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Re: Using Collection for SimpleLine

Message from the sgt mail list.

Message from the sgt mail list.

That plots but still only the last line is visible

In my program I create a plot with
Plot plot = new Plot("Net Activity");
and Add lines to it inside a for loop with
plot.addPlot(x, y, "xTitle", "xUnits", "yTitle", "yUnits", "Legend");

Then I call

The code for my Plot Class is below.. Can you see what I am doing wrong?

package livetovirtualbridgesim;

import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.demo.JPointDemo;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.dm.SGTData;
import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.dm.SGTLine;
import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.dm.SimpleLine;
import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.dm.SGTMetaData;
import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.JPlotLayout;

import gov.noaa.pmel.util.Point2D;
import gov.noaa.pmel.util.Range2D;
import gov.noaa.pmel.util.Domain;

public class Plot extends JFrame{
    private JPlotLayout layout;

    public Plot(String title) {

        layout = new JPlotLayout(false, false, false, "DATA",  null, false);
        layout.setTitles(title, "", "");
        layout.setTitleHeightP(0.2, 0.2);

        getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        getContentPane().add(layout, BorderLayout.CENTER);


    public void finalizeData()


    public void addPlot(double xArray[], double yArray[], String
xLabel,String xUnits, String yLabel, String yUnits , String legend){
        SimpleLine data = new SimpleLine(xArray, yArray, legend);
        SGTMetaData meta = new SGTMetaData(xLabel, xUnits , false, false);
        meta = new SGTMetaData(yLabel, yUnits, false, false);


> *************************************************
> Message from the sgt mail list.
> *************************************************
> Chris,
> I think what you need to do is to add each line as a SimpleLine, but via a
> cast.
> Something like:
> graph.addData((SGTData) simpleLine[i], lineAttribute[i])
> I wish someone would clean up this stuttering list server.  It's worse
> than
> a Bush speech at a hurricane relief photo-op.
> ubk
> K. B. Udaya, Ph.D.
> ubk@kogalur-shear.com
> *************************************************
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