May 26, 2004
[United States Congress]

            Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he will attend Memorial Day services in American Samoa to honor the Territory’s WWII veterans. 


“On May 29, 2004, Members of Congress will join with WWII veterans and their families for the opening and dedication of the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.  This memorial is being dedicated in honor of the 16 million who served in the Armed Forces during WWII, the more than 400,000 who died, and the millions who supported the war effort from the home front.”


“This memorial allows a grateful nation to thank our WWII heroes for the selfless sacrifices they made so that you and I and future generations may live in peace.  I am proud to celebrate this historic occasion with the veterans from American Samoa who bravely served our nation during WWII and helped make America what it is today,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.


“In recognition of American Samoa’s WWII veterans, I have flown flags over the U.S. Capitol in honor of their courage, patriotism and sacrifice.  At this time, I am also announcing that our veterans are eligible to add their names to the WWII registry.  Names in the Registry will be linked to the National WWII Memorial’s bronze and granite representations of their sacrifice and achievement.”


“The registry is on-line at and is also accessible at the National WWII Memorial site.  Any WWII veteran from American Samoa who would like to have his or her name added may contact my offices in Washington D.C. or American Samoa and I would be honored to assist them,” Faleomavaega said.


“I would also like to encourage our WWII veterans to participate in Operation Recognition.  Operation Recognition was established in appreciation of the service and sacrifice of veterans who defended our country and defeated tyranny more than half a century ago.  Operation Recognition allows the thousands of young men and women who willing set aside their education and the comforts of home to join the military to be awarded a high school diploma.  This is a small gesture of our nation’s gratitude for their many sacrifices.”


“All honorably discharged veterans who served in WWII between September 16, 1940 and December 31, 1946 who did not graduate from high school are eligible,” the Congressman said.  “Attendance in high school ranging from 1937-1946 with graduation class range years of 1941-1950 is required.  Those who have earned a GED are also eligible and urged to apply.  Diplomas can also be awarded posthumously by next of kin.  Again, any WWII veterans or next of kin may contact my office for further details and assistance.”


“Like you, I am deeply moved by the sacrifices made by our WWII veterans.  To this day, I carry the memory of my father with me who also served our country during WWII and I will always honor his courage and sacrifice.  The WWII Generation has come to be known as the Greatest Generation and rightfully so.  Many made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives to preserve the freedoms we all enjoy.”


“Now, on Saturday May 29, 2004, our country will come together to honor those who died, those who fought, those who came home sadder and wiser.  We will also honor those who were left behind.  In American Samoa, we will do the same.  On such an historic occasion, there is nowhere else that I would rather be than at home to pay tribute to the veterans from American Samoa who served our nation with distinction, honor and pride during WWII.”


“As we recognize the historic achievements of our Greatest Generation, let us remember that we are not just the beneficiaries of their bravery.  We are the stewards of their sacrifice.  May their sacrifice stand as a timeless reminder of our solemn obligation to preserve peace for our children and to do right by others.”


“Please join with me in supporting American Samoa’s Memorial Day Services.  Dedication services of the National WWII Memorial will be broadcast by C-Span at 2:00 p.m. EDT on May 29, 2004.  Due to these historic events and conflicts in flight schedules, I will be unable to attend the World Tuna Conference but have submitted my remarks to be included in the program,” the Congressman concluded.


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