The Standards and Assessments Peer Review

Content Standards

Critical Element

Reading/language arts and Mathematics: Content standards for each of grades 3-8 and 10-12 grade range or content standards for grade ranges with specific content expectations for each grade.


Formal adoption/approval of challenging academic content standards for all public schools and students in the state is required. Provide evidence such as state statutes, regulations, State Board minutes or if approved by Chief State School Officer, written documentation of formal approval.

If the content standards have been adopted/approved in the past and revisions have been made to the standards, provide evidence of the formal adoption/approval of the revised content standards or a timeline for the approval and implementation.

Critical Element

Science: Content standards for grade ranges 3-5, 6-9, and 10-12


Formal adoption/approval of challenging academic content standards for all public schools and students in the state is required by 2005-06. Provide evidence such as state statutes, regulations, State Board minutes or if approved by Chief State School Officer, written documentation of formal approval. If they have not been approved yet include your plan and timeline for development.

Critical Element

Academic content standards must be challenging with rigorous content and encourage the teaching of advanced skills.


Evidence may include aspects of your development process which address higher order thinking skills or studies conducted by an external group. If recommendations have been made for changes to the academic content standards to make them more rigorous, provide documentation on how you addressed these recommendations and how the academic content standards have been changed.

Critical Element

Involvement of education stakeholders in the development of its academic content standards.


Stakeholders include educators, parents, community members, higher education representatives, and representatives for student with disabilities and students with limited English proficiency.

*Note: Academic content standards are the basis for the development of performance descriptors, assessments, and achievement standards. Clearly identify any continued development/revisions of the academic content standards and how the revision has impacted the development/revision of the assessment system.*

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Last Modified: 08/08/2005