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Case Studies

Strategic Planning Process to Address Tobacco-Related Disparities in Idaho

Resources Required

Describe the individuals and groups whose paid or unpaid participation was essential.

Title/ Position Responsibilities/ Skills Required Source Hours/ Duration
Project Director Recruit workgroup members, recruit and hire contract staff, arrange for meeting secretary, lead planning and evaluation sessions prior and subsequent to workgroup meetings, attend CDC meetings, synthesize and present data and write draft plan and final plan as revised by workgroup. Project Staff (in-kind) 8 hours per week for eighteen months.
Meeting Facilitator Recruit workgroup members, develop meeting agendas, facilitate each of the working group meetings, develop and disseminate workgroup meeting minutes and along with the Director solicit input from the members between group meetings. Consultant 24 hours per meeting for three meetings over six months and additional tasks needed totaling 100 hours.
Project Secretary Attend workgroup meetings and take copious and detailed notes. Project Staff (in-kind) 8 hours per workgroup meeting.
Evaluator Observe all meetings and planning sessions, provide meeting feedback, develop evaluation tools, complete process and immediate outcome evaluation tasks and write final evaluation report. Other, (Masters' Student as part of course work, in-kind) 100 hours nine months.

Additional Staff and Information:


Materials/Resources Required

In-kind donations were required from the Idaho Tobacco Prevention and Control Program: services of the Project Director for 8 hours per week for eighteen months, the Project Secretary for 8 hours per workgroup meeting, the Master’s student who donated her time as evaluator and logistical support (meeting facilities, food, copying, printing, etc).


Page last modified 07/25/2007