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President Pledges Assistance for New York in Phone Call with Pataki, Giuliani
" is an opportunity to do generations a favor, by coming together and whipping terrorism; hunting it .. - 35.2KB
14 Sep 01
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President Extends Order for Flags at Half-Staff
September 22. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord .. - 19.7KB
14 Sep 01
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Presidential Memo to Executive Departments and Agencies
Excused Absence and Assistance to Federal Employees Affected by the Attacks at the World Trade Center and the .. - 20.5KB
13 Sep 01
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Presidential Memo
I further direct that you work with Federal, State and local officials and deploy the resources of the relevant offices within the Department of ... - 19.4KB
13 Sep 01
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Presidential Determination
Foreign Assets Control Regulations, 31 C. Transaction Control Regulations, 31 C. Cuban Assets Control Regulations, 31 C. The Secretary .. - 19.8KB
13 Sep 01
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Presidential Response
One day after terrorists used commercial airplanes to destroy the World Trade Center Towers and attack the Pentagon, firefighters take a moment to unfurl the flag over .. - 9.8KB
12 Sep 01
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Executive Order on Export Control Regulations
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including but .. - 22.3KB
17 Aug 01
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USTR Robert Zoellick to visit Indonesia
President Bush will send United States Trade Representative Robert Zoellick to Indonesia on August 10-11. Ambassador Zoellick .. - 18.8KB
09 Aug 01
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President's Remarks to the Future Farmers of America
"And given the economic news of the day, the tax cut was -- looks more and more wise. I mean, after all, there's a new report out .. - 32.7KB
29 Jul 01
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President Discusses Europe Trip with Members of Congress
"It's my honor to welcome to the White House members from the Senate and the House, members who are concerned about .. - 7.2KB
25 Jul 01
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