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Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for 1997


All requests for a reprint of a publication or a photocopy of a report or an abstract should be mailed to the sole/senior NEFSC author of the work (i.e., as depicted by all capital letters in the bibliographic entry) according to the two-letter code at the end of the entry.  Refer to "Description of Annual/Biennial Lists" for a key to the codes.


Abend, A.G.; SMITH, T.D.  1997.  Differences in stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen between long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) and their primary prey in the western North Atlantic. [Short comm.]   ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 54:500-503.  Ordering address code: WH.

Adams, C.M.; THUNBERG, E.M.; Keithly, W.R.  1997.  Resource economics issues concerning molluscan fisheries in the United States.  In: MacKenzie, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; Rosenfield, A.; Hobart, W.L., eds.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 2, Pacific Coast and supplemental topics.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 128:173-188.  Ordering address code: WH.

Barlow, J.; CLAPHAM, P.J.  1997.  A new birth-interval approach to estimating demographic parameters of humpback whales. Ecology 78(2):535-546.  Ordering address code: WH.

BISACK, K.D.  1997.  Harbor porpoise bycatch estimates in the US New England multispecies sink gillnet fishery: 1994 and 1995.  Rep. Int. Whaling Comm. 47:705-714.  Ordering address code: WH.

BISAGNI, J.J.; O’REILLY, J.E.; Barnard, A.H.; WOLFTEICH, C.M.  1997.  Determination of optimum aerosol optical thickness ratios for atmospheric correction of coastal zone color scanner data in the Georges Bank - Gulf of Maine region.  Continent. Shelf Res. 17(6):635-654.  Ordering address code: NG (c/o J.E. O’Reilly).

BOREMAN, J.  1997.  Methods for comparing the impacts of pollution and fishing on fish populations.  Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 126:506-513.  Ordering address code: WH.

BOREMAN, J.  1997.  Sensitivity of North American sturgeons and paddlefish to fishing mortality.  Environ. Biol. Fishes 48:399-405.  Ordering address code: WH.

BOREMAN, J.; Nakashima, B.S.; Wilson, J.A.; Kendall, R.L., editors.  Northwest Atlantic groundfish: perspectives on a fishery collapse.  Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society; 242 p.  Ordering address code: WH. [Limited copies available.]

CADRIN, S.X.; Vaughan, D.S.  1997.  Retrospective analysis of virtual population estimates for Atlantic menhaden stock assessment. Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 95(3):445-455.  Ordering address code: WH.

Cerco, C.F.; SEITZINGER, S.P.  1997.  Measured and modeled effects of benthic algae on eutrophication in Indian River - Rehoboth Bay, Delaware.  Estuaries 20(1):231-248.  Ordering address code: RG.

CLAPHAM, P.J.; Leatherwood, S.; Szczepaniak, I.; Brownell, R.L., Jr.  1997.  Catches of humpback and other whales from shore stations at Moss Landing and Trinidad, California, 1919-1926.  Mar. Mammal Sci. 13(3):368-394.  Ordering address code: WH.

CLAPHAM, P.J.; Palsbøll, P.J.  1997.  Molecular analysis of paternity shows promiscuous mating in female humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae, Borowski).  Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. 264:95-98.  Ordering address code: WH.

COLLETTE, B.B; Parin, N.V.; Bauchot, M.-L.; Beaunier, M.  1997.  Catalogue critique des types de poissons du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle: order des Beloniformes.  Cybium 21(1):5-35.  Ordering address code: NS.

CROSBY LONGWELL, A.  1997.  Toward cloning aquacultured fish.  Rev. Fish. Sci. 5(4):341-365.  Ordering address code: MF (c/o R.A. Robohm).

Drinkwater, K.F.; MOUNTAIN, D.G.  1997.  Climate and oceanography.  In: Boreman, J.; Nakashima, B.S.; Wilson, J.A.; Kendall, R.L., eds.  Northwest Atlantic groundfish: perspectives on a fishery collapse.  Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society; p. 3-25.  Ordering address code: WH.

Gannon, D.P.; Read, A.J.; Craddock, J.E.; Fristrup, K.M.; NICOLAS, J.R.  1997.  Feeding ecology of long-finned pilot whales Globicephala melas in the western North Atlantic.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 148:1-10.  Ordering address code: WH.

GARRETT LOGAN, N.; SMITH, T.[D.]  1997.  A hand-held, pen-based computer system for marine mammal sighting surveys.  Mar. Mammal Sci. 13(4):694-700.  Ordering address code: WH.

Ghosh, P.; Patterson, G.W.; WIKFORS, G.H.  1997.  Use of an improved internal-standard method in the quantitative sterol analyses of phytoplankton and oysters.  Lipids 32(9):10011-1014.  Ordering address code: MF.

Helfman, G.S.; COLLETTE, B.B.; Facey, D.E.  1997.  The diversity of fishes.  Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Science; 512 p.  No copies available.

HELSER, T.E.; ALMEIDA, F.P.  1997.  Density-dependent growth and sexual maturity of silver hake in the North-west Atlantic. J. Fish Biol. 51:607-623.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o F.P. Almeida).

Hobson, K.A.; Sease, J.L.; MERRICK, R.L.; Piatt, J.F.  1997.  Investigating trophic relationships of pinnipeds in Alaska and Washington using stable isotope ratios of nitrogen and carbon. Mar. Mammal Sci. 13(1):114-132.  Ordering address code: WH.

Hoff, M.H.; LINK, J.[S.]; Haskell, C.  1997.  Piscivory by Lake Superior lake herring (Coregonus artedi) on rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) in winter, 1993-1995. [Note.]  J. Great Lakes Res. 23(2):210-211.  Ordering address code: WH.

Jenkins, J.B.; Morrison, A.; MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  1997.  The molluscan fisheries of the Canadian Maritimes. In: MacKenzie, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; Rosenfield, A.; Hobart, W.L., eds.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 1, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 127:15-44.  Ordering address code: SH.

KANE, J.  1997.  Persistent spatial and temporal abundance patterns for late-stage copepodites of Centropages hamatus (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the U.S. Northeast continental shelf ecosystem. Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 95(1):85-98.  Ordering address code: NG.

LINK, J.  1997.  Untrawlable bottom in shrimp statistical zones of the northwest Gulf of Mexico.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 59(4):33-36.  Ordering address code: WH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  1997.  The molluscan fisheries of Chesapeake Bay.  In: MacKenzie, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; Rosenfield, A.; Hobart, W.L., eds.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 1, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 127:87-117.  Ordering address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  1997.  The U.S. molluscan fisheries from Massachusetts Bay through Raritan Bay, N.Y. and N.J. In: MacKenzie, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; Rosenfield, A.; Hobart, W.L., eds.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 1, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 127:141-169.  Ordering address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.  1997.  Trends and status of molluscan fisheries in North and Central America and Europe -- a synopsis.  In: MacKenzie, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; Rosenfield, A.; Hobart, W.L., eds.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 1, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 127:1-14.  Ordering address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; Lopez, A.  1997.  Molluscan fisheries of Nicaragua.  In: MacKenzie, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; Rosenfield, A.; Hobart, W.L., eds.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 2, Pacific Coast and supplemental topics.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 128:19-32.  Ordering address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; Wakida-Kusunoki, A.T.  1997.  The oyster industry of eastern Mexico.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 59(3):1-13.  Ordering address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; ROSENFIELD, A.; Hobart, W.L., editors.  1997.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 1, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 127; 234 p.  Ordering address code: SH. [Limited copies available.]

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; ROSENFIELD, A.; Hobart, W.L., editors.  1997.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 2, Pacific Coast and supplemental topics.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 128; 217 p.  Ordering address code: SH. [Limited copies available.]

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; ROSENFIELD, A.; Hobart, W.L., editors.  1997.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 3, Europe.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 129; 240 p.  Ordering address code: SH. [Limited copies available.]

MERRICK, R.L.  1997.  Current and historical roles of apex predators in the Bering Sea ecosystem.  J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 22:343-355.  Ordering address code: WH.

MERRICK, R.L.; Chumbley, M.K.; Byrd, G.V.  1997.  Diet diversity of Stellar sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) and their population decline in Alaska: a potential relationship.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54:1342-1348.  Ordering address code: WH.

MERRICK, R.L.; Loughlin, T.R.  1997.  Foraging behavior of adult female and young-of-the-year Stellar sea lions in Alaskan waters.  Can. J. Zool. 75(5):776-786.  Ordering address code: WH.

MUNROE, T.A.; Marsh, B.N.  1997.  Taxonomic status of three nominal species of Indo-Pacific symphurine tonguefishes (Symphurus: Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes).  Ichthyol. Res. 44(2):189-200.  Ordering address code: NS.

MURAWSKI, S.A.; Maguire, J.-J.; MAYO, R.K.; SERCHUK, F.M.  1997.  Groundfish stocks and the fishing industry.  In: Boreman, J.; Nakashima, B.S.; Wilson, J.A.; Kendall, R.L., eds.  Northwest Atlantic groundfish: perspectives on a fishery collapse.  Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society; p. 27-70.  Ordering address code: WH.

PALKA, D.[L.]; Read, A.[J.]; Potter, C.  1997.  Summary of knowledge of white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) from US and Canadian Atlantic waters.  Rep. Int. Whaling Comm. 47:729-734.  Ordering address code: WH.

Roper, C.F.E.; VECCHIONE, M.  1997.  In situ observations test hypotheses of functional morphology in Mastigoteuthis (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida).  Vie Milieu 47(2):87-93.  Ordering address code: NS.

Rosenbaum, H.C.; Egan, M.J.; CLAPHAM, P.J.; Brownell, R.L., Jr.; DeSalle, R.  1997.  An effective method for isolating DNA from historical specimens of baleen. [Short comm.]  Mol. Ecol. 6:677-681.  Ordering address code: WH.

SEITZINGER, S.P.; Sanders, R.W.  1997.  Contribution of dissolved organic nitrogen from rivers to estuarine eutrophication. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series 159:1-12.  Ordering address code: RG.

SERCHUK, F.M.; MURAWSKI, S.A.  1997.  The offshore molluscan resources of the northeastern coast of the United States: surfclams, ocean quahogs, and sea scallops.  In: MacKenzie, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; Rosenfield, A.; Hobart, W.L., eds.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 1, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 127:45-62.  Ordering address code: WH.

Sinclair, A.F.; MURAWSKI, S.A.  1997.  Why have groundfish stocks declined?  In: Boreman, J.; Nakashima, B.S.; Wilson, J.A.; Kendall, R.L., eds.  Northwest Atlantic groundfish: perspectives on a fishery collapse.  Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society; p. 71-93.  Ordering address code: WH.

STEIMLE, F.W.; Meier, M.H.  1997.  What information do artificial reef managers really want from fishery science?  Fisheries 22(4):6-8.  Ordering address code: SH.

STONER, A.W.  1997.  The status of queen conch, Strombus gigas, research in the Caribbean.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 59(3):14-22.  Ordering address code: SH.

STONER, A.W.; Davis M.  1997.  Abundance and distribution of queen conch veligers (Strombus gigas Linne) in the central Bahamas. I. Horizontal patterns in relation to reproductive and nursery grounds.  J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):7-18.  Ordering address code: SH.

STONER, A.W.; Davis M.  1997.  Abundance and distribution of queen conch veligers (Strombus gigas Linne) in the central Bahamas. II. Vertical patterns in nearshore and deep-water habitats. J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):19-29.  Ordering address code: SH.

STONER, A.W.; Mehta, N.; Lee, T.N.  1997.  Recruitment of Strombus veligers to the Florida Keys reef tract: relation to hydrographic events.  J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):1-6.  Ordering address code: SH.

Valsecchi, E.; Palsbøll, P.[J.]; Hale, P.; Glockner-Ferrari; Ferrari, M.; CLAPHAM, P.[J.]; Larsen, F.; Mattila, D.[K.]; Sears, R.; Sigurj[ø]nsson, J.; Brown, M.; Corkeron, P.; Amos, B.  1997.  Microsatellite genetic distances between oceanic populations of the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae).  Mol. Biol. Evol. 14(4):355-362.  Ordering address code: WH.

VECCHIONE, M.; Young, R.E.  1997.  Aspects of the functional morphology of cirrate octopods: locomotion and feeding. Vie Milieu 47(2):101-110.  Ordering address code: NS.

WEINBERG, J.R.; Leavitt, D.F.; Lancaster, B.A.; McDowell Capuzzo, J.  1997.  Experimental field studies with Mya arenaria (Bivalvia) on the induction and effect of hematopoietic neoplasia. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 69:183-194.  Ordering address code: WH.

Wiebe, P.H.; Stanton, T.K.; Benfield, M.C.; MOUNTAIN, D.G.; Greene, C.H.  1997.  High-frequency acoustic backscattering in the Georges Bank coastal region and its interpretation using scattering models.  IEEE [Inst. Electr. Electron. Eng.] J. Oceanic Eng. 22(3):445-464.  Ordering address code: WH.

WILLIAMS, A.B.  1997.  Occurrence of three species of mud shrimps in aquiculture ponds on Caribbean coasts of Venezuela and Colombia, with a redescription of Upogebia omissago Williams, 1993 (Decapoda: Upogebiidae).  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 110(3):412-416. Ordering address code: NS.

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Bagheri, S.; ZETLIN, C.; Dios, R.A.; SMITH, B.[C.]; Pan, Z.  1997.  Optical signature utilization of remote sensing of nearshore waters.  In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference [on] Remote Sesing for Marine and Coastal Environments[:] Technology and Applications[;] 17-19 March 1997[;] Orlando, Florida, USA. Vol. II.  Ann Arbor, MI: ERIM Conferences; p. II-52 - II-59.  Ordering address code: SH.

BENWAY, R.L.; JOSSI, J.W.  1997.  Surface and bottom temperatures, and surface salinities: New York to the Gulf Stream, Massachusetts to Cape Sable, N.S., 1996.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 97/6; 11p.  Ordering address code: NG.

BENWAY, R.L.; JOSSI, J.W.  1997.  Water column thermal structure in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine for 1996. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-08; 18 p.  Ordering address code: NG.

BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; HENDRICKSON, L.C.  1997.  An analysis of some factors affecting survey catches of squids, Loligo pealei and  Illex illecebrosus, in the Northwest Atlantic. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-03; 24 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o L.C. Hendrickson).

BRODZIAK, J[K.T.].; HENDRICKSON, L.[C.]  1997.  Stock assessment of short-finned squid, Illex illecebrosus, in the Northwest Atlantic during 1992.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-05; 25 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o L.C. Hendrickson).

BROWN, R.W.  1997.  Book review of: Megrey, B.A.; Moksness, E.  1996.  Computers in fisheries research.  London, U.K.: Chapman and Hall; 254 p.  Fish. Res. 32:197-199.  Ordering address code: WH.

CLARK, S.[H.]  1997.  Data collection needs for stock assessment.  Atl. States Mar. Fish. Comm. Spec. Rep. 63:11-20.  Ordering address code: WH.

Cooperative Shark Tagging Program, Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  1997.  The shark tagger 1996 summary. Shark Tag. Newsl., June 1997; 18 p.  Ordering address code: NG (c/o N.E. Kohler).

GABRIEL, W.; SERCHUK, F.[M.]; TERCEIRO, M.  1997.  Application of the precautionary approach from the bottom up: uncertainty and stock rebuilding in the Mid-Atlantic region of the Northwest Atlantic. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1997/V:09; 24 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

GIBSON, J.A.  1997.  Compilation of program booklets issued for the Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s 1978-96 intraorganizational research meetings.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-07; 258 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

GIBSON, J.A.  1997.  Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, and abstracts for calendar year 1995. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-02; 21 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

GIBSON, J.A.  1997.  Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, and abstracts for calendar year 1996. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-13; 18 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

HAIN, J.[H.W.]  1997.  Utility of airships for marine mammal research.  Paper AIAA 97-1431 prepared for: 12th Lighter-Than-Air Systems Technology Conference; San Francisco, CA; June 3-5, 1997; 8 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

Hanson, P.J.; ZDANOWICZ, V.S.  1997.  Elemental composition of fish otoliths and contaminant levels along an estuarine pollution gradient.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1997/S:24; 20 p.  Ordering address code: SH.

Jewett, S.L.; COLLETTE, B.B.  1997.  Obituary of: Ernest A. Lachner, 1915-1996.  Copeia 1997(3):650-659.  Ordering address code: NS.

JOBE, B.L.; KUBINEC, A.S.  1997.  Hazardous material management plan for the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-04; 67 p.  Ordering address code: GS.

LAI, H.-L.; HENDRICKSON, L.[C.]  1997.  Current resource conditions in Georges Bank and Mid-Atlantic sea scallop populations: results of the 1996 NEFSC sea scallop research vessel survey.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-09; 73 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

LOUGH, R.G.; CALDARONE, E.M.; BUCKLEY, L.J.; BROUGHTON, E.A.; KILADIS, M.E.; BURNS, B.R.  1997.  A comparative study of feeding, condition, and growth of larval cod and haddock on southern Georges Bank, May 1993 vs. May 1994.  ICES  [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1997/T:41; 25 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; Andrews, T.J.  1997.  Origin of fresh and brackish-water ponds and fishes on the Vineyard. Dukes County Intelligencer 39(2):59-76.  Ordering address code: SH.

MANDERSON, J.P.; STONER, A.W.; STEHLIK, L.L.  1997.  Species responses to environmental gradients and the description of estuarine landscape pattern.  ICES  [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1997/S:15; 21 p.  Ordering address code: SH.

MANNING, J.P.; Naimie, C.E.; LOUGH, R.G.; Churchill, J.  1997.  Advection of fish larvae along the southern flank of Georges Bank in the spring of 1995 and 1997.  ICES  [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1997/T:09; 10 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

Meier, M.; STEIMLE, F.[W.]  1997.  Management priorities for research on artificial reefs.  Atl. States Mar. Fish. Comm. Spec. Rep. 64:34-43.  Ordering address code: SH.

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1997.  23rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (23rd SAW): Public Review Workshop.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-06; 40 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o H. Mustafa).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1997.  23rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (23rd SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-05; 191 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o H. Mustafa).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1997.  24th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (24th SAW): Public Review Workshop.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-11; 67 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o H. Mustafa).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1997.  24th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (24th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-12; 291 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o H. Mustafa).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1997.  25th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (25th SAW): Public Review Workshop.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-15; 45 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o H. Mustafa).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1997.  25th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (25th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-14; 143 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o H. Mustafa).

O’BRIEN, L.  1997.  Preliminary results of a spatial and temporal analysis of haddock distribution applying a generalized additive model.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-01; 43 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

Palsbøll, P.J; Allen, J.; Bérubé, M.; CLAPHAM, P.J.; Feddersen, T.P.; Hammond, P.S.; Hudson, R.R.; Jørgensen, H.; Katona, S.; Larsen, A.H.; Larsen, F.; Lien, J.; Mattila, D.K.; Sigurjønsson, J.; Sears, R.; SMITH, T.[D.]; Sponer, R.; Stevick, P.; Øien, N.  1997.  Genetic tagging of humpback whales. [Lett.]  Nature 388:767-769.  Ordering address code: WH.

ROSENFIELD, A.  1997.  Preface: the past is prologue.  In: MacKenzie, C.L., Jr.; Burrell, V.G., Jr.; Rosenfield, A.; Hobart, W.L., eds.  The history, present condition, and future of the molluscan fisheries of North and Central America and Europe[:] Volume 1, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 127:v-vi.  Ordering address code: OX.

ROUNTREE, B.P.  1997.  Individual Vessel Behavior in the Northeast Otter Trawl Fleet during 1982-92.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-113; 50 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

SERCHUK, F.[M.]; Rivard, D.; Casey, J.; MAYO, R.[K.] 1997.  Report of the Ad hoc Working Group of the NAFO Scientific Council on the Precautionary Approach.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCS [Sci. Counc. Summ.] Doc. 97/12; 61 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

SHERMAN, K.  1997.  A modular approach to the monitoring and assessment of large marine ecosystems.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1997/EE:15; 32 p.  Ordering address code: NG.

TAYLOR, M.H.; KILADIS, M.E.  1997.  Description of the 1996 oceanographic conditions on the Northeast continental shelf. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-16; 118 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

VECCHIONE, M., rapporteur.  1997.  Commentary on the International Symposium on Functional Morphology of Cephalopods. Vie Milieu 47(2):183-184.  Ordering address code: NS.

WARING, G.T.; PALKA, D.L.; Mullin, K.D.; HAIN, J.H.W.; Hansen, L.J.; BISACK, K.D.  1997.  U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico marine mammal stock assessments  --  1996.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-114; 250 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

WILK, S.J.; McMILLAN, D.G.; PIKANOWSKI, R.A.; MacHAFFIE, E.M.; PACHECO, A.L. (deceased); STEHLIK, L.L.  1997.  Fish, megainvertebrates, and associated hydrographic observations collected in Newark Bay, New Jersey, during May 1993 - April 1994.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 97-10; 91 p.  Ordering address code: SH.

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ALIX, J.H.; DIXON, M.S.; SMITH, B.C.; WIKFORS, G.H.  1997.  An experimental feeding regime for larval bay scallops that induces metamorphosis on a controlled schedule. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997. J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):283.  Ordering address code: MF.

BLOGOSLAWSKI, W.J.  1997.  Overview, 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar. [Intro. to collect. abstr.]  Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997. J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):283.  Ordering address code: MF.

BLOGOSLAWSKI, W.J.  1997.  Ozone detoxification of dinoflagellate poisons  --  potential treatment for aquaria and aquafarms. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 7th East Coast Conference on Protistology; Narragansett, RI; May 21-23, 1997; n.p.  Ordering address code: MF.

BROWN, R.W.  1997.  Current status of New England pelagic and groundfish resources. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 42nd Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference; Newport, RI; Nov. 8-11, 1997; p. 14.  Ordering address code: WH.

BROWN, R.W.; SHEEHAN, D.  1997.  Changes in haddock and cod abundance in response to permanent area closures on Georges Bank. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 127th Annual Meeting; Monterey, CA; Aug. 24-28, 1997; p. 16.  Ordering address code: WH.

BUCKLEY, L.J.  1997.  Culture of marine finfish at the National Marine Fisheries Service Narragansett Laboratory. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997.  J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):284.  Ordering address code: RI.

BUCKLEY, L.J.; CALDARONE, E.M.; LINDNER, K.R.; LOUGH, R.G.  1997.  Growth and starvation mortality of larval cod and haddock on Georges Bank. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Symposium; Galway, Ireland; Jul. 8-11, 1997; n.p.  Ordering address code: RI.

CADRIN, S.[X.]; Vaughn, D.  1997.  Retrospective consistency of Atlantic menhaden stock assessments. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 53rd Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference; Framingham, MA; Apr. 27-30, 1997; p. 61.  Ordering address code: WH.

CALDARONE, E.M.; BUCKLEY, L.J.  1997. Relationship between RNA/DNA ratio, temperature and growth rate in Atlantic cod larvae. [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Symposium; Galway, Ireland; Jul. 8-11, 1997; n.p.  Ordering address code: NG.

Carrier, J.C.; Murru, F.L.; Davis, R.L.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.  1997.  Studies of nurse shark reproduction: bridging the gap between field investigations and captive research. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Elasmobranch Society 13th Annual Meeting; Seattle, WA; Jun. 26 - Jul. 2, 1997; p. 91.  Ordering address code: NG.

Carrier, J.C.; Murru, F.L.; Davis, R.L.; Walsh, M.T.; Dover, S.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.  1997.  Studies of nurse shark reproduction: uses of endoscopy, ultrasound, and serial blood chemistry in the evaluation and monitoring of presumed pregnancy in captive nurse sharks. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Elasmobranch Society 13th Annual Meeting; Seattle, WA; Jun. 26 - Jul. 2, 1997; p. 91.  Ordering address code: NG.

Carrier, J.C.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.; Beck, J.P.  1997.  Mating behaviors of male nurse sharks: use of ultrasonic telemetry for tracking animals between mating events. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Elasmobranch Society 13th Annual Meeting; Seattle, WA; Jun. 26 - Jul. 2, 1997; p. 91.  Ordering address code: NG.

Casey, C.S.; Soffientino, B.; Martinez, C.; TERCEIRO, M.; ALMEIDA, F.P.; Specker, J.L.  1997.  Length-at-maturity of female summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus). [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 1997 Summer Meeting; Woods Hole, MA; Jun. 11, 1997; p. 3.  Ordering address code: WH.

Chapleau, F.; DeSoutter, M.; MUNROE, T.A.  1997.  Epicranial morphology of the dorsal fin in the soles (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae): phylogenetic, taxonomic and biogeographic implications. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference; Noumea, New Caledonia; Nov. 3-8, 1997; p. 18.  Ordering address code: NS.

CLARK, S.H.; Schick, D.F.; Diodati, P.J.; Richards, R.A.  1997.  Assessment and management of the Gulf of Maine northern shrimp fishery -- a success story. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 127th Annual Meeting; Monterey, CA; Aug. 24-28, 1997; p. 22-23.  Ordering address code: WH.

DESHPANDE, A.D.; DRAXLER, A.F.J.; CORBO, K.  1997.  Organic contaminant levels in muscle and hepatic tissue of lobster from the New York Bight, USA.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Third International Ocean Pollution Symposium; Ft. Pierce, FL; Apr. 7-11, 1997; p. 78.  Ordering address code: SH.

DESHPANDE, A.D.; FINNERAN, T.; CORBO, K.  1997.  Organic contaminant levels in flesh of four species of recreational fish from the New York Bight apex.  [Abstr. No. PMP031; oral pres.] Prepared for: SETAC [Soc. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.] 18th Annual Meeting; San Francisco, CA; Nov. 16-20, 1997; p. 116.  Ordering address code: SH.

DIXON, M.S.; WIKFORS, G.H.  1997.  3H, pH, and auxospores -- can we make this bug a reliable aquaculture feed? [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997.  J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):286.  Ordering address code: MF.

GOLDBERG, R.; PHELAN, B.A.; PEREIRA, J.; Hagan, S.; CLARK, P.; Hoden, R.; BEJDA, A.J.; Able, K.[W.]  1997.  Habitat-specific patterns of abundance and distribution of young-of-the-year winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus, in three northeastern U.S. estuaries. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference; Providence, RI; Oct. 12-16, 1997; p. 68.  Ordering address code: MF.

Hanisko, D.S.; LINK, J.[S.]; Lyczkowski-Schultz, J.  1997.  Spatial distribution of snapper larvae (Lutjanidae) in reference to salinity variations in the northern Gulf of Mexico. [Abstr.; post. pres.] Prepared for: Thirteenth Louisiana Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Workshop; Lafayette, LA; Apr. 15-17, 1997; n.p. Ordering address code: WH.

KUBINEC, A.S.  1997.  In search of a chemical information management system -- a case study. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 1997 LS&EM [Laboratory Safety and Environmental Management] Conference; San Diego, CA; Jul. 14-17, 1997; p. 64-65.  Ordering address code: SH.

LAI, H.-L.  1997.  Groundfish closed areas offer opportunity for sea scallop resource conservation on Georges Bank. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 1997 Summer Meeting; Woods Hole, MA; Jun. 11, 1997; p. 5.  Ordering address code: WH.

LINK, J.[S.]  1997.  Impact of size-selective predation on Lake Superior zooplankton by lake herring (Coregonus artedi). [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography DIALOG II Symposium; Bermuda Biological Station for Research; Oct. 12-17, 1997; p. 20.  Ordering address code: WH.

LINK, J.[S.]; Henwood, T.; Pellegrin, G.; Grace, M.; Ford, R.  1997.  “Coastal pelagic” fish in the Gulf of Mexico. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 127th Annual Meeting; Monterey, CA; Aug. 24-28, 1997; p. 73.  Ordering address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; Keen, R.E.  1997.  Dynamics of lake herring reactive volume for different crustacean zooplankton. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting; Sante Fe, NM; Feb. 10-14, 1997; p. 223-224.  Ordering address code: WH.

LOUGH, R.G.; Quinlan, J.A.; Werner, F.E.; BUCKLEY, L.J.; VanKeuran, J.; MANNING, J.P.; Naimie, C.E.  1997.  Optimum growth zones for cod and haddock larvae in stratified water on Georges Bank in late spring based on a physical-trophodynamic model. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] International Symposium on Recruitment Dynamics of Exploited Marine Populations: Physical-Biological Interactions; Baltimore, MD; Sep. 22-24, 1997; p. 11-12.  Ordering address code: WH.

Lyczkowski-Shultz, J.; LINK, J.[S.]  1997.  Increasing abundance of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) larvae in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: why? [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] International Symposium on Recruitment Dynamics of Exploited Marine Populations: Physical-Biological Interactions; Baltimore, MD; Sep. 22-24, 1997; p. 102.  Ordering address code: WH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  1997.  A comparison of oyster culture in 1896 and 1996. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 127th Annual Meeting; Monterey, CA; Aug. 24-28, 1997; p. 13.  Ordering address code: SH.

MANNING, J.P.; LOUGH, R.G.; Churchill, J.; Naimie, C.E.  1997.  A slope water intrusion and shelfbreak jet along the southern flank of Georges Bank and the effect on larval distributions. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] International Symposium on Recruitment Dynamics of Exploited Marine Populations: Physical-Biological Interactions; Baltimore, MD; Sep. 22-24, 1997; p. 55.  Ordering address code: WH.

MARTIN, C.; STILES, S.; CHOROMANSKI, J.; WIDMAN, J.C., Jr.; Schweitzer, D.; Cooper, C.  1997.  Sirolpidium zoophthorum, lethal fungus parasite of bivalve larvae: recent observations in bay scallop cultures. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997.  J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):291.  Ordering address code: MF.

MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; PERRY, D.M.; KUROPAT, C.; HUGHES, J.  1997.  Tautog culture: preliminary studies. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997.  J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):292.  Ordering address code: MF.

Merson, R.R.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.  1997.  Northern extent of the pupping grounds of the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, on the U.S. East Coast. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Elasmobranch Society 13th Annual Meeting; Seattle, WA; Jun. 26 - Jul. 2, 1997; p. 211.  Ordering address code: NG.

Miller, J.H.; Gampert, R.; POTTER, D.C.; Lashkari, K.  1997.  Passive acoustic tracking of echolocating harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). I. Methodology and results. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 134th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America; San Diego, CA; Dec. 1-5, 1997.  J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102(5, pt. 2):3212.  Ordering address code: WH.

Mollet, H.F.; Cliff, G.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.; Stevens, J.D.  1997.  Reproductive parameters of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Elasmobranch Society 13th Annual Meeting; Seattle, WA; Jun. 26 - Jul. 2, 1997; p. 214.  Ordering address code: NG.

MUNROE, T.A.  1997.  Systematics of Australian flatfishes (Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes): the Cynoglossus maculipinnis complex. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference; Noumea, New Caledonia; Nov. 3-8, 1997; p. 72.  Ordering address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; Allen, R.L.; Baltz, D.M.; Ross, S.  1997.  Symphurus civitatium Ginsburg, 1951 (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae): a second estuarine-dependent tonguefish in coastal waters of the southern United States. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 18th Annual Meeting; Baton Rouge, LA; Feb. 20-21, 1997; n.p.  Ordering address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; Amaoka, K.  1997.  Systematics and biodiversity of cynoglossid flatfishes (Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes) from the waters around New Caledonia. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference; Noumea, New Caledonia; Nov. 3-8, 1997; p. 71.  Ordering address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; Hashimoto, J.  1997.  A new species of Symphurus (Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes) from hydrothermal vent habitats in the western Pacific. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists 77th Annual Meeting; Seattle, WA; Jun. 26 - Jul. 2, 1997; p. 220.  Ordering address code: NS.

PAULSON, A.  1997.  Metal removal by precipitating iron and aluminum hydroxides and adsorbing organic matter. [Abstr. No. PWA045; oral pres.]  Prepared for: SETAC [Soc. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.] 18th Annual Meeting; San Francisco, CA; Nov. 16-20, 1997; p. 237.  Ordering address code: SH.

PERRY, D.M.; MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; KUROPAT, C.; HUGHES, J.  1997.  Green-water culture of tautog. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997. J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):293.  Ordering address code: MF.

PHELAN, B.A.; GOLDBERG, R.; Hagan, S.; PEREIRA, J.; Bush, B.; BEJDA, A.J.; CLARK, P.; Able, K.W.  1997.  Habitat specific growth of young-of-the-year winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) and tautog (Tautoga onitis) in three northeastern U.S. estuaries. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation International Conference; Providence, RI; Oct. 12-16, 1997; p. 144.  Ordering address code: SH.

POTTER, D.C.; QUINTAL, J.M.; Miller, J.H.; Gampert, R.; Lashkari, K.  1997.  Passive acoustic tracking of echolocating harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). I. Fisheries management requirements and biological basis. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 134th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America; San Diego, CA; Dec. 1-5, 1997.  J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102(5, pt. 2):3212.  Ordering address code: WH.

ROBOHM, R.A.; PITCHFORD, S.C.  1997.  An evaluation of the use of Biolog GN MicroplateTM reactions in constructing taxonomic trees for classification of bacterial fish pathogens. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 22nd Annual Eastern Fish Health Workshop; Atlantic Beach, NC; Mar. 18-20, 1997; p. 16.  Ordering address code: MF.

Schick, D.F.; Smith, B.; McCarron, D.; Armstrong, M.; CADRIN, S.X.  1997.  Research and management of the northern shrimp fishery. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 53rd Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference; Framingham, MA; Apr. 27-30, 1997; p. 67.  Ordering address code: WH.

SMITH, B.C.; WIKFORS, G.H.  1997.  Design and research plan for the Milford phytoplankton culture greenhouse facility. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997.  J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):294.  Ordering address code: MF.

SOSEBEE, K.A.; O’BRIEN, L.; HENDRICKSON, L.C.  1997.  A preliminary analytical assessment for white hake in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank region. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 1997 Summer Meeting; Woods Hole, MA; Jun. 11, 1997; p. 4.  Ordering address code: WH.

STILES, S.; CHOROMANSKI, J.; Schweitzer, D.  1997.  Early responses to selection for growth in the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, from Long Island Sound. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997.  J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):295.  Ordering address code: MF.

VITALIANO, J.J.; FROMM, S.A.; REID, R.N.; JEFFRESS, D.; ARLEN, L.; SHARACK, B.  1997.  Longer-term monitoring of macrobenthos and sediment quality at the former 12-mile sewage sludge dumpsite in the New York Bight. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 25th Benthic Ecology Meeting; Portland, ME; Apr. 3-6, 1997; p. 97.  Ordering address code: SH.

WEINBERG, J.R.  1997.  Negative effects of density on growth rate of Atlantic surfclams in space and time. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 127th Annual Meeting; Monterey, CA; Aug. 24-28, 1997; p. 153.  Ordering address code: WH.

WIKFORS, G.H.; Wilkinson, L.  1997.  Phytoplankton culture for nursery rearing of post-set bivalves: scaling exercises or we can’t afford to do that, can we? [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 17th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 24-26, 1997. J. Shellfish Res. 16(1):296.  Ordering address code: MF.

ZDANOWICZ, V.S.; Hanson, P.J.; Secor, D.H.  1997.  Microconstituent concentrations in fish otoliths. [Abstr. No. 1997/HH:09; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 1997 ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Annual Science Conference; Baltimore, MD; Sep. 25 - Oct. 3, 1997; n.p.  Ordering address code: SH.