Rocky Mountain Region, Denver and Albuquerque

Guide to Archival Holdings

Record Group 54
Records of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering

Administrative History
The Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering was established on February 13, 1943, in the Agricultural Research Administration of the Department of Agriculture. Government procurement, propagation, and distribution of seeds and plants began in the agricultural section established in the Patent Office in 1839. These activities were transferred to the Department of Agriculture's Division of Gardens and Ground in 1862 and to the Division of Seeds in 1868. As plant work became more specialized, Divisions of Botany, Pomology, Vegetable Physiology, Pathology, and Agrostology were established in the Department from 1869 to 1895. To coordinate and develop plant investigations conducted by these divisions, the Bureau of Plant Industry was established in 1901. In 1938, soil investigations were transferred to the Bureau. These investigations had originated in the Division of Soils, established in 1894, and had expanded in the Bureau of Soils, and the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, established in 1901 and 1927, respectively. In 1943, engineering research was transferred from the Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering to the newly designated Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering. The Bureau was abolished by the Secretary of Agriculture on November 2, 1953, and its functions transferred to the Agricultural Research Service.

Records Description
Dates: 1934-1953
Volume: 16 cubic feet
Records of the Southwest Watershed Research Center, Tucson, and experiment stations in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. The records document precipitation and runoff studies. They include precipitation charts and tabulations, and runoff reports. Nontextual records include photographs.

Finding Aid
Harold T. Pinkett, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, PI 66 (1954).

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Record Group 57
Records of the U.S. Geological Survey

Administrative History
The Geological Survey was established in the Department of the Interior by an act of March 3, 1879, providing for the "classification of the public lands and the examination of the geological structure, mineral resources, and products of the public domain." An act of September 5, 1962, expanded this authorization to examinations outside the public domain, while topographical mapping and chemical and physical research were authorized by an act of October 2, 1888. The Survey's chief functions are to survey, investigate, and conduct research on the Nation's topography, geology, and mineral and water resources; classify land according to mineral composition and water power resources; furnish engineering supervision for power permits and Federal Power Commission licenses; supervise naval petroleum reserves and mineral leasing operations on public and Indian lands; and disseminate data relating to these activities.

Records Description
Dates: 1874-1970
Volume: 109 cubic feet
Records of the National Mapping Division, Rocky Mountain Mapping Center, Denver. The records document mapping operations and the creation of topographical maps covering Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and Washington. The records include correspondence and field notebooks. Nontextual records include photographs.

Records of the Hayden Survey, 1874-1894. The records relate to computations concerning triangulations made during surveys in Colorado. They are notebooks.

Records of the National Center, Reston, Virginia. The records document cooperative work with private industry involving mineral resources in the western states. The records are correspondence.

Finding Aid
Box contents list.

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Record Group 58
Records of the Internal Revenue Service

Administrative History
The Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue was established in the Department of the Treasury by an act of July 1, 1862, to help finance the Civil War. Within the Office the agency that collected funds was known as the Bureau of Internal Revenue until 1953 when it was designated the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The taxes levied during the Civil War were gradually abolished until only taxes on liquor and tobacco remained in 1883. In addition to the taxes on these commodities, the Bureau began collecting a corporation income tax after 1909. With the adoption of the 16th amendment in 1913, the collection of income taxes became one of the Bureau's principal functions. It is now responsible for the administration, assessment, and collection of all internal revenue taxes.

Records Description
Dates: 1867-1951
Volume: 53 cubic feet
Records of tax assessments and collections for the following locations:

  • Cheyenne, Wyoming, 1869-79
  • Denver, Colorado, 1869-1917
  • Elk Point, North Dakota, 1873-74
  • Helena, Montana, 1867-1951
  • Salt Lake City, Utah, 1868-74
  • Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1885-1917

The records contain the names and addresses of taxpayers, periods covered, payment dates, taxes, penalties, serial or tax stamp numbers, and estimates of corporations' taxable capital stock. The records are annual, monthly, and special assessment lists.

Finding Aid
Binder lists and box contents lists for some records.

Related Microfilm Publications
M757, Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for the Territory of Colorado, 1862-1866;
M767, Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Kansas, 1862-1866;
P2003, Assessment lists for Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming, 1873-1917.

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Record Group 70
Records of the U.S. Bureau of Mines

Administrative History
The Bureau of Mines was established in the Department of the Interior by an act of May 16, 1910. In 1925, the Division of Mineral resources of the Geological Survey and the Coal Division of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce were transferred to the Bureau of Mines, which became part of the Department of Commerce. The Bureau was returned to the Department of the Interior in 1934. Its functions include the inspecting mines, smelters and mills; testing fuels for Government use; issuing licenses that control production and use of nonmilitary explosives; collecting information regarding production and consumption of mineral resources, and employment and accidents in mines; conducting research on mining methods, production of minerals, and improvement of mining conditions; and operating experimental plants.

Records Description
Dates: 1860-1996
Volume: 544 cubic feet
Records of the Denver Mining Research Center, 1951-61. The records document research and development of new mining methods and technology. They are program and project files, and mineral indices. Nontextual records include microfilm and photographs.

Records of the Intermountain Experiment Stations, Salt Lake City (1918-1920) and Boulder (1921-1980). The records document experiments relating to extracting, refining, and using oil shale. They are primarily correspondence and reports.

Records of the Intermountain Field Operations Center, Denver. The records document the extension of the Leadville, Colorado, drainage tunnel. Included are reports, royalty agreements, construction contracts, and general correspondence. Nontextual records include "mine map repository" microfilm showing maps of underground workings in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.

Records of the Western Field Operations Center, Spokane. The records document the location and analysis of selected mineral properties throughout the western states and are mineral property files. Nontextual records include maps.

Records of the Division of Resource Evaluation, Washington, D.C., 1981-96. The records document the availability of federally owned land and minerals for exploration and development. They are mineral land assessment reports and publications.

Finding Aids
Shelf lists.

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Record Group 75
Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Administrative History
An Office of Indian Affairs was established in 1824 within the War Department, which had exercised jurisdiction over relations with Indian tribes since the formation of the Federal Government. The Office operated informally within the War Department until Congress authorized the appointment of a Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1832. The Office was transferred to the Department of the Interior in 1849. Although commonly called the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), it was not officially designated that until 1947.

The Bureau is responsible for most of the Federal Government's relations with the tribes of Indians that it recognizes. Some groups of Indians, particularly in the Eastern States, have never received official recognition, and other groups ceased to function as cohesive tribes before the establishment of the Federal Government in 1789. The Bureau has only exercised responsibility for Indians living on a recognized reservation or who maintained an affiliation with a recognized tribe. Many persons of Indian descent are not mentioned in any of the Bureau's records because they severed all connection with any tribe.

The Bureau's programs have had an impact on virtually every phase of tribal development and individual Indian life including education, health, land ownership, financial affairs, employment, and legal rights. In 1931, the Bureau assumed jurisdiction over the Indians and Eskimos of Alaska from the Alaska Division of the Office of Education, which had been established in 1885 to administer education and health programs for the natives of Alaska. In 1955, most of the Bureau's health activities, including the operation of Indian Hospitals, were transferred to the Public Health Service.

When it was created in 1824, the Bureau inherited a well- established system of agencies, each of which was responsible for all relations with one or more tribes. Many of these agencies were subordinate to a superintendency which had general responsibility for Indian affairs in a territory or other geographical area.

Although there were numerous changes in agency designations and jurisdictions, this basic organizational structure remained unchanged until superintendencies were abolished in the 1870's and all agents began reporting directly to the Bureau headquarters in Washington, DC. In 1947, area offices were established to exercise supervisory control over agencies and other administrative units (such as schools or irrigation districts) within specific geographic regions.

In addition to the agents who were responsible for the day- to-day implementation of Indian policy, the Bureau often sent officials into the field for special purposes. These included treaty commissioners, inspectors, purchasing and disbursing agents, enrolling and allotting agents, and education specialists. Many of the schools that operated on Indian reservations were under the control of a superintendent who was often independent of the agent and sometimes exercised the functions of an agent. There were also a number of non- reservation schools, such as the Chilocco Indian School in Oklahoma, which accepted students from all over the country and were not under the control of any local agent.

Records Description
Dates: 1869-1992
Volume: 5858 cubic feet
Records of the following area agencies, offices, and schools:

  • Aberdeen Area Office, 1959-68
  • Albuquerque Area Office, 1877-1989
  • Billings Area Office, 1903-74
  • Blackfeet Agency, 1873-1960
  • Charles H. Burke Indian School, 1926-1939
  • Consolidated Ute Agency, 1878-1952
  • Crow Agency, 1872-1992
  • Denver Field Assistance Office, 1956-1971
  • Fifth Irrigation District, 1908-1936
  • Flathead Agency, 1898-1980
  • Fort Apache Agency, 1946-1967
  • Fort Belknap Agency, 1878-1969
  • Fort Lewis Indian School, 1892-1916
  • Fort Peck Agency, 1881-1969
  • Fort Shaw Indian School, 1891-1910
  • Gallup Area Office, 1913-1968
  • Ignacio Boarding School, 1937-1979
  • Intermountain Indian School, 1953-1984
  • Jicarilla Agency, 1890-1966
  • Mescalero Agency, 1874-1946
  • Navajo Agencies:
    • Eastern Navajo Subagency, 1952-1961
    • Navajo Agency, 1961-1970
    • Navajo Service, 1933-1945
    • Northern Navajo Agency, 1933-1945
    • Shiprock Subagency, 1940-1980
    • Tuba City Subagency, 1944-1958
    • Window Rock Area Office, 1952-1961
  • Navajo Springs Agency, 1900-1914
  • Northern Cheyenne Agency, 1889-1985
  • Phoenix Area Office, 1929-1971
  • Pueblo Agencies:
    • Albuquerque Indian School, 1886-1954
    • Cimarron and Abiquiu (Jicarilla) Agencies, 1869-1983
    • Interdepartmental Rio Grande Board, 1937-1942
    • Laguna Sanitorium, 1926-1933
    • Northern Pueblos Agency, 1911-1935
    • Pueblo Day School at Albuquerque, 1891-1914
    • Pueblo Day School at Santa Fe, 1911-1912
    • Pueblo Indian Agency and Day School, 1912-1922
    • Pueblo and Pueblo and Jicarilla Agencies, 1871-1900
    • Pueblos Land Board, 1918-1932
    • Santa Fe Indian School, 1890-1935
    • Southern Pueblos Agency, 1911-1935
    • United Pueblos Agency, 1935-1979
    • Zuni Agency, 1899-1935
  • Shiprock Boarding School, 1944-1952
  • Southern Paiute Field Station, 1969
  • Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute, 1971-1981
  • Toadlena Day School, 1941-1952
  • Uintah and Ouray Agency, 1897-1953
  • Wind River Agency, 1870-1985

Records submitted by the agent and other field employees document tribal economic, political, and social life; the daily relations between the BIA and the Indians, an agent and his superiors, and officials of other Federal and local government agencies; and the agent's perceptions about the Indians and his duties. Included are annual narrative and statistical reports and correspondence.

The records document Indians' financial affairs such as annuity payments and disbursements of other funds to tribal members as a result of treaties or congressional legislation. They contain the Indian's name and the amount of money or type of goods received. With tribal censuses and other enrollment records, they document genealogy and tribal demographics. Included are cash reports, ledgers of receipts and disbursements, property returns, and vouchers.

The records document the financial affairs of "restricted Indians", considered incompetent because of their age, degree of Indian blood, or other factors. They concern the collection and disbursement of funds; requests by Indians for money to buy automobiles, clothing, farming equipment, furniture, groceries, livestock, pianos, and many other items; and the determination of heirs and distribution of the estates. Included are probate files, application forms, and related correspondence.

The records document land allotment to individual tribal members, names of eligible tribe members, contested allotments, the dispersal of the tribal domain, protests against the allotment process, sale or leasing of land, and use of tribal resources. Included are lists of eligible members, applications for specific tracts of land, plat maps, hearings, and letters from Indians to their agents.

The records document the operation of schools on reservations, and nonreservation and public schools that Indians attended; school enrollments; and planning and implementation of educational programs. Included are correspondence, narrative and statistical reports, and individual student files that contain applications for admission, correspondence, and grades.

The records document the impact of changing social and economic conditions reflected in activities of the Civilian Conservation Corps-Indian Division and other emergency relief programs conducted in the 1930's; agricultural extension projects; health care programs; construction of homes and roads; home demonstration programs; housing; income; irrigation and land management activities; liquor control, suppression of peyote, and other law enforcement activities on reservations; living conditions; and recreation. Included are project files and reports.

The records document tribal governments and provide insight into tribal politics and Indian reaction to various Federal programs and policies. Included are agendas, minutes, and resolutions of tribal business committees or other elected groups. Nontextual records include photographs and plats showing the location of allotted lands.

Finding Aids
  • Draft inventory or shelf list of the records of most agencies.
  • Edward E. Hill, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, PI 163 (2 vols., 1965).
  • Edward E. Hill, comp., Guide to Records in the National Archives of the United States Relating to American Indians, Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Service, 1981.

Related Microfilm Publications
M21, Letters Sent by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824- 1881;
M234, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881;
M595, Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940;
M740, Records Relating to Investigations of the Fort Philip Kearney Massacre, 1866-1867;
M833, Records of the Montana Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1867-1873;
M834, Records of the Utah Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1853-1874;
M941, Miscellaneous Letters Sent by the Pueblo Indian Agencies, 1874-1891;
M1011, Superintendents' Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports from Field Jurisdictions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1907-1938;
M1016, Records of the Dakota Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1861-1870 and 1877-1878, and Wyoming, 1870;
M1070, Reports of Inspections of the Field Jurisdictions of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1873-1900;
M1304, Records Created by the Bureau of Indian Affairs Field Agencies Having Jurisdiction Over the Pueblo Indians, 1874- 1900;
M1473, Bureau of Indian Affairs Records Created by the Santa Fe Indian School, 1890-1918;
T21, Records of the New Mexican Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880.

Access to some files or portions of documents may be restricted due to privacy concerns.

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Record Group 77
Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers

Administrative History
The Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, with headquarters at Washington, DC, was a result of orders of April 3, 1818. The military responsibilities of the Office of the Chief of Engineers (OCE) have included producing and distributing Army maps, building roads, planning camps, and constructing and repairing fortifications and other installations. Its civil duties have included maintaining and improving inland waterways and harbors, formulating and executing plans for flood control, operating dams and locks, and approving plans for construction of bridges, wharves, piers, and other works over navigable waters. Expansion of the OCE's river and harbor improvement work after the Civil War necessitated the establishment of district offices throughout the United States. The engineer officer in charge of each district reported directly to the Chief of Engineers until 1888 when engineer divisions were created with administrative jurisdiction over the district offices.

Records Description
Dates: 1879, 1935-1969
Volume: 382 cubic feet
Records of the following engineering districts: Albuquerque, New Mexico; Fort Peck, Montana; Fort Worth, Texas; Garrison and Salt Lake City, Utah; Omaha, Nebraska; Tooele, Utah. The records document the planning and construction of public works engineering projects and include administrative files, construction files, correspondence, reports, and field survey notebooks. Nontextual records include engineering drawings and maps, including an 1879 map of the Yellowstone River.

Finding Aids
Shelf list.

Related Microfilm Publications
M66, Letters Sent by the Topographical Bureau of the War Department and by Successor Divisions in the Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1829-1870.

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Record Group 79
Records of the National Park Service

Administrative History
The National Park Service was established in the Department of the Interior by an act of August 5, 1916. It supervises national parks, monuments, historic parks, memorials, parkways, recreation areas, and seashores and is responsible for the promotion and regulation of their use. It establishes and enforces regulations for use, protects parks from fire, regulates concession operators, investigates and recommends proposed new areas, acquires land, and constructs and maintains roads, trails, and buildings. It also engages in research and educational work such as managing guided tours and lectures, marking nature trails, maintaining museums and libraries, and preparing publications and studies in history, archeology, natural history, and wildlife.

Records Description
Dates: 1920-1991
Volume: 940 cubic feet
Records of the Denver Service Center. The records document the building of federal highways in national parks, 1981-91. These nontextual records are "as built" drawings.
Records of the Southwest Regional Office, Santa Fe, and the following sites:

  • Aztec Ruins National Monument, New Mexico, 1940-60;
  • Canyonlands National Park, Utah, 1937-64;
  • Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah, 1930-61;
  • Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico, 1930-61;
  • Coronado National Memorial, Arizona, 1952-61;
  • Curecanti Recreation Area (Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument), Colorado, 1949-65;
  • Glacier National Park, Montana, 1949-65;
  • Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, 1920-60;
  • Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, 1929-60;
  • Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, 1924-63;
  • Navajo National Monument, Arizona, 1941-67;
  • Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 1927-66;
  • Saguaro National Monument, Tucson, Arizona, 1949-65;
  • Timpanogos Cave National Monument, Utah, 1936-60;
  • Tonto National Monument, Arizona, 1952-60;
  • Tuzigoot National Monument, Arizona, 1941-60;
  • Walnut Canyon National Monument, Arizona, 1931-66;
  • White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, 1935-55;
  • Zion National Park, Utah, 1950-63.
The records document administration of the sites. Included are administrative, budget, and organizational files, correspondence, memorandums, narrative and statistical reports, minutes of meetings, and park plans and programs. Nontextual records include boundary atlases, maps, and some photographs.

Finding Aids

  • Box contents lists for some records.
  • Edward E. Hill, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the National Park Service, PI 166 (1966).

Related Microfilm Publications
Records held in the Yellowstone National Park Archives, 1882-1985.

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Record Group 83
Records of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics

Administrative History
The Bureau of Agricultural Economics was established in the Department of Agriculture on July 1, 1922. Until 1939, it conducted studies and disseminated information relating to agricultural production, crop estimates, marketing, finance, labor, and other agricultural problems, and administered several regulatory statutes. In 1939, marketing functions were transferred to the Agricultural Marketing Service and most land-utilization work was transferred to the Soil Conservation Service. In 1953, it was abolished and its functions were transferred to the Agricultural Research Service and the Agricultural Marketing Service. The regional offices of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics were an outgrowth of those of the Farm Security Administration. When the overall planning functions of the Department of Agriculture were consolidated in the Bureau in 1938, personnel who had been engaged in land use planning work in the Farm Security Administration were transferred to the Bureau, and regional offices were established. In some cases, records of regional offices of the Farm Security Administration, the National Resources Committee, or the Land Utilization Division of the Resettlement Administration were interfiled with those of the Bureau's regional offices. The regional offices were abolished on June 30, 1946.

Records Description
Dates: 1934-1942
Volume: 13 cubic feet
Records of the Southern Great Plains Regional Office, Albuquerque. The records relate to better soil utilization through soil and water conservation; participation on the Interdepartmental Rio Grande Board; and M.M. Kelso, Chairman of Postwar Planning Committee, regarding postwar planning and production goals. Included are agreements, general correspondence, meeting minutes, project statements, and reports.

Records of Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah State representatives. The records document planning for more efficient land and water use in the individual States; State agricultural planning committees; and proposed defense sites. Included are correspondence, proposals, reports, and studies.

Finding Aid
Vivian Wiser, comp. Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, PI 104 (1958).

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Record Group 90
Records of the Public Health Service, 1912-1968

Administrative History
The Public Health Service, originally called the Marine Hospital Service, has its origins in an act of July 16, 1798, which authorized hospitals for the care of sick and disabled American merchant seamen. The scope of its activities was greatly expanded by subsequent legislation, and it became part of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in 1955 after having been part of the Department of the Treasury from 1798 to 1939 and the Federal Security Agency from 1939 to 1953. The Public Health Service operates marine hospitals, hospitals for specific diseases, medical facilities for Federal penal institutions, quarantine and health stations, and research institutions and laboratories. It conducts research in the cause, prevention, and control of disease and disseminates health information.

Records Description
Dates: 1890-1954
Volume: 73 cubic feet
Records of the Office of the Surgeon General, U.S. Army, and the Marine Hospital, both at Fort Stanton, New Mexico. The records concern the administration of the hospital, including finances, land, personnel, the physical plant, services, supplies, and the care of seamen with tuberculosis, their deaths, and burials. The records include correspondence, inventories, registers, reports, and telegrams.

Records of the Indian Health Service, Fort Peck, Montana, 1914-54. The records document treatment of patients at the Fort Peck Indian Hospital, Poplar, Montana. The records are correspondence and clinical record books.

Finding Aids
Box contents lists.

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Record Group 92
Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General

Administrative History
In 1818, Congress created a Quartermaster's Department under a single Quartermaster General to ensure an efficient system of supply and accountability of Army officers charged with monies or supplies. At various times, the Quartermaster has been responsible for procurement and distribution of supplies, pay, transportation, and construction. After a number of changes in functions and command relationships, Congress authorized a Quartermaster Corps in 1912 and designated its chief the Quartermaster General in 1914. The Corps was responsible for the operation of a number of general supply depots and subdepots throughout the United States. The Office of the Quartermaster General was abolished in 1962.

Records Description
Dates: 1895-1914, 1943-50
Volume: 6 cubic feet
Records of the Santa Fe National Cemetery, 1895-1914. The records relate to administration and include correspondence and orders. Records of the Ogden General Depot, Utah, 1943-1950. The records document administration, civilian personnel, and training. They include circulars, memorandums, orders, and publications.

Finding Aid
Shelf list.

Related Microfilm Publications
M918, Register of Confederate Soldiers, Sailors, and Citizens Who Died in Federal Prisons and Military Hospitals in Federal Prisons and Military Hospitals in the North, 1861-65.

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Record Group 95
Records of the Forest Service

Administrative History
In 1881, a Division of Forestry was established in the Department of Agriculture. It became the Forest Service in 1905 when it assumed responsibility for the administration of forest reserves from the Department of the Interior. From 1933 to 1942, the Service supervised a large part of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) work program. The Service is responsible for promoting the conservation and best use of national forests and grasslands through development of the National Forest System, cooperating with administrators of State and private forests, and conducting forest and range research programs.

Records Description
Dates: 1898-1995
Volume: 1321 cubic feet
Records of the following offices and national forests:

  • Apache/Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona
  • Arapahoe/Roosevelt National Forest, Colorado
  • Ashley National Forest, Utah
  • Big Horn National Forest, Wyoming
  • Cibola National Forest, New Mexico
  • Coconino National Forest, Arizona
  • Comanche National Grassland, Colorado
  • Coronado National Forest, Arizona
  • Dixie National Forest, Utah
  • Fishlake National Forest, Utah
  • Gila National Forest, New Mexico
  • Grand Mesa/Uncompahgre/Gunnison National Forest, Colorado
  • Humboldt National Forest, Nevada
  • Intermountain Regional Office, Ogden, Utah
  • Kaibab National Forest, Arizona
  • Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico
  • Manti-La Sal National Forest, Utah
  • Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming
  • Pike/San Isabel National Forest, Colorado
  • Prescott National Forest, Arizona
  • Rio Grande National Forest, Colorado
  • Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado
  • Rocky Mountain Regional Office, Denver, Colorado
  • Routt National Forest, Colorado
  • Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico
  • Southwest Regional Office, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Tonto National Forest, Arizona;
  • Uinta National Forest, Utah;
  • White River National Forest, Colorado;
The records document administration of the forests, stations, and regional offices. Included are correspondence, permits, publications, reports, settlement papers, and studies. Nontextual records include aerial photographs and maps.

Finding Aids
  • Shelf and folder title lists.
  • Harold T. Pinkett and Terry W. Good, comps., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Forest Service, PI 18 (1969).

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Record Group 96
Records of the Farmers Home Administration

Administrative History
The Farmers Home Administration (FHA) was established in the Department of Agriculture by an act of August 14, 1946, to succeed the Farm Security Administration (FSA), which had been established in 1937. The FSA succeeded the Resettlement Administration, which had been established in 1935 to administer rural rehabilitation and land programs begun in 1933 under the Subsistence Homesteads Division of the Department of the Interior and the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. The FHA provides small farmers with credit to construct or repair homes, improve farming operations, or become farm owners, and gives individual guidance in farm and home management.

Records Description
Dates: 1934-1946
Volume: 150 cubic feet
Records of the Region 10 office, covering Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. The records document administrative functions, farm ownership, land acquisition, and resettlement projects. Included are administrative records and case files.

Records of selected county offices in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. The records document rural rehabilitation loans to farmers. They are case files and include the loan application, a farm and home management plan (which contains information about the farm family's assets, expenses, food consumption, income, and production), and farm visit reports.

Finding Aids
  • Box contents list.
  • Stanley W. Brown and Virgil E. Baugh, comps., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Farmers Home Administration, PI 118 (1959)

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