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Harvard School of Public Health Program Evaluation course

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch, with the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), offers a 2-week training course called Program Evaluation: The Case of Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs.

    In this course, teams of state and local public health department personnel, HSPH graduate students, and CDC staff collaboratively develop an evaluation framework for their specific projects. The course builds program evaluation capacity with existing programs so that programs do not need to hire outside consultants. The course also trains HSPH students to incorporate evaluation into their careers after graduation. The collaborative teams develop a logic model, related indicators, and an evaluation plan; state and local public health programs then implement the evaluation plans.

    This yearly course has been so well received that the branch reaches out to other CDC-supported programs and federal agencies to participate.

    View the collaborative projects by year:

    • 2008
    • 2007in development
    • 2006in development
    • 2005in development
    • 2004in development