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School Health Index (SHI) Help

Understanding your module scorecards

Overview | Step-by-step instructions


The scorecard shows scores based on your responses to the questions in the module. Each question has five possible answers. Your responses are scored as follows:

Response Score
Fully in place (first selection) 3
Partially in place (second selection) 2
Under development (third selection) 1
Not in place (fourth selection) 0
Does not apply (fifth selection) (--) no score
(no response) no score

You can display the questions for each module by clicking on the question name in the scorecard. At the bottom of each module scorecard, the system displays your assessed score as a proportion of the maximum points that can be scored for the module. It also provides a percentage score for that module.

Note: The SHI is a self-assessment tool that can be used as a planning guide. The scores should be used only for recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of your school and not as a yardstick for measuring success or failure.

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Step-by-step instructions

  1. Identify the high and low-scoring items. Your high-scoring items are the ones for which you scored 3's and 2's and your low-scoring items are the ones for which you scored 1's and 0's.
  2. Proceed to the Planning Questions section to enter your strengths and weaknesses, identify recommended actions, and prioritize your actions.

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