November 1, 2004
[United States Congress]

Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that on Friday October 22, 2004 he visited cannery workers at Samoa Packing/Chicken of the Sea at the invitation of the CEO and President of Chicken of the Sea International, Mr. Dennis Mussell.


“At this time, I want to thank Mr. Dennis Mussell, CEO and President of Chicken of the Sea/Samoa Packing, for inviting me to tour the facility and meet with our cannery workers,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.  “During our visit, Mr. Mussell explained to me that on every Friday the cannery workers wear yellow in support of American Samoa’s troops.”


“I was so touched by this that I thought it was important for me to share this story with our community and those now serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.  As a Vietnam veteran, I am proud of our troops and I am proud of our people.  All across American Samoa, in our schools, homes, workplaces, and churches, our community has joined together to show its support for our troops.  Yellow ribbons can be seen everywhere and even our cannery workers at Samoa Packing/Chicken of the Sea are wearing yellow on Fridays.”


“Together, we are fighting the war against terrorism, on the home-front, in Iraq and throughout the world.  Again, I thank our cannery workers.  I thank the people of American Samoa.  I thank our troops for their courage, commitment and sacrifice.  I join with you in praying for their safe return and I promise to do everything I can to protect our troops and the jobs of our workers at home,” the Congressman said.


“Andean Free Trade and Thailand Free Trade Agreements continue to threaten the economy of American Samoa and we cannot and must not take these Trade Agreements lightly.  This is why I have testified before the International Trade Commission and why I have brought this issue to the attention of Congress again and again.”


“This is why I also introduced legislation to extend IRS Section 936 benefits to our canneries.  IRS 936 expires in January 2006 and, like most tax legislation, will be taken up in the year before it expires.  To be on the safe side, I introduced this legislation in the 109th Congress so that we would be on the radar screen when the time comes for 936 to be considered in the 110th.”


“As I have also said, I am working with Senator Inouye on this issue and I have also already requested the support of Chairman Bill Thomas and Ranking Member Charles Rangel of the House Ways and Means Committee.  I have every reason to believe that this extension will be granted and, depending on what may or may not happen when Congress returns in November, the possibility remains that we may get this done in an omnibus appropriations package before the year ends.”


“Either way, it takes Democrats and Republicans to get the job done and I am pleased that my colleagues in the House and Senate have agreed to support my 936 legislation when it is considered.  Finally, I am very thankful for your support and prayers and I join with you in praying for our troops,” the Congressman concluded.


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