts, S. M. Zubrick, and S. J. Weiss, 1998: The System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting Field Test 1997-98. Preprints 19th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Minneapolis, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 790-793.

_____, T. M. Graziano, R. A. Lane, W. O. Alexander, M. D. Eilts, J. T. Johnson, J. W. Wilson, R. D. Roberts, D. W. Burgess, D. H. Kitzmiller, R. E. Saffle, R. C. Elvander, S. M. Zubrick, J. T. Schaefer, S. J. Weiss, and D. A. Imy, 1998: The System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting (SCAN). Preprints 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J22-24.


422      "Structural Preconditioning in Optimal Analysis"

423 "Complex Quality Control of Rawinsonde Heights and Temperatures at the National Meteorological Center: Quality Control of Mandatory Level Data" (Collins, Gandin)


98-1     "Packing of radar mosaics"                      (Glahn)

98-2 "A proposal for a new generation of centralized statistical quantitative precipitation forecast guidance products" (Antolik)

98-3 "Packing of individual radar products" (Antolik)


Battel, G., J. P. Tuell, G. Trojan, S. Romano, and B. Baxter, 1998: Generating automated weather summaries in the AWIPS era. Abstracts National Weather Association 23rd Annual Meeting Program, Norman, Nat. Wea. Assoc., (no page number).

Tuell, J. P., B. Baxter, D. Zipper, and G. Battel, 1998: Generating automated climatological summaries in the AWIPS era. Abstracts National Weather Association 23rd Annual Meeting Program, Norman, Nat. Wea. Assoc., (no page number).


151     "User manual and system documentation of WAVEWATCH-III
        version 1.15"                                    (Tolman)

154 "A multi-parameter empirical ocean algorithm for SSM/I retrievals" (Krasnopolsky, Gemmill, Breaker)

158 "NCEP standards for operational codes and implementation" (Peters)

164 "Impact on NCEP numerical weather prediction of omitting Marine ship data" (Yu)


January 6     "Single Column, Cloud Resolving and GCM Simulations
              of GATE, TOGA-COARE and Monsoon Systems Using
              a Prognostic Cloud Microphysics Parameterization"
                 Das [Universities of Space Research Association])

January 20 "Stormwatch 97-98: Estimating Coastal Winds with Radarsat" (Beal [The Johns Hopkins University])

January 27 "Linear Myths and Nonlinear Realities in a Theory of Surface Gravity Waves" (Chalikov)

February 3 "Air-sea Fluxes from Reanalyses" (White)

February 10 "An Evaluation of NCEP RSM for Regional Climate Modeling" (Hong)

February 20 "Comparisons of Atmospheric Model Products with Observations of the Coastal Mising and Optics Experiment" (Baumgartner, Anderson [WHOI])

February 24 "Weather Information Support for the Winter Olympics" (Kelley [NOS])

March 3 "Interaction Between Boundary Layer Convection, and Grid-resolvable Precipitation Physics in the NCEP Spectral Models" (Hong)

March 12 "The U.S. Weather Research Program: What Shall We Do With It?" (Lord)

March 17 "Simulation of TOGA-COARE Convective Systems using Single-column and cloud-resolving Models" (Tao [NASA/GSFC])

March 24 "Statistical Properties of Cross-calibration Tables Constructed from Empirical Distribution Functions" (Crosby [NESDIS])

March 31 "Cascade Interpolation Schemes for Semi-Lagrangian Advection" (Nair [Recherche en prevision numerique])

April 7 "Dynamical Mechanisms of the 1995 California Floods" (Masutani)

April 10 "Current Status and Future Plans of Very Short-range Precipitation Forecast at Japan Meteorological Agency" (Yamada [JMA])

April 10 "Very Fine Scale Local Numerical Weather Prediction at JMA" (Muroi [JMA])

April 14 "Stratospheric Data Assimilation" (Swinbank [NASA/GSFC])

April 16 "High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction of Precipitation over the Pacific Northwest: An Evaluation of Performance of the Eta and MM5" (Mass [Univ. Washington])

April 28 "NOAA's Role in the TWA Flight 800 Investigation" (De Bow [Office of Coast Survey])

May 19 "Evaluation of the New Land-surface Scheme in the NCEP Mesoscale Eta Model Using Oklahoma Mesonet Observations" (Marshall)

May 28 "Wind Profiler Measurements Compared to Eta Model Output" (Angevine [NOAA Aeronomy Lab])

June 2 "Marine Weather from Space, With or Without a GCM" (Brown [Univ. Washington])

June 12 "Recent Developments in Assimilation of Satellite Data with 4DVAR at ECMWF" (Saunders [ECMWF])

June 23 "ERA-40 Plans and Progress; and the 1986 Problem: Impact of Observing System Changes on ERA-15" (Fiorino [ECMWF])

August 25 "Do Present-day Land-surface Models in Weather Prediction and Climate Models Represent the Land Surface?" (Lohmann [Princeton Univ.])

September 1 "Interactions of the Land-Surface with the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: A Case Study at Cabauw, Netherlands" (Ek [Oregon State Univ.])

September 22 "Interannual Variability of Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity" (Chen)

September 29 "Reflections of an NCEP Acting Director, At Three Months" (Hoke)

October 6 "The Impact of Long Wave Radiative Forcing on Climate: A Global and Regional Perspective" (Baer [Univ. Maryland])

November 19 "Estimation Theory and the Importance of Physical Understanding in Data Assimilation" (Xu [NRL])

December 15 "Analysis Intercomparison and Verification of NCEP and ECMWF Models" (Silverberg [Northern Illinois Univ.])

December 18 "A New Method of Assimilation of a Realistic Strong Continuous Gulf Stream Current in Initial Data for a Forecast with the Princeton ocean Model" (Falkovich)