United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Office of Acquisition & Logistics

Management Support Office - Human Resources

Professional Growth

The Office of Acquisition and Logistics offers career advancement and the ability to enhance and expand your career options by accepting job opportunities which span a range of technical and managerial areas. Salaries are competitive with other government agencies and private industry.

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Employee Recognition Programs

We have a variety of incentive and performance awards, both monetary and honorary awards, to recognize employees for their outstanding work and contributions.

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Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program (FEGLI)

The Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program is the largest group life insurance program in the world, covering over 4 million Federal employees, retirees, and their family members. Since FEGLI is a group term life insurance, it does not build up any cash value. It consists of Basic life insurance coverage and three options. There are three forms of Optional insurance that you can elect. You must have Basic insurance in order to elect any of the options. Unlike Basic, enrollment in Optional insurance is not automatic -- you must take action to elect the options.

The cost of Basic insurance is shared between you and the Government. You pay 2/3 of the total cost and the Government pays 1/3. Your age does not affect the cost of Basic insurance. However, you pay the full cost of Optional insurance, and the cost depends on your age.

The Office of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI) is the private entity that has a contract with the Federal Government that processes and pays claims under the FEGLI Program.

For a additional information about life insurance programs, please click the following link http://www.opm.gov/insure/life/index.asp hyperlink opens in a new browser window.

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Civil Service Retirement System Program (CSRS)

There are a number of Federal civilian employees covered by the CSRS. The CSRS is generally a closed retirement system that covered Federal employees prior to the creation of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) in the mid 1980's. If you have had a break in Federal civilian service of more than 3 days, you may be eligible to transfer to FERS.

The CSRS has traditionally been a single benefit retirement plan. Employees have had one mandatory payroll deduction for the plan and, after retirement, have received one check from the CSRS each month for the rest of their lives. However, if you are a CSRS employee, you have the option of contributing to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) in order to receive additional retirement income. You also have the option to establish a voluntary contribution account with the Office of Personnel Management. This account offers tax-free interest until withdrawn as an annuity or refunded to you.

If you are a CSRS employee, and have had a break in Federal civilian service of more than 365 days, you are now subject to Social Security and are now categorized as a CSRS Offset employee. This means that you are covered by the old CSRS and your retirement benefit is computed under the CSRS rules. However, when you become eligible for Social Security (usually at age 62), your CSRS benefit is reduced, or offset, by the amount of your CSRS offset service. You are still eligible to contribute to the TSP and establish a voluntary contribution account.

As you can see, it is very important that you become knowledgeable about your CSRS retirement plan. The financial security you will have in the future depends, in part, on the plans you make today. You can learn more about CSRS by clicking on the links in the table below.

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Federal Employees Retirement System Program (FERS)

All new eligible Federal civilian employees are covered by FERS. FERS is a retirement system that is responsive to the changing times. Many of its features are portable so that if you leave Federal employment, you may still qualify for the benefits. FERS is flexible; you will be able to choose what is best for your individual needs. And FERS enables you to take an active role in securing your future.

This is one of the most important benefits you receive as a Federal employee. The financial security you will have in the future depends, in part, on the plans you make today.

FERS is a three-tiered retirement plan. The three components are:

  • Social Security Benefits
  • Basic Benefit Plan
  • Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

You pay full Social Security taxes and a small contribution to the Basic Benefit Plan. These deductions are mandatory. In addition, you are able to make tax-deferred contributions to the TSP and a portion is matched by the VA. Besides the matching contributions, VA will also make automatic contributions toward your TSP account. The three components of FERS work together to give you a strong financial foundation for your retirement years.

It is very important that you become knowledgeable about your FERS retirement plan. Please review the table below to access a variety of information about FERS.

For additional information about retirement, please select the following link http://www.opm.gov/retire/index.asp hyperlink opens in a new browser window.

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Thrift Savings Plan Program (TSP)

At VA we strongly encourage our employees to participate in the TSP because it may become a major source of retirement income.

If you are covered by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), your TSP account will be a significant source of future income because you will not only contribute yourself, but VA will also contribute toward your account. If you are covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), your TSP account may not be as large as a FERS employee's account because there is no VA contribution; however, it will certainly add to the amount of retirement income you will receive.

We want you to become very knowledgeable about the TSP Program so that you can make informed decisions about your investments. A very helpful publication is the TSP Summary Booklet that can be accessed by clicking on the TSP Summary Booklet link in the table below. If you have any questions on the TSP, visit the TSP Website hyperlink opens in a new browser window (just click on the TSP Home Page link below) or call Employee Express at 1-800-414-5272.

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Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

The Federal Flexible Benefits Plan, FEDFLEX, enables eligible employees to pay for certain benefits with pre-tax dollars. The initial FEDFLEX benefit, Health Benefits Premium Conversion, was implemented in October 2000. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is now enhancing FEDFLEX to include a second pre-tax benefit for FSAs.

Two Flexible Spending Accounts will be offered to eligible employees.

  • A Health Care FSA, through which employees may use pre-tax allotments to pay for certain health care expenses that are not reimbursed by any other source and not claimed on the participant's income tax return, and
  • A Dependent Care FSA, through which employees may use pre-tax allotments to pay for eligible dependent care expenses.

For additional information about flexible spending accounts, please click the following link http://www.opm.gov/insure/life/index.asp hyperlink opens in a new browser window.

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Long Term Care Insurance Program (LTCI)

On September 19, 2000, former President Bill Clinton signed Public Law Number 106-265 to provide for the establishment of a program under which Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) is made available to Federal employees, members of the uniformed services, and civilian and military retirees as well as certain family members.

LTCI is an insurance that helps you pay for long term care services, such as home care or care in a nursing home or assisted living facility.

Anyone with questions about LTCI may call the Long Term Care Partners (MetLife and John Hancock) at 1-800-582-3337.

For additional information about long-term care insurance, please click the following link http://www.opm.gov/insure/ltc/ hyperlink opens in a new browser window.

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Family Friendly Leave Flexibilities

We have an impressive array of family friendly leave flexibilities, including annual leave, sick leave for personal medical needs and family medical care, leave for adoption, leave sharing programs, and leave for bone marrow and organ donation.

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Flexible Work Schedules

Employees may choose to work under an alternative work schedule which allows you to have a three-day weekend every other week. This gives you more time to spend with your family and pursue your interests and hobbies outside of the office.

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Telecommuting is available to employees where you are able to work from your residence or at another approved location away from your permanent office location. This helps reduce transportation congestion and employee commuting expenses.

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Health and Wellness Programs

Health and Wellness Programs are available to VA employees to assist them in achieving and maintaining healthy lifestyles, including fitness facilities in many of our work locations.

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Transit Benefits

Transit Benefits are available to VA employees who use public transportation to commute to and from work.

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