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Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 03-08

Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Publications, Reports, and Abstracts
for Calendar Year 2002

by Laura Garner and Jon A. Gibson

National Marine Fisheries Serv., Woods Hole Lab., 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543

Print publication date July 2003; web version posted July 3, 2003.

Citation: Garner L, Gibson JA. 2003. Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, and abstracts for calendar year 2002. US Dep Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 03-08; 22 p.

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The online version of this document links each bibliographic entry to an e-mail request to the senior NEFSC author or a contact acting in his/her stead. Requesting a copy of a work via e-mail is recommended.

Should you want to request a copy of a work by postal mail, the postal address for the senior NEFSC author or contact is associated with the two-letter code at the end of the bibliographic entry. The key to the codes is as follows:

GS   =
National Marine Fisheries, Northeast Regional Office, One Blackburn Dr., Gloucester, MA 01930-2298
MF   =
National Marine Fisheries Service, 212 Rogers Ave., Milford, CT 06460-6435
MS   =
NOAA/University of Massachusetts Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o Environmental Institute, Blaisdell House, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-0040
NG   =
National Marine Fisheries Service, 28 Tarzwell Dr., Narragansett, RI 02882-1199
NS    =
National Marine Fisheries Service, National Systematics Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box 37012, National Museum of Natural History, Room 57WC, MRC 0153, Washington, DC 20013-7012
OR    =
National Marine Fisheries Service, ASRC Field Station, P.O. Box 190, Orono, ME 04473
RG    =
NOAA/Rutgers University Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, P.O. Box 231, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0231
SH    =
National Marine Fisheries Service, 74 Magruder Rd., Highlands, NJ 07732
WH   =
National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026


The following bibliography consists of three sections: 1) anonymously peer-reviewed publications ("publications"), 2) transparently (i.e., not anonymously) peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed publications ("reports"), and 3) abstracts for oral presentations and poster displays ("abstracts"). The bibliography covers those works which were prepared by Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) employees, and which have a 2001 publication date. Authors who were NEFSC employees at the time they composed their works, and/or who were NEFSC employees during all or part of 2001, are denoted in the list by capital letters.

Editorial treatment of bibliographic entries is largely based on the Council of Biology Editors style manual, fifth edition[1]. Special treatment includes the use of the abbreviations "p.n.k." and "n.p." throughout the "Reports" and "Abstracts" sections of the bibliography to indicate, respectively, that the pagination is not known or the document is not paginated. Also, there are foreign recipients of the issues of this series, many of whom do not use English as a primary language. Consequently, because English-language-based acronyms are particularly difficult to comprehend by non-English-using readers, the standardized abbreviations of these acronyms – when such acronyms appear in serial titles – have been included within square brackets immediately following the acronyms.

Availability of reprints of publications and of photocopies of reports and abstracts varies for each work. UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, THOUGH, ANY INITIAL REQUEST FOR A REPRINT OR PHOTOCOPY SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE SOLE/SENIOR NEFSC AUTHOR OF THE WORK. SEE “ORDERING INFORMATION” FOR DETAILS. The NEFSC's Woods Hole Laboratory Library maintains an extensive, although not complete, archive for publications and reports by NEFSC authors, and may be able to supply a reprint or photocopy if the author cannot do so. Secondary requests to the library for a publication or report should be in writing (National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole Laboratory Library, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026). Expect a significant delay in receiving a reprint or photocopy when requesting it from the library rather than from the author.

Bibliographies of publications, reports, and abstracts for earlier years are available online at

[1] Neter, E. (chairman); Altman, P.L.; Burgan M.W.; Holmgren, N.H.; Pollack, G.; Zipf, E.M. 1983. CBE style manual: a guide for authors, editors, and publishers in the biological sciences. 5th ed. Bethesda, MD: Council of Biology Editors; 324 p.


ARSLAN, Z.; PAULSON, A.J.  2002.  Analysis of biogenic carbonates by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS): flow injection on-line solid-phase preconcentration for trace element determination in fish otoliths.  Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 372:776-785.  Postal address code: SH.

Baker, C.S.; CLAPHAM, P.J.  2002.  Marine mammal exploitation: whales and whaling.  In: Douglas, I., ed.  Encyclopedia of global environmental change.  Vol. 3. Causes and consequences of global environmental change.  New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; p. 446-450.  Postal address code: WH.

Barco, S.; McLellan, W.; Allen, J.; Asmutis, R.; Mallon-Day, R.; Meagher, E.; Pabst, D.A.; Robbins, J.; Seton, R.; Swingle, W.M.; Weinrich, M.; CLAPHAM, P.J.  2002.  Population identity of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the waters of the US Mid-Atlantic states.  J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 4(2):135-414.  Postal address code: WH.

Bartol, I.K.; Mann, R.; VECCHIONE, M.  2002.  Distribution of the euryhaline squid Lolliguncula brevis in Chesapeake Bay: effects of selected abiotic factors.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 226:235-247.  Postal address code: NS.

Boruncinska, J.; KOHLER, N.; NATANSON, L.; Skomal, G.  2002.  Pathology associated with retained fishing hooks in blue sharks, Prionace glauca (L.), with implications for their conservation.  J. Fish Dis. 25:515-521.  Postal address code: NG.

Bostrom, M.A.; COLLETTE, B.B.; Luckhurst, B.E.; Reece, K.S.; Graves, J.E.  2002.  Hybridization between two serranids, the coney (Cephalopholis fulva) and the creole-fish (Paranthias furcifer), at BermudaFish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 100(4):651-661.  Postal address code: NS.

BRODZIAK, J.  2002.  In search of optimal harvest rates for West Coast groundfish.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 22:258-271.  Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, J.; LINK, J.  2002.  Ecosystem-based fishery management: what is it and how can we do it?  Bull. Mar. Sci. 70(2):589-611.  Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; RAGO, P.J.  2002.  Reply: Does spawning stock affect recruitment of New England groundfish? Interpreting spawning stock and recruitment data in New England groundfish.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59:193-195.  Postal address code: WH.

Campana, S.E.; Joyce, W.; Marks, L.; NATANSON, L.J.; KOHLER, N.E.; JENSEN, C.F.; MELLO, J.J.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.; Myklevoll, S.  2002.  Population dynamics of the porbeagle in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 22:106-121.  Postal address code: NG.

Campana, S.E.; NATANSON, L.J.; Myklevoll, S.  2002.  Bomb dating and age determination of large pelagic sharks.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59:450-455.  Postal address code: NG.

Capriulo, G.M.; Smith, G.; Troy, R.; WIKFORS, G.H.; Pellet, J.; Yarish, C.  2002.  The planktonic food web structure of a temperate zone estuary, and its alteration due to eutrophication.  Hydrobiologia 475/476:263-333.  Postal address code: MF.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Billfishes, family Istiophoridae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 514-516.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Cutlassfishes, family Trichiuridae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 508-509.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Dolphinfishes, family Coryphaenidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 409-411.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Flyingfishes, family Exocoetidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 291-292.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Gunnels, family Pholidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 481-483.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Halfbeaks, family Hemiramphidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 289-291.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Mackerels, family Scombridae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 516-536.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Needlefishes, family Belonidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 287-289.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Pricklebacks, family Stichaeidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 474-481.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Remoras and sharksuckers, family Echeneidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 406-409.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Sauries, family Scomberesocidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 285-287.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Snake mackerels, family Gempylidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 507-508.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Snipefishes, family Macroamphosidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 327-329.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Swordfish, family Xiphiidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 509-513.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Toadfishes, family Batrachoididae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 261-264.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Wrymouths, family Cryptacanthodidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 483-485.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.; Anderson, W.D., Jr.  2002.  Frederick H. Berry, 1927-2001.  Copeia 2002(2):558-567.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., editors.  2002.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; 748 p.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G.  2002.  Cusk-eels, family Ophidiidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 208-211.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G.  2002.  Preface.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. xxiii-xxvii.  Postal address code: NS.

Coluccy, J.M.; Drobney, R.D.; PACE, R.M., III; Graber, D.A.  2002.  Consequences of neckband and legband loss from giant Canada geese.  J. Wildl. Manage. 66(2):353-360.  Postal address code: WH.

Craddock, J.E.; Hartel, K.E.; FLESCHER, D.  2002.  Lanternfishes, family Myctophidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 198-205.  Postal address code: NS (c/o B. Collette).

DESHPANDE, A.D.; DRAXLER, A.F.J.; ZDANOWICZ, V.S.; Schrock, M.E.; PAULSON, A.J.  2002.  Contaminant levels in the muscle of four species of fish important to the recreational fishery of the New York Bight Apex.  Mar. Pollut. Bull. 44(2):164-177.  Postal address code: SH.

DESHPANDE, A.D.; Huggett, R.J.; Halbrook, R.A.  2002.  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites in the bile of a territorial benthic fish, oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau) from the Elizabeth River, Virginia.  Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 42:43-52.  Postal address code: SH.

Duda, A.M.; SHERMAN, K.  2002.  A new imperative for improving management of large marine ecosystems.  Ocean Coast. Manage. 45:797-833.  Postal address code: NG.

EDWARDS, S.F.  2002.  Rent-seeking and property rights formation in the U.S. Atlantic sea scallop fishery.  Mar. Resour. Econ. 16:263-275.  Postal address code: NG.

FLESCHER, D.; Martini, F.H.  2002.  Lampreys, family Petromyzontidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 16-19.  Postal address code: NS (c/o B. Collette).

FOGARTY, M.J.  2002.  The challenges ahead.  Oceanography 15(2):93-96.  Postal address code: WH.

FOGARTY, M.J.; Powell, T.M.  2002.  An overview of the U.S. GLOBEC Program.  Oceanography 15(2):4-12.  Postal address code: WH.

FRIEDLAND, K.D.  2002.  Emerging science and management issues with Atlantic salmon.  In: Lynch, K.D.; Jones, M.L.; Taylor, W.W., eds.  Sustaining North American salmon: perspective across regimes and disciplines.  Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society; p. 117-136.  Postal address code: MS.

Frisk, M.G.; Miller, T.J.; FOGARTY, M.J.  2002.  The population dynamics of little skate Leucoraja erinacea, winter skate Leucoraja ocellata and barndoor skate Dipturus laevis: predicting exploitation limits using matrix analysis. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 59:576-586.  Postal address code: WH.

Galloway, J.N.; Cowling, E.B.; SEITZINGER, S.P.; Socolow, R.H.  2002.  Reactive nitrogen: too much of a good thing?  Ambio 31(2):60-63.  Postal address code: RG.

Garrigue, C.; Aguayo, A.; Amante-Helweg, V.L.J.; Baker, C.S.; Caballero, S.; CLAPHAM, P.; Constantine, R.; Denkinger, J.; Donoghue, M.; Florez-Gonzalez, L.; Greaves, J.; Hauser, N.; Olavarria, C.; Pairoa, C.; Peckham, H.; Poole, M.  2002.  Movements of humpback whales in Oceania, South Pacific.  J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 4(3):255-260.  Postal address code: WH.

GARRISON, L.P.; MICHAELS, W.; LINK, J.S.; FOGARTY, M.J.  2002.  Spatial distribution and overlap between ichthyoplankton and pelagic fish and squids on the southern flank of Georges Bank.  Fish. Oceanogr. 11(5):267-285.  Postal address code: WH.

Gerrodette, T.P.; Dayton, P.; Macinko, S.; FOGARTY, M.J.  2002.  Precautionary management of marine fisheries: moving beyond the burden of proof.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 70:657-668.  Postal address code: WH.

GOLDBERG, R.; PHELAN, B.A.; PEREIRA, J.J.; Hagan, S.; CLARK, P.; BEJDA, A.J.; CALABRESE, A.; STUDHOLME, A.L.; Able, K.W.  2002.  Variability in habitat use by young-of-the-year winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, in three northeastern U.S. estuaries.  Estuaries 25(2):215-226.  Postal address code: MF.

Gregg, W.W.; Conkright, M.E.; O'REILLY, J.E.; Patt, F.S.; Wang, M.H.; Yoder, J.A.; Casey, N.W.  2002.  NOAA-NASA Coastal Zone Color Scanner reanalysis effort.  Appl. Opt. 41(9):1615-1628.  Postal address code: NG.

HART, D.R.  2002.  Intraguild predation, invertebrate predators, and trophic cascades in lake food webs.  J. Theor. Biol. 218:111-128.  Postal address code: WH.

Hatfield, E.; CADRIN, S.X.  2002.  Geographic and temporal patterns in size and maturity of the longfin inshore squid (Loligo pealeii) off the northeastern United StatesFish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 100(2):200-213.  Postal address code: WH.

Ibe, C.; SHERMAN, K.  2002.  The Gulf of Guinea large marine ecosystem project: turning challenges into achievements.  In: McGlade, J.M.; Cury, P.; Koranteng, K.A.; Hardman-Mountford, N.J., eds.  The Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem.  Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science; p. 27-39.  Postal address code: NG.

JACOBSON, L.D.; CADRIN, S.X.  2002.  Stock-rebuilding time isopleths and constant-F stock-rebuilding plans for overfished stocksFish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 100(3):519-536.  Postal address code: WH.

JACOBSON, L.D.; CADRIN, S.X.; WEINBERG, J.R.  2002.  Tools for estimating surplus production and Fmsy in any stock assessment model.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 22:326-338.  Postal address code: WH.

JECH, J.M.  2002.  Innovative uses of fisheries acoustics in the Northwest Atlantic. In: Popper, A.N.; Webb, J.F.; Fay, R.R., eds.  Bioacoustics, Spec. Iss. 12(2/3):277-280.  Postal address code: WH.

JECH, J.M.; Horne, J.K.  2002.  Three-dimensional visualization of fish morphometry and acoustic backscatter.  Acoust. Res. Lett. Online 3(1):35-40.  Postal address code: WH.

Jensen, C.F.; NATANSON, L.J.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.; KOHLER, N.E.; Campana, S.E.  2002.  The reproductive biology of the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) in the western North Atlantic OceanFish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 100(4):727-738.  Postal address code: NG.

Jin, D.; Kite-Powell, H.; THUNBERG, E.; Solow, A.; Talley, W.  2002.  A model of fishing vessel accident probability.  J. Safety Res. 33:497-510.  Postal address code: WH.

Jin, D.; THUNBERG, E.M.; Kite-Powell, H.; Blake, K.  2002.  Total factor productivity change in the New England groundfish fishery: 1964-1993.  J. Environ. Econ. Manage. 44(3):540-556.  Postal address code: WH.

Joyce, W.N.; Campana, S.E.; NATANSON, L.J.; KOHLER, N.E.; PRATT, H.L, Jr.; Jensen, C.F.  2002.  Analysis of stomach contents of the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus Bonnaterre) in the Northwest Atlantic.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 59:1263-1269.  Postal address code: NG.

Klein-MacPhee, G.; COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Eelpouts, family Zoarcidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 466-474.  Postal address code: NS.

Klein-MacPhee, G.; COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Scorpionfishes, family Scorpaenidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 331-338.  Postal address code: NS.

KOCIK, J.F.; BROWN, R.W.  2002.  From game fish to tame fish: Atlantic salmon in North America, 1798 to 1998.  In: Lynch, K.D.; Jones, M.L.; Taylor, W.W., eds.  Sustaining North American salmon: perspectives across regions and disciplines.  Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society; p. 3-31 (Chapter 1).  Postal address code: OR.

KOCIK, J.F.; FRIEDLAND, K.D.  2002.  Salmons and trouts, family Salmonidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 170-181.  Postal address code: OR.

KUROPAT, C.A.; MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; CALDARONE, E.; GOLDBERG, R.; PHELAN, B.A.; THURBERG, F.P.  2002.  Evaluation of RNA concentration as an indicator of growth in young-of-the-year winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus and tautog Tautoga onitisMar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 230:265-274.  Postal address code: MF.

LAI, H.-L.; Kimura, D.K.  2002.  Analyzing survey experiments having spatial variability with an application to a sea scallop fishing experiment.  Fish. Res. 56:239-259.  Postal address code: WH (c/o S. Murawski).

Laursen, A.E.; SEITZINGER, S.P.  2002.  The role of denitrification in nitrogen removal and carbon mineralization in Mid-Atlantic Bight sediments.  Cont. Shelf Res. 22:1397-1416.  Postal address code: RG.

Laursen, A.E.; SEITZINGER, S.P.; Dekorsey, R.; Sanders, J.G.; Breitburg, D.L.; Osman, R.W.   2002.  Multiple stressors in an estuarine system: effects of nutrients, trace elements, and trophic complexity on benthic photosynthesis and respiration.  Estuaries 25(1):57-69.  Postal address code: RG.

LINK, J.S.  2002.  Does food web theory work for marine ecosystems?  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 230:1-9.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.  2002.  Ecological considerations in fisheries management: when does it matter?  Fisheries 27(4):10-17.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.  2002.  What does ecosystem-based fisheries management mean?  Fisheries 27(4):18-21.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; ALMEIDA, F.P.  2002.  Opportunistic feedings of longhorn sculpin (Myoxeocephalus octodecemspinosus): are scallop fishery discards an important food subsidy for scavengers on Georges Bank?  [Note.]  Fish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 100(2):381-385.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; Bolles, K.; MILLIKEN, C.G.  2002.  The feeding ecology of flatfish in the Northwest Atlantic.  J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 30:1-17.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; EDWARDS, S.F.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; MOUNTAIN, D.; JOSSI, J.W.; SMITH, T.D.; FOGARTY, M.J.  2002.  Marine ecosystem assessment in a fisheries management context.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59(9):1429-1440.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; GARRISON, L.P.  2002.  Changes in piscivory associated with exploitation of the finfish community on Georges Bank.  Fish. Res. 55:71-86.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; GARRISON, L.P.  2002.  Trophic ecology of Atlantic cod in the northeast US continental shelf.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 227:109-123.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; GARRISON, L.P.; ALMEIDA, F.P.  2002.  Ecological interactions between elasmobranchs and groundfish species on the northeastern U.S. continental shelf. I. Evaluating predation.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 22:550-562.  Postal address code: WH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; Morrison, A; Taylor, DL; Burrell, VG, Jr.; Arnold, WS; Wakida-Kusunoki, AT. 2002. Quahogs in eastern North America: Part I, Biology, ecology, and historical uses. Mar. Fish. Rev. 64(2):1-55. Postal address code: SH.

MANDERSON, J.P.; PHELAN, B.A.; MEISE, C.J.; STEHLIK, L.L.; BEJDA, A.J.; PESSUTTI, J.P.; ARLEN, L.; DRAXLER, A.F.J.; STONER, A.W.  2002.  Spatial dynamics of habitat suitability for the growth of newly settled winter flounder (Psuedopleuronectes americanus) in an estuarine nursery.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 228:227-239.  Postal address code: SH.

Martini, F.H.; FLESCHER, D.  2002.  Hagfishes, family Myxinidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 9-16.  Postal address code: NS (c/o B. Collette).

Mayer, B.; Boyer, E.W.; Goodale, C.; Jaworski, N.A.; Van Breemen, N.; Howarth, R.W.; SEITZINGER, S.; Billen, G.; Lajtha, L.J.; Nosal, M.; Paustian, K.  2002.  Sources of nitrate in rivers draining sixteen watersheds in the northeastern US: isotopic constraints.  Biogeochemistry 57(1):171-197.  Postal address code: RG.

McBride, R.A.; FAHAY, M.P.; Able, K.W.  2002.  Larval and settlement periods of the northern searobin (Prionotus carolinus) and the striped searobin (P. evolans)Fish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 100(1):63-73.  Postal address code: SH.

McLellan, W.A.; Koopman, H.N.; Rommel, S.A.; Read, A.J.; Potter, C.W.; NICOLAS, J.R.; Westgate, A.J.; Pabst, D.A.  2002.  Ontogenetic allometry and body composition of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena, L.) from the western North Atlantic.  J. Zool. London 257:457-471.  Postal address code: WH.

MOUNTAIN, D.G.  2002.  Potential consequences of climate change for the fish resources in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Am. Fish. Soc. Symp. 32:185-194.  Postal address code: WH.

MUNROE, T.A.  2002.  Anchovies, family Engraulidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 105-111.  Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.  2002.  Herrings, family Clupeidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 111-160.  Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.  2002.  Wrasses, family Labridae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 448-465.  Postal address code: NS.

MURAWSKI, S.A.; BROWN, R.W.; CADRIN, S.X.; MAYO, R.; O'BRIEN, L.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; SOSEBEE, K.A.  2002.  An introduction to the history of fishes in the Gulf of Maine.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 1-7.  Postal address code: WH.

NATANSON, L.J.; MELLO, J.J.; Campana, S.E.  2002.  Validated age and growth of the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) in the western North Atlantic OceanFish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 100(2):266-278.  Postal address code: NG.

NITSCHKE, P.C.; Mather, M.; Juanes, F.  2002.  Evidence for density dependent mortality in recruitment of a temperate reef fish, cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus), among similar reefs in the vicinity of an anthropogenic disturbance.  Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 226:165-178.  Postal address code: WH.

NIZINSKI, M.S.  2002.  Sand lances, family Ammodytidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 496-505.  Postal address code: NS.

ORRELL, T.M.; Carpenter, K.E.; Musick, J.A.; Graves, J.E.  2002.  Phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of the Sparidae (Perciformes: Percoidei) from Cytochrome b sequences.  Copeia 2002(3):618-631.  Postal address code: NS.

OVERHOLTZ, W.J.  2002.  The Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus): spatial pattern analysis of the collapse and recovery of a large marine fish complex.  Fish. Res. 57(2002):237-254.  Postal address code: WH.

OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; FRIEDLAND, K.D.  2002.  Recovery of the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) complex: perspectives based on bottom trawl survey dataFish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 100(3):593-608.  Postal address code: WH.

Peck, M.A.; BUCKLEY, L.J.; CALDARONE, E.M.; Bengtson, D.A.  2002.  Effects of food consumption and temperature on growth rate and biochemical-based indicators of growth in early juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusMar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 251:233-243.  Postal address code: NG.

Pollard, J.H.; PALKA, D.L.; Buckland, S.T.  2002.  Adaptive line transect sampling.  Biometrics 58:862-870.  Postal address code: WH.

Reeves, R.R.; CLAPHAM, P.J.; WETMORE, S.  2002.  Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) occurrence near the Cape Verde Islands, based on American 19th Century whaling records.  J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 4(3):235-253.  Postal address code: WH.

ROUNTREE, R.A.  2002.  Barracudas, family Sphyraenidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 505-507.  Postal address code: NS (c/o B. Collette).

ROUNTREE, R.A.  2002.  Wolffishes, family Anarhichadidae.  In: Collette, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G., eds.  Bigelow and Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine.  3rd ed.  Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press; p. 485-495.  Postal address code: NS (c/o B. Collette).

Scavia, D.; Field, J.C.; Boesch, D.F.; Buddemeier, R.W.; Burkett, V.; Cayan, D.R.; FOGARTY, M.J.; Harwell, M.A.; Howarth, R.W.; Mason, C.; Reed, D.J.; Royer, T.C.; Sallenger, A.H.; Titus, J.G.  2002.  Climate change impacts on U.S. coastal and marine ecosystems.  Estuaries 25:149-164.  Postal address code: WH.

SEITZINGER, S.P.; Kroeze, C.; Bouwman, A.F.; Caraco, N.; Dentener, F.; Styles, R.V.  2002.  Global patterns of dissolved inorganic and particulate nitrogen inputs to coastal systems: recent conditions and future projections.  Estuaries 25(4B):640-655.  Postal address code: RG.

SEITZINGER, S.P.; Sanders, R.W.; Styles, R.  2002.  Bioavailability of DON from natural and anthropogenic sources to estuarine planktonLimnol. Oceanogr. 47(2):353-366.  Postal address code: RG.

SEITZINGER, S.P.; Styles, R.V.; Boyer, E.W.; Alexander, R.B.; Billen, G.; Howarth, R.W.; Mayer, B.; Van Breeman, N.  2002.  Nitrogen retention in rivers: model development and application to watersheds in the northeastern USA.  Biogeochemistry 57(1):199-237.  Postal address code: RG.

Shea, E.K.; VECCHIONE, M.  2002.  Quantification of ontogenetic discontinuities in three species of oegopsid squids using model II piecewise linear regression.  Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 140:971-979.  Postal address code: NS.

SHEPHERD, G.R.; Moore, C.W.; Seagraves, R.J.  2002.  The effect of escape vents on the capture of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, in fish traps.  Fish. Res. 54:195-207.  Postal address code: WH.

SHERMAN, K.; Anderson, E.D.  2002.  A modular approach to monitoring, assessing and managing large marine ecosystems.  In: McGlade, J.M.; Cury, P.; Koranteng, K.A.; Hardman-Mountford, N.J., eds.  The Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem.  Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science; p. 9-25.  Postal address code: NG.

SHERMAN, K.; KANE, J.; MURAWSKI, S.; OVERHOLTZ, W.; Solow, A.  2002.  The U.S. Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem: zooplankton trends in fish biomass recovery.  In: Sherman, K.; Skjoldal, eds.  Large marine ecosystems of the North Atlantic: changing states and sustainability.  Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science B.V.; p. 195-216.  Postal address code: NG.

Shivji, M.; Clarke, S.; Pank, M.; NATANSON, L.; KOHLER, N.; Stanhope, M.  2002.  Genetic identification of pelagic shark body parts for conservation and trade monitoring.  Conserv. Biol. 16(4):1036-1047.  Postal address code: NG.

Sinclair, M.M.; SMITH, T.D.  2002.  The notion that fish species form stocks.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Mar. Sci. Symp. 215:297-304.  Postal address code: WH.

SMITH, T.D.  2002.  A history of fisheries and their science and management.  In: Hart, P.J.B.; Reynolds, J.D., eds.  Handbook of fish biology and fisheries.  Vol. 2. Fisheries.  Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing; p. 61-83 (Chapter 4).  Postal address code: WH.

SMITH, T.D.  2002.  The Woods Hole bottom-trawl resource survey: development of fisheries-independent multispecies monitoring.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Mar. Sci. Symp. 215:474-482.  Postal address code: WH.

SMITH, T.D.; Gjørsæter, J.; Stenseth, N.C.; Kittilsen, M.O.; Danielssen, D.S.; Solemdal, P.; Tveite, S.  2002.  A century of manipulating recruitment in coastal cod populations: the Flodevigen experience.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Mar. Sci. Symp. 215:402-415.  Postal address code: WH.

TERCEIRO, M.  2002.  The summer flounder chronicles: science, politics, and litigation, 1975–2000.  Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 11:125-168.  Postal address code: WH.

Van Breemen, N.; Boyer, E.W.; Goodale, C.L.; Jaworski, N.A.; Paustian, K.; SEITZINGER, S.P.; Lajtha, K.; Mayer, B.; Van Dam, D.; Howarth, R.W.; Nadelhoffer, K.J.; Eve, M.; Billen, G.  2002.  Where did all the nitrogen go?  Fate of nitrogen inputs to large watersheds in the northeastern USA.  Biogeochemistry 57(1):267-293.  Postal address code: RG.

VECCHIONE, M.; Collins, M.A.  2002.  Systematics, ecology and biology of cirrate octopods: workshop report.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 71(1):79-94.  Postal address code: NS.

VECCHIONE, M.; Pohle, G.  2002.  Midwater cephalopods in the western North Atlantic Ocean off Nova Scotia.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 71(2):883-892.  Postal address code: NS.

VECCHIONE, M.; Roper, C.F.E.; Widder, E.A.; Frank, T.M.  2002.  In situ observations on three species of large-finned deep-sea squids.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 71(2):893-901.  Postal address code: NS.

VITALIANO, J.J.; REID, R.N.; FRAME, A.B.; PACKER, D.B.; ARLEN, L.; Sacco, J.N.  2002.  Comparison of benthic invertebrate assemblages at Spartina alterniflora marshes reestablished after an oil spill and existing marshes in the Arthur Kill (NY/NJ).  Mar. Pollut. Bull. 44(10):1100-1108.  Postal address code: SH.

WARING, G.T.; PALKA, D.L.  2002.  North Atlantic marine mammals.  In: Perrin, W.F.; Wursig, B.; Thewissen, J.G.M., eds.  Encyclopedia of marine mammals.  San Diego, CA: Academic Press; p. 802-806.  Postal address code: WH.

WEINBERG, J.R.; Dahlgren, T.G.; Halanych, K.M.  2002.  Influence of rising sea temperature on commercial bivalve species of the U.S. Atlantic coast.  Am. Fish. Soc. Symp. 32:131-140.  Postal address code: WH.

WEINBERG, J.R.; RAGO, P.J.; Wakefield, W.; KEITH, C.  2002.  Estimation of tow distance and spatial heterogeneity using data from inclinometer sensors: an example of using a clam survey dredge.  Fish. Res. 55:49-61.  Postal address code: WH.

Wiebe, P.; Beardsley, R.; MOUNTAIN, D.; Bucklin, A.  2002.  U.S. GLOBEC Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank Program.  Oceanography 15(2):13-29.  Postal address code: WH.

Yoder, J.A.; Shollaert, S.E.; O'REILLY, J.E.  2002.  Climatological phytoplankton chlorophyll and sea surface temperature patterns in continental shelf and slope waters off the northeast U.S. coast.  Limnol. Oceanogr. 47(3):672-682.  Postal address code: NG.

Young, R.E.; VECCHIONE, M.  2002.  Evolution of the gills in the Octopodiformes.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 71(2):1003-1017.  Postal address code: NS.

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Angliss, R.P.; Silber, G.K.; MERRICK, R.L.  2002.  Report of a workshop on developing recovery criteria for large whale speciesNOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-OPR-21; 32 p. Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, J.K.T.  2002.  An age-structured assessment model for Georges Bank winter flounderNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-03; 54 p.  Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; MOUNTAIN, D.G.  2002.  Some biological responses of fish stocks to increased shelf water volume in the Mid-Atlantic Bight of the northeast USA continental shelf ecosystem.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2002/Q:04; 31 p.  Postal address code: WH.

CLAPHAM, P.J.; Berggren, P.; Leaper, R.; Robbins, J.  2002.  Report of the intersessional working group on large whale entanglement.  IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/54/BC2; p.n.k.  Postal address code: WH.

FOGARTY, M.J.  2002.  An introduction to the concept and application of marine protected areas.  In: Fisheries, oceanography and society, marine protected areas: design and implementation for conservation and fisheries restoration, August 27-29, 2001, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.  Woods Hole, MA: Ocean Life Institute, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; p. 7-9.  Postal address code: WH.

FOGARTY, M.J.  2002.  Climate variability and ocean ecosystem dynamics: implications for sustainability.  In: Steffen, W.; Jager, J.; Carson, D.J.; Bradshaw, C., eds.  Challenges for a changing earth: proceedings of the Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,10-13 July 2001; p. 27-29.  Postal address code: WH.

GARNER, L.; GIBSON, J.A.  2002.  Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, and abstracts for calendar year 2001Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-10; 28 p.  Postal address code: WH.

[Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (GARM).]  2002.  Assessment of 20 Northeast groundfish stocks through 2001. A report of the Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (GARM), Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, October 8-11, 2002Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-16; 511 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o S. Murawski).

Hauser, N.; CLAPHAM, P.J.  2002.  The Cook Islands whale sanctuary.  IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/54/O11; p.n.k.  Postal address code: WH.

HENDRICKSON, L.C.; Dawe, E.G.; Showell, M.A.  2002.  Assessment of northern shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) in Subareas 3+4 for 2001.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 02/56; 17 p.  Postal address code: WH.

KITTS, A.W.; THUNBERG, E.; WALDEN, J.  2002.  Report to Congress on Northeast multispecies harvest capacity and impact of Northeast fishing capacity reduction.  Unpubl.; available from author.  Postal address code: WH.

LEGAULT, C.M.; Powers, J.E.; Restrepo, V.R.  2002.  Mixed Monte Carlo/bootstrap approach to assessing king and Spanish mackerel in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico: its evolution and impact.  In: Berkson, J.M.; Kline, L.L.; Orth, D.J., eds.  Incorporating uncertainty into fishery models: proceedings of the Workshop Incorporating Uncertainty into Fishery Models; Jekyll Island, GA; Jun. 28-29.  Am. Fish Soc. Symp. 27:37-44.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; BRODZIAK, J.K.T., editors, and BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; DOW, D.D.; EDWARDS, S.F.; FABRIZIO, M.C.; FOGARTY, M.J.; HART, D.; JOSSI, J.W.; KANE, J.; LANG, K.L.; LEGAULT, C.M.; LINK, J.S.; MacLEAN, S.A.; MOUNTAIN, D.G.; OLSON, J.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; PALKA, D.L.; SMITH, T.D., contributors.  2002.  Status of the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Ecosystem: a report of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's Ecosystem Working GroupNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-11; 245 p.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; Henwood, T.; Gledhill, C.  2002.  Small pelagics in the Gulf of Mexico: adescription of the abundance, geographic distribution, size, and depth distribution of major pelagic species.  In: McKay, M.; Nides, J.; Vigil, D., eds.  Proceedings, Gulf of Mexico Fish and Fisheries: Bringing together new and recent research, Oct. 2000.  OCS Study, MMS 2002-004; p. 285-332.  Postal address code: WH.

LOUGH, R.G.; Hannah, C.G.; BERRIEN, P.; Brickman, D.; Loder, J.W.; Quinlan, J.A.  2002.  Spawning pattern variability and its effect on retention, larval growth, and recruitment in Georges Bank cod and haddock.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2002/P:15; 38 p.  Postal address code: WH.

MACE, P.M.; SISSENWINE, M.P.  2002.  Coping with uncertainty: evolution of the relationship between science and management.  In: Berkson, J.M.; Kline, L.L.; Orth, D.J., eds.  Incorporating uncertainty into fishery models: proceedings of the Workshop Incorporating Uncertainty into Fishery Models; Jekyll Island, GA; Jun. 28-29.  Am. Fish Soc. Symp. 27:9-28.  Postal address code: WH.

MacLEAN, S.A.; BROWN, R.W.  2002.  ISA outbreaks and disease testing of Atlantic salmon in the United States and the West Greenland fishery.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Work. Pap. 2002/20; 3 p.  Postal address code: NG.

MAYO, R.K.; BRODZIAK, J.; THOMPSON, M.; BURNETT, J.; CADRIN, S.X.  2002.  Biological characteristics, population dynamics, and current status of redfish, Sebastes fasciatus Storer, in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank regionNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-05; 130 p.  Postal address code: WH.

MAYO, R.K.; THUNBERG, E.; WIGLEY, S.E.; CADRIN, S.X.  2002.  The 2001 assessment of the Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod stock: a report of the 33rd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (SAW 33)Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-02; 154 p. Postal address code: WH.

Moore, J.A.; VECCHIONE, M.; COLLETTE, B.B.; GIBBONS, R.  2002.  The fauna of Bear Seamount (New England Seamount chain), and the presence of "natural invader" species.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2002/M:25; 12 p. Postal address code: NS.

MURAWSKI, S.A.  2002.  Scientific challenges in supporting living marine resource management.  Statement to the US Commission on Ocean Policy, Northeast Regional Meeting; Boston, MA; Jul. 23, 2002. 11 p.  Postal address code: WH.

MURAWSKI, S.A.; FOGARTY, M.J.; RAGO, P.J.; BRODZIAK, J.K.T.  2002.  Quantitative methods for MPA design, with application to the NE USA.  In: Fisheries, oceanography and society, marine protected areas: design and implementation for conservation and fisheries restoration, August 27-29, 2001, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.  Woods Hole, MA: Ocean Life Institute, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; p. 41-44.  Postal address code: WH.

NOJI, T.T.  2002.  Fishing for solutions at Sandy Hook.  The Jersey Shoreline 20(4):2-4.  Postal address code: SH.

NOJI, T.T.; Todd, B.J.; Pickrill, R.A.; Valentine, P.C.; Snow-Cotter, S.  2002.  Mapping the Gulf of Maine: building the link between marine geology and benthic habitats to improve ocean management.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2002/K:12; 8 p.  Postal address code: SH.

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center.]  2002.  Report of the Workshop on Trawl Warp Effects on Fishing Gear Performance, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, October 2-3, 2002Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-15; 80 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o F. Serchuk).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center.]  2002.  34th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (34th SAW): consensus summary of assessmentsNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-06; 346 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o T.P. Smith).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center.]  2002.  34th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (34th SAW): Public Review WorkshopNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-07; 32 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o T.P. Smith).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center.]  2002.  35th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (35th SAW): consensus summary of assessmentsNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-14; 259 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o T.P. Smith).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center.]  2002.  35th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (35th SAW): Public Review WorkshopNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-13; 35 p.  Postal address code: WH (c/o T.P. Smith).

[Northeast Region Essential Fish Habitat Steering Committee.]  2002.  Workshop on the effects of fishing gear on marine habitats off the northeastern United States, October 23-25, 2001, Boston, MassachusettsNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-01; 86 p.  Postal address code: GS (c/o L. Chiarella).

O'Boyle, R.N.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J., TRAC co-chairmen.  2002.  Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC), 5-8 February 2002, Woods Hole, MANortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-12; 56 p.  Postal address code: WH.

O'Brien, D.L.; LOUGH, R.G.; Fives, J.M.; MANNING, J.; Quinlan, J.A.; Dransfeld, L.  2002.  Observations on a retention mechanism for fish eggs and larvae in the Nymphae Bank region of the Celtic Sea.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2002/P:18; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

PALKA, D.  2002.  Incorporating uncertainty into marine mammal management.  In: Berkson, J.M.; Kline, L.L.; Orth, D.J., eds.  Incorporating uncertainty into fishery models: proceedings of the Workshop Incorporating Uncertainty into Fishery Models; Jekyll Island, GA; Jun. 28-29.  Am. Fish Soc. Symp. 27:157-170.  Postal address code: WH.

Quinlan, J.A.; LOUGH; R.G.; Brickman, D.; Oakey, S.; Hannah, C.G.; BERRIEN, P.  2002.  A modelling exploration of the population dynamics of Georges Bank haddock.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2002/P:16; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

REID, R.N.; Olsen, P.S.; MAHONEY, J.B.  2002.  A compilation of reported fish kills in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary during 1982 through 2000Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-09; 16 p.  Postal address code: SH.

SHEPHERD, G.R.  2002.  Incorporating uncertainty into stock assessments: a case study of Atlantic striped bass.  In: Berkson, J.M.; Kline, L.L.; Orth, D.J., eds.  Incorporating uncertainty into fishery models: proceedings of the Workshop Incorporating Uncertainty into Fishery Models; Jekyll Island, GA; Jun. 28-29.  Am. Fish Soc. Symp. 27:45-62.  Postal address code: WH.

SHERMAN, K.; Duda, A.  2002.  Large marine ecosystem monitoring, assessment, and management across the global North-South divide.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2002/W:02; 43 p.  Postal address code: NG.

SMITH, T.D.; Reeves, R.R.; Friday, N.; Punt, A.  2002.  Reconstructing humpback whale populations in the North Atlantic.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2002/L:30; 7 p.  Postal address code: WH.

STILES, S.; CHOROMANSKI, J.  2002.  Trends in genetics of bivalve mollusks: a review.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2002/U:11; 28 p.  Postal address code: MF.

TAYLOR, M.H.; BASCUÑÁN, C.; MANNING, J.P.  2002.  Description of the 2001 oceanographic conditions on the northeast continental shelfNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-08; 101 p.  Postal address code: WH.

WARING, G.T.; QUINTAL, J.M.; Fairfield, C.P.  2002.  U.S. and Gulf of Mexico marine mammal assessments -- 2002.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adm.] Tech. Memo NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-169; 318 p. Postal address code: WH.

WIKFORS, G.H.; Dam, H.G.  2002.  The role of phytoplankton-copepod trophic interactions in hypoxia: underestimated?  In: Van Patten, M., ed.  Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Long Island Sound Research Conference 2000.  Groton, CT: Connecticut Sea Grant College Program; p. 141.  Postal address code: MF.

[Working Group on Re-evaluation of Biological Reference Points.]  2002.  Re-evaluation of biological reference points for New England groundfishNortheast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 02-04; 232 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o S. Murawski).

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Aldred, J.; Sunila, I.; MARTIN, C.  2002.  Possible larval mycosis as a cause of bivalve seed mortality in a production hatchery.  J. Shellfish Res. 21(1):335-336.  Postal address code: MF.

ALMEIDA, F.; Valentine, P.; REID, R.; ARLEN, L.; Auster, P.; Cross, J.; GUIDA, V.; Lindholm, J.; LINK, J.S.; PACKER, D.; VITALIANO, J.; PAULSON, A.  2002.  The effectiveness of marine protected areas on fish and benthic fauna: the Georges Bank Closed Area II example.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Symposium on Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management; Tampa, FL; Nov. 12-14, 2002; p. 22.  Postal address code: WH.

BLOGOSLAWSKI, W.  2002.  Overview, 22nd Milford Aquaculture Seminar.  J. Shellfish Res. 21(1):335.  Postal address code: MF.

BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; MACE, P.; RAGO, P.; OVERHOLTZ, W.  2002.  Ecosystem trade-offs in managing New England fisheries.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Fourth William R. and Lenore Mote International Symposium: Confronting Trade-offs in the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management; Sarasota, FL; Nov. 5-7, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

Brousseau, D.J.; GOLDBERG, R.  2002.  "Crab sightings" in Long Island Sound during 2001.  J. Shellfish Res. 21(1):338.  Postal address code: MF.

BROWN, R.W.  2002.  Recovery of the Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine stocks of haddock.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 58th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference; Portland, ME; Apr. 21-24, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

BROWN, R.W.  2002.  Recovery of the Georges Bank haddock stock.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: The Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Winter Meeting; Avery Point, Groton, CT; Jan. 22, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

BROWN, R.W.; HAAS-CASTRO, R.; LIVENSPARGER, E.; Loftin, J.; Whittingham, A.  2002.  Rearing origin and distribution of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in Penobscot Bay and the nearshore waters of the Gulf of Maine, USA.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Sixth International Atlantic Salmon Symposium: Salmon at the Edge; Edinburgh, Scotland; Jul. 15-18, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

BROWN, R.W.; HAAS-CASTRO, R.; TINUS, C.A.; LIVENSPARGER, E.  2002.  Rearing origin and distribution factors of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in Penobscot Bay and the near-shore waters of the Gulf of Maine, USA.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Joint Meeting of IBSFC, ICES, NASCO, NPAFC, and PICES on Causes of Marine Mortality of Salmon in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans and in the Baltic Sea; Vancouver, BC; Mar. 14-15, 2002; p. 65-66.  Postal address code: WH.

BROWN, R.W.; Juanes, F.; SHEPHERD, G.  2002.  Approaches to evaluating the role of marine fish predation on juvenile Atlantic salmon.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Sixth International Atlantic Salmon Symposium: Salmon at the Edge; Edinburgh, Scotland; Jul. 15-18, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

BROWN, R.W.; TINUS, C.A.  2002.  Origin and distribution of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in Penobscot Bay, Maine.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Maine Atlantic Salmon Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 16, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

BURNETT, J.; WIGLEY, S.  2002.  The enigmatic deep-water witch flounder of the Mid-Atlantic Bight.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 24.  Postal address code: WH.

CADRIN, S.X.  2002.  Stock structure of yellowtail flounder off the northeastern United States.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 6.  Postal address code: WH.

CHANG, S.; VITALIANO, J.; STEIMLE, F.; FINNERAN, T.  2002.  Habitat and species associations of demersal fish and benthic invertebrates in the New York Bight apex.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Symposium on Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management; Tampa, FL; Nov. 12-14, 2002; p. 30.  Postal address code: SH.

CHOROMANSKI, J.; STILES, S.; Cooper, C.; DIXON, M.  2002.  Habitat suitability ascertained by growth and survival of bay scallops in tiered cages.  J. Shellfish Res. 21(1):340.  Postal address code: MF.

Chu, D.; JECH, J.M.; Lavery, A.  2002.  Inference of shape and behavioral information of individual fish from echo trace analysis.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology; Montpellier, France; Jun. 10-14, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

COLLETTE, B.B.; Klein-MacPhee, G.  2002.  Bigelow & Schroeder's fishes of the Gulf of Maine, a paper.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 82nd Annual Meeting, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; Kansas City, MO; Jul. 3-8, 2002; p. 54.  Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.; Williams, J.T.; Thacker, C.; Smith, M.L.  2002.  Fishes of Navassa Island, West Indies: a case study of why.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 82nd Annual Meeting, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; Kansas City, MO; Jul. 3-8, 2002; p. 54-55.  Postal address code: NS.

DRAXLER, A.F.J.; SALVATI, K.M.  2002.  Mortality of YOY winter flounder held on Newark Bay sediment: some unplanned observations.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 34.  Postal address code: SH.

DWYER, K.; RYDER, C.; Prescott, R.  2002.  Anthropogenic mortality of leatherback turtles in Massachusetts waters.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 2nd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation; Miami, FL; Apr. 4-7, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

FABRIZIO, M.C.; SCHARF, F.S.; ROSENDALE, J.E.; SHEPHERD, G.R.  2002.  Factors affecting hook and release mortality of bluefish.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 179.  Postal address code: SH.

FERRON, I.; CHAMBERS, R.C.  2002.  Abundance, distribution, and condition of hogchokers (Trinectes maculatus) in the Hudson River Estuary April-September 2002.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 34.  Postal address code: SH.

FOGARTY, M.J.  2002.  Approaches to minimizing impacts of fishing activities on benthic habitats.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Symposium on the Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management; Tampa, FL; Nov. 12-14, 2002; p. 32-33.  Postal address code: WH.

FOGARTY, M.  2002.  Framing management advice: coping with uncertainty and trade-offs in ecosystem-based management.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Fourth William R. and Lenore Mote International Symposium: Confronting Trade-offs in the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management; Sarasota, FL; Nov. 5-7, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

FRIEDLAND, K.D.  2002.  Atlantic salmon and climate variation in the North Atlantic.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Joint Meeting of IBSFC, ICES, NASCO, NPAFC, and PICES on Causes of Marine Mortality of Salmon in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans and in the Baltic Sea; Vancouver, BC; Mar. 14-15, 2002; p. 12.  Postal address code: MS.

FRIEDLAND, K.D.  2002.  Retrospective growth analyses: lessons from the post-smolt growth zone.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 4th Annual Salmon Ocean Ecology Meeting; Santa Cruz, CA; Jan. 15-16, 2002; p. 8.  Postal address code: MS.

Gentner, B.; STEINBACK, S.  2002.  Marine recreational fishing: angler expenditures and economic impacts.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 249.  Postal address code: WH.

Gilford, J.H.; SISSENWINE, M.; Conant, K.; Lang, J.; Marshall, K.; Matlock, G.; Milliken, M.  2002.  Necessity of applying a precautionary approach in fisheries management even as an ecosystem-based approach is encouraged.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 284.  Postal address code: WH.

GRISWOLD, C.A.; KANE, J.M.; LINK, J.S.  2002.  Atlantic herring and zooplankton abundance on Georges Bank: long-term trends and possible relationships.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22, 2002; p. 49.  Postal address code: NG.

GUIDA, V.G.; PAULSON, A.; Valentine, P.C.; ARLEN, L.  2002.  Effects of fishing on organic carbon content of sand habitats on Georges Bank.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Symposium on the Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management; Tampa, FL; Nov. 12-14, 2002; p. 36.  Postal address code: SH.

GUIDA, V.G.; Valentine, P.C.; ALMEIDA, F.  2002.  Effects of fishing on the Mid Atlantic tilefish habitat: restructuring a structured habitat.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Symposium on the Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management; Tampa, FL; Nov. 12-14, 2002; p. 36.  Postal address code: SH.

HART, D.R.; RAGO, P.  2002.  Rebuilding sea scallop (Placotopecten magellanicus) stocks using area closures and rotational fishing.  J. Shellfish Res. 21:416.  Postal address code: WH.

Hégaret, H.; WIKFORS, G.H.  2002.  An experimental investigation of dietary fatty acids and sterols and the immunology of the American oyster, Crassotrea virginica: a well-fed oyster is a healthy oyster, n'est çe pasJ. Shellfish Res. 21(1):342-343.  Postal address code: MF.

Horne, J.K.; JECH, J.M.  2002.  A Bayesian analysis of physical and biological factors influencing target strength.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology; Montpellier, France; Jun. 10-14, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

JECH, J.M.; Reeder, D.B.; Stanton, T.K.  2002.  Broadband acoustic backscatter and high-resolution morphology of fish.  II: scattering models.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology; Montpellier, France; Jun. 10-14, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

KAPAREIKO, D.; ROBOHM, R.A.; ZISKOWSKI, J.J.; SENNEFELDER, G.R.; CALABRESE, A.  2002.  Shell disease prevalence and severity in offshore American lobster populations.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 94th Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association; Mystic, CT; Apr. 14-18, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: MF.

KATERSKY, R.; SMITH, B.; PERRY, D.; NELSON, D.  2002.  Some culture strategies for growing rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) as feed for aquaculture applications.  J. Shellfish Res. 21(1):344.  Postal address code: MF.

LINK, J.S.  2002.  A general model of selectivity for fish feeding: a rank proportion algorithm.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 141.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.  2002.  Allocation of biomass in a marine fisheries context.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Fourth William R. and Lenore Mote International Symposium: Confronting Trade-offs in the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management; Sarasota, FL; Nov. 5-7, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; ALMEIDA, F.P.  2002.  Are fishing discards important food subsidies for Georges Bank longhorn sculpin?  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 49.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; ALMEIDA, F.P.; REID, R.; Valentine, P.; ARLEN, L.; GUIDA, V.; PACKER, D.; NOJI, T.; VITALIANO, J.  2002.  The effectiveness of marine protected areas on fish and benthic fauna: how long does it take for benthic habitat to recover from fishing disturbance?  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Symposium on the Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management; Tampa, FL; Nov. 12-14, 2002; p. 41-42.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; EDWARDS, S.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; SMITH, T.D.; MOUNTAIN, D.G.; JOSSI, J.; FOGARTY, M.J.  2002.  Ecosystem assessment in a fisheries management context.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 215.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; FOGARTY, M.J.; Bolles, K.; Milliken, C.G.; Langton, R.W.  2002.  The trophic ecology of Northwest Atlantic flatfish: a case study of Georges Bank.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 12.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; Garrison, L.P.  2002.  The trophodynamics of Atlantic cod on the northeast US continental shelf.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 81-82.  Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; KANE, J.M.; GRISWOLD, C.A.; Garrison, L.P.; TAYLOR, M.H.; MOUNTAIN, D.G.; JOSSI, J.  2002.  The interaction between zooplankton and pelagic fish on Georges Bank.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ASLO [Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr.] Summer Meeting: Symposium on Inter-disciplinary Linkages in Fisheries Science; Victoria, BC; Jun. 10-14, 2002; p. 72.  Postal address code: WH.

Litvin, S.Y.; GUIDA, V.G.; Weinstein, W.P.; Thorrold, S.  2002.  Exploring the effects of estuarine habitat utilization patterns on the biochemical condition of juvenile marine transients.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 10.  Postal address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  2002.  A comparison of causes of declines in estuarine mollusks and oceanic finfish in eastern United States.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 60.  Postal address code: SH.

MacLEAN, S.A.  2002.  Screening for salmonid pathogens in wild marine fishes.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Maine Atlantic Salmon Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 16, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: NG.

MacLEAN, S.A.; Ellis, S.K.  2002.  Screening of non-salmonids for salmonid pathogens.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: New England Farmed Fish Health Management Workshop; Eastport, ME; Apr. 4, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: NG.

MacLEAN, S.A.; Ellis, S.K.  2002.  Survey of non-salmonid marine fishes for detection of infectious salmon anemia virus and other salmonid pathogens.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: International Aquatic Animal Health Symposium; New Orleans, LA; Sep. 2-6, 2002; p. 149.  Postal address code: NG.

MANDERSON, J.P.; PESSUTTI, J.; SHAHEEN, P.; Juanes, F.  2002.  Winter flounder mortality on an estuarine nursery ground: A preliminary analysis of coarse and fine scale habitat patterns.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 14.  Postal address code: SH.

McCANDLESS, C.T.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.; KOHLER, N.E.  2002.  Delaware Bay, a vital shark nursery ground.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; n.p.  Postal address code: NG.

McCANDLESS, C.T.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.; KOHLER, N.E.  2002.  Monitoring nursery habitat use by juvenile sandbar sharks, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in Delaware Bay.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 44.  Postal address code: NG.

MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; Dawson, M.A.; KAPAREIKO, D.; KUROPAT, C.A.  2002.  Seasonal changes in blood chemistry of the yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 41.  Postal address code: MF.

MICHAELS, W.L.; Demer, D.A.; JECH, J.M.  2002.  Multifrequency echo-classification and target strength measurements of Atlantic herring.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology; Montpellier, France; Jun. 10-14, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

Miller, L.; NOJI, T.; Yager, P.  2002.  Carbon sinks in seasonally ice-covered seas: physics and biogeochemistry.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 36th Congress of the Canadian Meteorological Society; Rimouski, QB; May 22-25, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: SH.

MUNROE, T.A.  2002.  Global patterns of species richness for flatfishes (order Pleuronectiformes).  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 5.  Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.  2002.  How many species of flatfishes (Order Pleuronectiformes) are there?  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 82nd Annual Meeting, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; Kansas City, MO; Jul. 3-8, 2002; p. 184.  Postal address code: NS.

Nero, R.W.; Thompson, C.H.; JECH, J.M.  2002.  Studies of fish swimbladder resonance using broadband mid-frequency sonar.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Acoustical Society of America, First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics; Cancun, Mexico; Dec. 2-6, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

OLSON, J.  2002.  Re-counting fishers and fish: the rise of ecosystemic thinking in stock assessment sciences.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA; Nov. 20-24, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

O'REILLY, J.E.; Gregg, W.W.; Yoder, J.A.; Conkright, M.; Ducas, T.; Schollaert, S.  2002.  SeaWIFS versus reprocessed CZCS: northeast US ecosystems.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Fifth SIMBOIS Science Team Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Jan. 15-17, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: NG.

OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; Sullivan, P.J.; JECH, J.M.; MICHAELS, W.L.  2002.  A comparison of hydroacoustics survey designs and analysis using classical and geostatistical methods for improving stock assessments of the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) complex.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology; Montpelier, France; Jun. 10-14, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

Peck, M.A.; BUCKLEY, L.J.; CALDARONE, E.M.; Bengtson, D.A.  2002.  Effects of feeding level and temperature on growth and RNA:DNA in age-0 juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus).  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: The Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Winter Meeting; Avery Point, Groton, CT; Jan. 22, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: NG.

PEREIRA, J.J.; GOLDBERG, R.; CLARK, P.  2002.  Winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) spawning areas in New Haven Harbor.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 42.  Postal address code: MF.

PHELAN, B.A.  2002.  Tidal rhythms in winter flounder.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Westbrook, CT; Dec. 10-11, 2002; p. 13.  Postal address code: SH.

PITCHFORD, S.; ROBOHM, R.  2002.  A review of diseases in the bay scallop (Argopecten irradians irradians) and some observations on mortalities at the Milford Laboratory.  J. Shellfish Res. 21(1):348-349.  Postal address code: MF.

PRATT, H.L., Jr.  2002.  COASTSPAN (Cooperative Atlantic States Shark Pupping and Nursery Survey): an overview.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 44.  Postal address code: NG (c/o J. Burnett).

RAGO, P.J.; HART, D.R.  2002.  Complementary facets: how commercial vessel surveys can improve research vessel surveys for sea scallops.   [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 91.  Postal address code: WH.

RAGO, P.J.; HART, D.R.  2002.  Fleet dynamics of the Atlantic sea scallop fishery.  J. Shellfish Res. 21:416-417.  Postal address code: WH.

Reeder, D.B.; JECH, J.M.; Stanton, T.K.  2002.  Broadband acoustic backscatter and high-resolution morphology of fish. I: measurements.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology; Montpellier, France; Jun. 10-14, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

REID, R.; ALMEIDA, F.; Valentine, P.; ARLEN, L.; Cross, J.; GUIDA, V.;  LINK, J.S.; MCMILLAN, D.; MURAWSKI, S.A.; PACKER, D.; VITALIANO, J.; PAULSON, A.  2002.  The effectiveness of marine protected areas on fish and benthic fauna: the Georges Bank Closed Area I example.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Symposium on the Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management; Tampa, FL; Nov. 12-14, 2002; p. 46.  Postal address code: SH.

RICHARDS, R.A.  2002.  Case history of a cooperative research success: monkfish survey 2001.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 93.  Postal address code: WH.

RICHARDS, R.A.  2002.  Empirical modeling of bluefish population fluctuations: interactions among bluefish, striped bass, and menhaden.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 180.  Postal address code: WH.

RICHARDS, R.A.; FOGARTY, M.J.; MOUNTAIN, D.G.  2002.  Recruitment dynamics of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Gulf of Maine.  J. Shellfish Res. 21:417.  Postal address code: WH.

ROBOHM, R.A.; KAPAREIKO, D.; ZISKOWSKI, J.J.; SENNEFELDER, G.  2002.  Improved analysis of shell-disease severity in offshore populations of American lobster.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 27th Annual Eastern Fish Health Workshop; Mount Pleasant, SC; Mar. 18-22, 2002; p. 43.  Postal address code: MF.

Ruggiero, M.; McDiarmid, R.; COLLETTE, B.B.  2002.  Organizing the names: the ITIS experience.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICSEB VI (VI International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology); Patras, Greece; Sep. 9-16, 2002; p. 99.  Postal address code: NS.

RYDER, C.; McDaniel, C.; TORK, M.  2002.  Investigating causes of sea turtle mortality in Virginia state waters.  [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 2nd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation; Miami, FL; Apr. 4-7, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

SCHARF, F.S.; MANDERSON, J.P.; FABRIZIO, M.C.; PESSUTTI, J.P.; ROSENDALE, J.E.; BEJDA, A.J.; Chant, R.J.  2002.  Seasonal patterns of movement and feeding by bluefish in relation to prey distributions and estuarine turbidity fields.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 272.  Postal address code: SH.

SHEEHAN, T.F.; KOCIK, J.F.; Atkinson, E.  2002.  Phenotypic differences expressed during the marine phase for three remnant populations of Atlantic salmon.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Maine Atlantic Salmon Research Forum; Orono, ME; Jan. 16, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

SHEPHERD, G.R.; Carmichael; J.; Vecchio, V.  2002.  The impact of management on Atlantic striped bass populations: the past, present and future.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 349.  Postal address code: WH.

SISSENWINE, M.P.  2002.  Making cooperative research a win-win situation: experience off the northeastern USA.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 88.  Postal address code: WH.

SMITH, B.E.; Ligenza, T.J.; ALMEIDA, F.P.; LINK, J.S.  2002.  The trophic ecology of Atlantic cod: preliminary insights from localized sampling.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: The Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Summer Meeting; Bristol, RI; Jun. 19, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

SMITH, T.D.  2002.  From commission to bureau: the origins of federal fisheries research and management.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]   Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 132nd Annual Meeting; Baltimore, MD; Aug. 18-22; p. 206.  Postal address code: WH.

SMITH, T.D.  2002.  Marine resource management trade-offs: how scientists have given and might give advice.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Fourth William R. and Lenore Mote International Symposium: Confronting Trade-offs in the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management; Sarasota, FL; Nov. 5-7, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

Stanton, T.K.; Reeder, D.B.; JECH, J.M.  2002.  Inference of fish orientation from broadband acoustic echoes.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology; Montpellier, France; Jun. 10-14, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

STEHLIK, L.L; MEISE, C.J.  2002.  Attack and avoidance behavior during attempted cannibalism by blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in the laboratory.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Marine Benthic Ecology Meeting; Orlando, FL; Mar. 21-24, 2002 n.p.  Postal address code: SH.

Towler, R.H.; JECH, J.M.; Horne, J.K.  2002.  Visualizing fish movement, behavior, and acoustic backscatter.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: ICES Symposium on Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology; Montpellier, France; Jun. 10-14, 2002; n.p.  Postal address code: WH.

WEINBERG, J.R.; KEITH, C.  2002.  Deep sea red crabs off Southern New England: has there been a fishery impact on the population?  J. Shellfish Res. 21:417.  Postal address code: WH.

WIDMAN, J.C., Jr.; VEILLEUX, D.J.  2002.  Rapid growth of bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians, in Long Island Sound.  J. Shellfish Res. 21(1):355.  Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.  2002.  Livestock domestication in the third millennium: All wet?  J. Shellfish Res. 21(1):355.  Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.; ALIX, J.H.; Smolowitz, R.M.; Wallace, L.; Hegaret, H.  2002.  Detrimental effects of a recent Prymnesium isolate from Boothbay Harbor, Maine (USA) upon juvenile bay scallops, Argopecten irradians.  [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: National Shellfisheries Association 2002 Annual Meeting; Mystic, CT; Apr. 14-18, 2002; p. 397.  Postal address code: MF.

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