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School Health Index (SHI) Help

Answering discussion questions

Overview | Step-by-step instructions


The SHI is structured around CDC's eight-component model of a Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP). The discussion questions are displayed in eight modules according to the topics you select. These modules correspond to the CSHP's eight components. The icons beside each module indicate the health topics in each module. Cross-cutting questions are also included regardless of the health topics you select.

If a question does not apply to your school, you can designate it as not applicable. If you are not sure or need more information before you can answer the question, you can skip the question and return to it at another time to select a response. The system will not score that answer or use it to calculate your scorecard. You do not have to answer all the questions in a module.

Whenever available, publication resources related to the displayed question are displayed as links below the question. You can use these resources as a road map to improving student health and safety. When selected, resources are displayed below the question and response choices. You do not have to leave your SHI in order to view the resources.

Note: The CDC is not responsible for the content of the links to non-Federal organizations. Please read the following disclaimer carefully.

Links to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. Links do not constitute an endorsement of any organization by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. The CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at this link.

When answering the questions, it is important to keep in mind that:

  • The SHI is a self-help tool and not an instrument for evaluating staff or students.
  • There is no passing grade. The SHI is designed to help you understand your school and not to compare your school with other schools.
  • You can expect to get some low scores. These can help you build awareness of areas that need improvement.

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Step-by-step instructions

  1. Read each question carefully and select the answer that best describes your school. If a question does not apply to your school, select Does not apply. If you are not sure about a question, you can leave it blank and return to answer it at a later time.
  2. If there are resources available for the question and you want to view the resources, click View Resources or click the link for the resource under the View Resources section. The resource is displayed below the question and response choices.
  3. Click Next to proceed to the next question. To change your response to a previous question, click Previous until you get to the question, change your response, and then click Next until you return to the point you stopped.
  4. After answering the last question in the module, click Next. The system displays the Scorecard and Planning Questions page where you can view your module scorecard and proceed with the planning questions.

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