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Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 01-12

Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Publications, Reports, and Abstracts
for Calendar Year 2000

by Laura Garner and Jon A. Gibson

National Marine Fisheries, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543

Print publication date August 2001; web version posted September 11, 2001.

Citation: Garner L, Gibson JA. 2001. Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, abstracts for calendar year 2000. US Dep Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 01-12; 22 p.

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For the online version of this document, each bibliographic entry has a link which opens an e-mail request to the senior NEFSC author or a contact acting in his/her stead. Requesting a copy of a work via such e-mail is recommended.

Should you need or want to request a copy of a work by postal mail, then the postal address for the senior NEFSC author or contact is associated with the two-letter code at the end of the bibliographic entry. The key to the codes is as follows:

  • MF = National Marine Fisheries Service, 212 Rogers Ave., Milford, CT 06460-6435
  • MS = NOAA/University of Massachusetts Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o Environmental Institute, Blaisdell House, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-0040
  • NG = National Marine Fisheries Service, 28 Tarzwell Dr., Narragansett, RI 02882-1199
  • NS = National Marine Fisheries Service, National Systematics Laboratory, National Museum of Natural History, 10th & Constitution Ave., N.W., MRC 153, Washington, DC 20560-0153
  • RG = NOAA/Rutgers University Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, P.O. Box 231, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0231
  • RI = NOAA/University of Rhode Island Cooperative Marine Education and Research Program, c/o Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett Bay Campus, Narragansett, RI 02882-1197
  • SH = National Marine Fisheries Service, 74 Magruder Rd., Highlands, NJ 07732
  • WH = National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026


The following bibliography consists of three sections: 1) anonymously peer-reviewed publications ("publications"), 2) transparently (i.e., not anonymously) peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed publications ("reports"), and 3) abstracts for oral presentations and poster displays ("abstracts"). The bibliography covers those works which were prepared by Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) employees, and which have a 2000 publication date. Authors who were NEFSC employees at the time they composed their works, and/or who were NEFSC employees during all or part of 2000, are denoted in the list by capital letters.

Editorial treatment of bibliographic entries is largely based on the Council of Biology Editors style manual, fifth edition1. Special treatment includes the use of the abbreviations "n.p." and "p.n.k." throughout the "Abstracts" section of the bibliography to indicate, respectively, that an abstract is not paginated, or that the pagination is not known. Also, there are foreign recipients of the issues of this series, many of whom do not use English as a primary language. Consequently, because English-language-based acronyms are particularly difficult to comprehend by non-English-using readers, the standardized abbreviations of these acronyms – when such acronyms appear in serial titles – have been included within square brackets immediately following the acronyms.

Availability of reprints of publications and of photocopies of reports and abstracts varies for each work. UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, THOUGH, ANY INITIAL REQUEST FOR A REPRINT OR PHOTOCOPY SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE SOLE/SENIOR NEFSC AUTHOR OF THE WORK. SEE ABOVE FOR DETAILS. The NEFSC's Woods Hole Laboratory Library maintains an extensive, although not complete, archive for publications and reports by NEFSC authors, and may be able to supply a reprint or photocopy if the author cannot do so. Secondary requests to the library for a publication or report should be in writing (National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole Laboratory Library, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026). Expect a significant delay in receiving a reprint or photocopy when requesting it from the library rather than from the author.

Bibliographies of publications, reports, and abstracts for earlier years are available online.

1Neter, E. (chairman); Altman, P.L.; Burgan M.W.; Holmgren, N.H.; Pollack, G.; Zipf, E.M. 1983. CBE style manual: a guide for authors, editors, and publishers in the biological sciences. 5th ed. Bethesda, MD: Council of Biology Editors; 324 p.


Whenever possible, links have been provided to corresponding full-text publications or abstracts.
Some links are not accessible unless you or your internet provider are registered with the service.

Bishop, G.A.; WILLIAMS, A.B (deceased). 2000. Fossil crabs from Tepee Buttes, submarine seeps of the Late Cretaceous Pierre Shale, South Dakota and Colorado, U.S.A. J. Crustac. Biol. 20(Spec. No. 2):286-300. Postal address code: NS (c/o M. Vecchione).

BODAMMER, J.E. 2000. Some new observations on the cytopathology of fin erosion disease in winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus. Dis. Aquat. Org. 40:51-65. Postal address code: MF (c/o A. Calabrese).

BOLLES, K.L.; BEGG, G.A. 2000. Distinction between silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) stocks in U.S. waters of the Northwest Atlantic based on whole otolith morphometrics. Fish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 98:451-462. Postal address code: WH (c/o S. Murawski).

BOREMAN, J. 2000. Surplus production, compensation, and impact assessments of power plants. Environ. Sci. Pol. 3 (2000):S445-S449. Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, J.[K.T.]; Mikus, R. 2000. Variation in life history parameters of Dover sole, Microstomus pacificus, off the coasts of Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Fish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 98:661-673. Postal address code: WH.

BUCKEL, J.A.; STONER, A.W. 2000. Functional response and switching behavior of piscivorous young-of-the-year bluefish. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 245:25-41. Postal address code: SH (c/o T. Noji).

BUCKLEY, L.J.; Bradley, T.; Allen-Guilmette, J. 2000. Production, quality, and low temperature incubation of eggs of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus in captivity. J. World Aquacult. Soc. 31:22-29. Postal address code: RI.

BUCKLEY, L.J.; LOUGH, R.G.; Peck, M.A.; Werner, F.E. 2000. Comment: Larval Atlantic cod and haddock growth models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57(9):1957-1960. Postal address code: RI.

CADRIN, S.X. 2000. Advances in morphometric identification of fishery stocks. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 20:91-112. Postal address code: WH.

CADRIN, S.X. 2000. Evaluating two assessment methods for Gulf of Maine northern shrimp based on simulations. J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 27:119-132. Postal address code: WH.

CLAPHAM, P.J. 2000. The humpback whale: seasonal feeding and breeding in a baleen whale. Chapter 7 in: Mann, J.; Connor, R.C.; Tyack, P.L.; Whitehead, H., eds. Cetacean societies: field studies of dolphins and whales. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; p. 173-196. Postal address code: WH.

CLARK, S.H.; CADRIN, S.X.; Schick, D.; Diodati, P.; Armstrong, M.; McCarron, D. 2000. The Gulf of Maine northern shrimp fishery -- a review of the record. J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 27:193-226. Postal address code: WH (c/o S. Cadrin).

Coelho, V.R.; WILLIAMS, A.B. (deceased); de A. Rodrigues, S. 2000. Trophic strategies and functional morphology of feeding appendages, with emphasis on setae, of Upogebia omissa and Pomatogebia operculata (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Upogebiidae). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 130:567-602. Postal address code: NS (c/o M. Vecchione).

COLLETTE, B.B. 2000. [Family] Belonidae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 4. Bony fishes (Mugilidae to Carangidae) -- Part 2. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 2151-2161. Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B. 2000. [Family] Coryphaenidae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 4. Bony fishes (Mugilidae to Carangidae) -- Part 2. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 2657-2658. Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B. 2000. [Family] Echeneidae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 4. Bony fishes (Mugilidae to Carangidae) -- Part 2. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 2652-2654. Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B. 2000. [Family] Hemiramphidae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 4. Bony fishes (Mugilidae to Carangidae) -- Part 2. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 2180-2196. Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B. 2000. [Family] Pomatomidae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 4. Bony fishes (Mugilidae to Carangidae) -- Part 2. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 2650. Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B. 2000. [Family] Rachycentridae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 4. Bony fishes (Mugilidae to Carangidae) -- Part 2. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 2655. Postal address code: NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.; Randall, J.E. 2000. Ammodytoides leptus, a new species of sand lance (Teleostei: Ammodytidae) from Pitcairn Island. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 113:397-400. Postal address code: NS.

Dahlgren, T.G.; WEINBERG, J.R.; Halanych, K.M. 2000. Phylogeography of the ocean quahog (Arctica islandica): influences of paleoclimate on genetic diversity and species range. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 137:487-495. Postal address code: WH.

Demers, E.; Brandt, S.B.; Barry, K.L.; JECH, J.M. 2000. Spatially explicit models of growth rate potential: linking estuarine fish production to the biological and physical environment. Chapter 15 in: Hobbie, J.E., ed. Estuarine science: a synthetic approach to research and practice. Washington, DC: Island Press; p. 405-425. Postal address code: WH.

Ejsymont, L.; SHERMAN, K. 2000. Poland and the United States' cooperation in fisheries ecology: a multidecadal retrospective. Bull. Sea Fish. Inst. Gdynia 151:3-10. Postal address code: NG.

Falcon, L.I.; VECCHIONE, M.; Roper, C.F.E. 2000. Paralarval gonatid squids (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) from the mid-north Atlantic Ocean. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 113:532-541. Postal address code: NS.

Falkowski, P.; Scholes, R.J.; Boyle, E.; Canadell, J.; Canfield, D.; Elser, J.; Gruber, N.; Hibbard, K.; Högberg, P.; Linder, S.; Mackenzie, F.T.; Moore, B., III; Pedersen, T.; Rosenthal, Y.; SEITZINGER, S.; Smetacek, V.; Steffen, W. 2000. The global carbon cycle: a test of our knowledge of the earth as a system. Science 260:291-296. Postal address code: RG.

FOGARTY, M.J.; Bohnsack, J.; Dayton, P. 2000. Marine reserves and resource management. Chapter 134 in: Sheppard, C.R.C., ed. Seas at the millennium: an environmental evaluation. Vol. III. Global issues and processes. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science; p. 283-300. Postal address code: WH.

FRIDAY, N.; SMITH, T.D.; Stevick, P.; Allen, J. 2000. Measurement of photographic quality and individual distinctiveness for the photographic identification of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae. Mar. Mammal Sci. 16(2):355-374. Postal address code: WH (c/o T.D. Smith).

FRIEDLAND, K.D.; Hansen, L.P.; Dunkley, D.A.; MacLean, J.C. 2000. Linkage between ocean climate, post-smolt growth, and survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the North Sea area. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 57:419-429. Postal address code: MS.

FRIEDLAND, K.D.; Reddin, D.G. 2000. Growth patterns of Labrador Sea Atlantic salmon postsmolts and the temporal scale of recruitment synchrony for North American salmon stocks. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57(6):1181-1189. Postal address code: MS.

GARRISON, L.P. 2000. Spatial and dietary overlap in the Georges Bank groundfish community. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57(8):1679-1691. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

GARRISON, L.P.; LINK, J.S. 2000. Dietary guild structure of the fish community in the northeast United States continental shelf ecosystem. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 202:231-240. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

GARRISON, L.P.; LINK, J.S. 2000. Diets of five hake species in the northeast United States continental shelf ecosystem. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 204:243-255. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

GARRISON, L.P.; LINK, J.S. 2000. Fishing effects on spatial distribution and trophic guild structure in the Georges Bank fish community. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 57:723-730. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

GARRISON, L.P.; MICHAELS, W.L.; LINK, J.S.; FOGARTY, M.J. 2000. Predation risk on larval gadids by pelagic fish in the Georges Bank ecosystem. I. Spatial overlap and predation risk associated with hydrographic features. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57:2455-2469. Postal address code: WH (c/o W. Michaels).

GOLDBERG, R.; PEREIRA, J.J.; CLARK, P. 2000. Strategies for enhancement of natural bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians, populations: a case study in the Niantic River estuary, Connecticut, USA. Aquacult. Int. 8:139-158. Postal address code: MF.

HART, D.R.; Stone L.; Berman, T. 2000. Seasonal dynamics of the Lake Kinneret food web: the importance of the microbial loop. Limnol. Oceanogr. 45:350-361. Postal address code: WH.

Hauser, N.; Peckham, H.; CLAPHAM, P.J. 2000. Humpback whales in the Southern Cook Islands, South Pacific. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2(3):159-164. Postal address code: WH.

Hollowed, A.B.; Bax, N.; Beamish, R.; Collie, J.; FOGARTY, M.[J.]; Livingston, P.; Pope, J.; Rice, J.C. 2000. Are multipspecies models an improvement on single species of measuring fishing impacts on marine ecosystems? ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 57:707-719. Postal address code: WH.

Horne, J.K.; Walline, P.D.; JECH, J.M. 2000. Comparing acoustic model predictions to in situ backscatter measurements of fish with dual-chambered swimbladders. J. Fish Biol. 57(5):1105-1121. Postal address code: WH.

JECH, J.M.; Luo, J. 2000. Digital echo visualization and information system (DEVIS) for processing spatially-explicit fisheries acoustic data. Fish. Res. 47(2-3):115-124. Postal address code: WH.

JOHNSON, D.L. 2000. Preliminary examination of the match-mismatch hypothesis and recruitment variability of yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea. [Note.] Fish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 98:854-863. Postal address code: SH.

JOSSI, J.W.; KANE, J. 2000. An atlas of seasonal mean abundances of the common zooplankton of the United States northeast continental shelf ecosystem. Bull. Sea Fish. Inst. Gdynia 151:67-87. Postal address code: NG.

Lemaitre, R.; COLLETTE, B.B. 2000. Austin Beatty Williams (17 October 1919 - 27 October 1999). Biographical summary. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 113:1-12. Postal address code: NS.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr. 2000. The abundances of small invertebrates in relation to sea lettuce, Ulva lactuca, mats. Bull. N.J. Acad. Sci. 45:13-17. Postal address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; McLaughlin, S.M. 2000. Life history and habitat observations of softshell clams Mya arenaria in northeastern New Jersey. J. Shellfish Res. 19:35-41. Postal address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.; PIKANOWSKI, R.A. 2000. Quahog populations explode after starfish populations crash. Shellfish World 1:6-7. Postal address code: SH.

MANDERSON, J.P.; PHELAN, B.A.; STONER, A.W.; HILBERT, J. 2000. Predator-prey relations between age-1+ summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus, Linnaeus) and age-0 winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus, Walbaum): predator diets, prey selection, and effects of sediments and macrophytes. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 251:17-39. Postal address code: SH.

Mickevich, M.F.; COLLETTE, B.B. 2000. MARBID: NOAA/NMFS's (US) marine biodiversity database. Oceanography 13(3):75-78. Postal address code: NS.

Mollet, H.F.; Cliff, G.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.; Stevens, J.D. 2000. Reproductive biology of the female shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810, with comments on the embryonic development of lamnoids. Fish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 98:299-318. Postal address code: NG.

MUNROE, T.A. 2000. Family Cynoglossidae. In: Randall, J.E.; Lim, K.K.P., eds. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. No. 8:646-647. Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A. 2000. Family Soleidae. In: Randall, J.E.; Lim, K.K.P., eds. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. No. 8:645-646. Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; Allen, R.L.; Baltz, D.M.; Ross, S.W. 2000. Symphurus civitatium (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae), a second estuarine-occurring tonguefish off the southeastern United States and northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries 23:439-448. Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; Brito, A.; Hernandez, C. 2000. Symphurus insularis: a new eastern Atlantic dwarf tonguefish (Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes). Copeia 2000(2):491-500. Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; NIZINSKI, M.S. 2000. Order clupeiformes. Families Chirocentridae, Clupeidae, Engraulidae and Pristigasteridae. In: Randall, J.E.; Lim, K.K.P., eds. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. No. 8:587-588. Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; NIZINSKI, M.S.; Wongratana, T. 2000. [Family] Chirocentridae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 3. Batoid fishes, chimaeras and bony fishes -- Part 1. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 1771-1774. Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; NIZINSKI, M.S.; Wongratana, T. 2000. [Family] Pristigasteridae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 3. Batoid fishes, chimaeras and bony fishes -- Part 1. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 1754-1770. Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; Wongratana, T.; NIZINSKI, M.S. 2000. [Family] Clupeidae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 3. Batoid fishes, chimaeras and bony fishes -- Part 1. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 1775-1821. Postal address code: NS.

MURAWSKI, S.A. 2000. Definitions of overfishing from an ecosystem perspective. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 57:649-658. Postal address code: WH.

MURAWSKI, S.A.; BROWN, R.W.; LAI, H.-L.; RAGO, P.J.; HENDRICKSON, L.[C.] 2000. Large-scale closed areas as a fishery-management tool in temperate marine systems: the Georges Bank experience. Bull. Mar. Sci. 66:775-798. Postal address code: WH.

OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; LINK, J.S. 2000. The impact and implications of fish predation on pelagic fish and squid on the eastern USA shelf. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 57:1147-1159. Postal address code: WH.

PACE, R.M., III. 2000. Winter survival rates of American woodcock in south central Louisiana. J. Wildl. Manage. 64(4):933-939. Postal address code: WH.

PHELAN, B.A.; GOLDBERG, R.; BEDJA, A.J.; PEREIRA, J.[J.]; Hagan, S.; CLARK, P.; STUDHOLME, A.; CALABRESE, A.; Able, K.W. 2000. Estuarine and habitat related differences in growth rates of young-of-the-year winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) and tautog (Tautoga onitis) in three northeastern U.S. estuaries. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 247(1):1-28. Postal address code: SH.

Polonio, R.E.; Wolke, R.E.; MacLEAN, S.E.; Sperry, J.F. 2000. An in vitro assay to measure phagocytosis in striped bass hybrids (Morone saxatilis X Morone chrysops). Fish Shellf. Immunol. 10 (5): 405-418. Postal address code: MF.

RAMSEYER, L.J. 2000. Utilization of semipurified diets by tautog. N. Am. J. Aqua. 62:125-159. Postal address code: MF (c/o A. Calabrese).

Rosenbaum, H.C.; Brownell, R.L., Jr.; Brown, M.W.; Schaeff, C.; Portway, V.; White, B.N.; Malik, S.; Pastene, L.A.; Patenaude, N.J.; Baker, C.S.; Goto, M.; Best, P.B.; CLAPHAM, P.J.; Hamilton, P.; Moore, M.; Payne, R.; Rowntree, V.; Tynan, C.T.; DeSalle, R. 2000. Worldwide genetic differentiation of Eubalaena: questioning the number of right whale species. Mol. Ecol. 9:1793-1802. Postal address code: WH.

Rosenbaum, H.C.; Egan, M.G.; CLAPHAM, P.J.; Brownell, R.L., Jr.; Malik, S.; Brown, M.; White, B.N.; Walsh, P.; DeSalle, R. 2000. Utility of North Atlantic right whale museum specimens in assessing changes in genetic diversity. Conserv. Biol. 14:1837-1842. Postal address code: WH.

Rossby, T.; BENWAY, R.L. 2000. Slow variations in mean path of the Gulf Stream east of Cape Hatteras. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27:117-120. Postal address code: NG.

SHERMAN, K. 2000. Marine ecosystem management of the Baltic and other regions. Bull. Sea Fish. Inst. Gdynia 151:89-99. Postal address code: NG.

SHERMAN, K. 2000. Why regional coastal monitoring for assessment of ecosystem health? Ecosyst. Health 6(3):205-216. Postal address code: NG.

Sullivan, M.C.; Cowen, R.K.; Able, K.W.; FAHAY, M.P. 2000. Spatial scaling of recruitment in four continental shelf fishes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 207:141-154. Postal address code: SH.

VECCHIONE, M.; MICKEVICH, M.; Fauchald, K.; COLLETTE, B.B.; WILLIAMS, A.B. (deceased); MUNROE, T.A.; Young, R.E. 2000. Importance of assessing taxonomic adequacy in determining fishing effects on marine biodiversity. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 57:677-681. Postal address code: NS.

VECCHIONE, M.; Young, R.E.; Carlini, D.B. 2000. Reconstruction of ancestral character states in neocoleoid cephalapods based on parsimony. Am. Malacol. Bull. 15:179-193. Postal address code: NS.

Walker, R.V.; Myers, K.W.; Davis, N.D.; Aydin, K.Y.; FRIEDLAND, K.D.; Carlson, H.R.; Boehlert, G.W.; Urawa, S.; Ueno, Y.; Anma, G. 2000. Diurnal variation in thermal environment experienced by salmonids in the North Pacific as indicated by data storage tags. Fish. Oceanogr. 9:171-186. Postal address code: MS.

Walline, P.D.; Tyler, J.A.; Brandt, S.B.; Ostrovsky, I.; JECH, J.M. 2000. Lavnun abundance: how changes may affect consumption of Lake Kinneret zooplankton. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues Advanc. Limnol. 55:493-511. Postal address code: WH.

WETHERBEE, B.M. 2000. Assemblage of deep-sea sharks on Chatham Rise, New Zealand. Fish. Bull. (Wash. DC) 98:189-198. Postal address code: NG.

WHIPPLE, S.J.; LINK, J.S.; GARRISON, L.P.; FOGARTY, M.J. 2000. Models of predation and fishing mortality in aquatic ecosystems. Fish Fish. 1:22-40. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

WIKFORS, G.H. 2000. Microalgal culture. In: Stickney, R.R., ed. Encyclopedia of aquaculture. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; p. 520-525. Postal address code: MF.

WILLIAMS, A.B. (deceased); Smith, C.R.; Baco, A. 2000. New species of Paralomis (Decapoda, Anomura, Lithodidae) from a sunken whale carcass in the San Clemente Basin off southern California. J. Crustac. Biol. 20(Spec. No. 2):281-285. Postal address code: NS (c/o M. Vecchione).

WILLIAMS, A.B. (deceased); Vargas, R. 2000. A new species of mud shrimp, Upogebia cortesi, from Pacific Costa Rica (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Upogebiidae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 113:13-16. Postal address code: NS (c/o M. Vecchione).

Wongratana, T.; MUNROE, T.A.; NIZINSKI, M.S. 2000. [Family] Engraulidae. In: Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes: the living marine resources of the western Central Pacific. Vol. 3. Batoid fishes, chimaeras and bony fishes -- Part 1. Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 1698-1753. Postal address code: NS.


Whenever possible, links have been provided to corresponding full-text publications or abstracts.
Some links are not accessible unless you or your internet provider are registered with the service.

BOLZ, G.R.; Monaghan, J.P., Jr.; LANG, K.L.; Gregory, R.W.; Burnett, J.M. 2000. Proceedings of the Summer Flounder Aging Workshop, 1-2 February 1999, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-156; 15 p. Postal address code: WH.

BOWMAN, R.E.; STILLWELL, C.E. (deceased); MICHAELS, W.L.; GROSSLEIN, M.D. 2000. Food of Northwest Atlantic fishes and two common species of squid. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-155; 138 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o W. Michaels).

BROWN, R.W.; BURNETT, J.M.; BEGG, G.A.; CADRIN, S.X. 2000. Assessment of the Georges Bank winter flounder stock, 1982-1997. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-16; 88 p. Postal address code: WH.

BROWN, R.W.; MUNROE, N.J. 2000. Stock assessment of Georges Bank haddock, 1931-1999. A report of the 3rd Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee meeting. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-12; 118 p. Postal address code: WH.

CADRIN, S.X.; Neilson, J.D.; Gavaris, S.; Perley, P. 2000. Assessment of the Georges Bank yellowtail flounder stock for 2000. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-10; 71 p. Postal address code: WH.

CLAPHAM, P.J.; Hatch, L.T. 2000. Determining spatial and temporal scales for population management units: lessons from whaling. IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/52/SD2; 11 p. Postal address code: WH.

CLAPHAM, P.[J.]; Robbins, J.; Brown, M.; Wade, P.; Findlay, K. 2000. A note on plausible rates of population growth in humpback whales. IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/52/1A-WP14; 3 p. Postal address code: WH.

CLARK, S.[H.]; SOSEBEE, K.[A.] 2000. United States research report for 1999. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCS [Sci. Counc. Summ.] Doc. 00/14; 15 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o K. Sosebee).

CLARK, S.[H.]; Stobo, W., TRAC Co-Chairmen. 2000. Proceedings of the third meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 26-28, 2000. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-09; 34 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o F. Serchuk).

Dawe, E.G.; HENDRICKSON, L.C.; Showell, M.A. 2000. An update to commercial catch and survey indices for short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) in the Northwest Atlantic for 1999. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 00/37; 7 p. Postal address code: WH.

DESHPANDE, A.D.; DRAXLER, A.F.J.; ZDANOWICZ, V.S.; Schrock, M.E.; PAULSON, A.J.; FINNERAN, T.W.; SHARACK, B.L.; CORBO, K.; ARLEN, L.; LEIMBURG, E.; DOCKUM, B.W.; PIKANOWSKI, R.A.; May, B.; Rosman, L. 2000. Contaminant levels in muscle of four species of recreational fish from the New York Bight apex. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-157; 99 p. Postal address code: SH.

FRIDAY, N.; SMITH, T.D. 2000. The effect of age and sex selective harvest patterns for baleen whales. IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/52/AS22; 10 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o T.D. Smith).

GARNER, L.; GIBSON, J.A. 2000. Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, and abstracts for calendar year 1999. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-13; 21 p. Postal address code: WH.

JECH, J.M.; MICHAELS, W.L.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; GABRIEL, W.L.; AZAROVITZ, T.R.; MA, D.; DWYER, K.; YETTER, R. 2000. Fisheries acoustics surveys in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments; Charleston, SC; May 1-3, 2000. Ann Arbor, MI: Veridian ERIM International; p. I-168 - I-175. Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S. 2000. Fisheries management in an ecosystem context: what does this mean, what do we want, and can we do it? [Overview paper.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:5-11. Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; ALMEIDA, F.P. 2000. An overview and history of the Food Web Dynamics Program of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-159; 60 p. Postal address code: WH.

MACE, P.M. 2000. Introduction. In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:3-4. Postal address code: WH.

MACE, P.M., editor. 2000. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46; 78 p. Postal address code: WH.

Maritorena, S.; O'REILLY, J.E. 2000. OC2v2: update on the initial operational SeaWiFS chlorophyll a algorithm. Chapter 1 in: O'Reilly, J.E.; Maritorena, S.; O'Brien, M.C.; Siegel, D.A.; Toole, D.; Menzies, D.; Smith, R.C.; Mueller, J.L.; Mitchell, B.G.; Kahru, M.; Chavez, F.P.; Strutton, P.; Cota, G.F.; Hooker, S.B.; McClain, C.R.; Carder, K.L.; Müller-Karger, F.; Harding, L.; Magnuson, A.; Phinney, D.; Moore, G.F.; Aiken, J.; Arrigo, K.R.; Letelier, R.; Culver, M., eds. SeaWiFS postlaunch calibration and validation analyses, Part 3. NASA [Natl. Aeronaut. Space Admin.] Tech. Memo.-2000-206892, Vol. 11; p. 3-8. Postal address code: NG.

MAYO, R.K. 2000. Fisheries assessment compilation toolbox (FACT). 1. ADAPT/VPA - outlines and data sets. Workshop on Assessment Methods. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 00/69; 30 p. Postal address code: WH.

MAYO, R.K. 2000. Fisheries assessment compilation toolbox (FACT). 2. AGEPRO - outlines and data sets. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 00/70; 27 p. Postal address code: WH.

MILLIKEN, H.O., III; Carr, H.A.; McBRIDE, H.; Farrington, M. 2000. Selectivity studies in the Northwest Atlantic longline fishery. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2000/J:13; 13 p. Postal address code: WH.

MOUNTAIN, D.G. 2000. The Northeast Fisheries Science Center sampling program. Gulf of Maine News Summer 2000:6-7. Postal address code: WH.

MOUNTAIN, D.[G.]; KANE, J.; GREEN, J. 2000. Environmental forcing of variability in zooplankton abundance and cod recruitment on Georges Bank. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2000/M:15; 10 p. Postal address code: WH.

MUNROE, T.A. 2000. An overview of the biology, ecology, and fisheries of the clupeoid fishes occurring in the Gulf of Maine. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-02; 226 p. Postal address code: NS.

[Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 30]. 2000. 30th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (30th SAW): Public Review Workshop. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-04; 53 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o P. Smith).

[Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 30]. 2000. 30th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (30th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-03; 477 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o P. Smith).

[Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 31]. 2000. 31st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (31st SAW): Public Review Workshop. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-14; 45 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o P. Smith).

[Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop No. 31]. 2000. 31st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (31st SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-15; 400 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o P. Smith).

Northern Demersal Working Group, Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop. 2000. Assessment of 11 Northeast groundfish stocks through 1999. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-05; 175 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o R. Mayo).

O'BRIEN, L.; MUNROE, N.[J.] 2000. Assessment of the Georges Bank Atlantic cod stock for 2000. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-17; 134 p. Postal address code: WH.

Olinde, M.W.; Kimmel, F.G.; PACE, R.M., III. 2000. Direct recoveries from in-season banding of American woodcock in south central Louisiana. In: McAuley, D.G.; Bruggink, J.; Sepik, G.F., eds. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Woodcock Symposium. Laurel, MD: U.S. Geological Survey; p. 77-83. Postal address code: WH.

OLSON, J. 2000. Book review of: Aukrust, K.; Eriksen, A., eds. 1999. Kunnskap om Kultur: Folkloristisk Dialoger [Cultural Knowledge: Dialogues in Folklore Studies]. Oslo, Norway: Novus Forlag; 204 p. Amer. Ethnol. 27(1):187-188. Postal address code: WH.

O'REILLY, J.E.; Maritorena, S.; O'Brien, M.C.; Siegel, D.A.; Toole, D.; Menzies, D.; Smith, R.C.; Mueller, J.L.; Mitchell, B.G.; Kahru, M.; Chavez, F.P.; Strutton, P.; Cota, G.F.; Hooker, S.B.; McClain, C.R.; Carder, K.L.; Müller-Karger, F.; Harding, L.; Magnuson, A.; Phinney, D.; Moore, G.F.; Aiken, J.; Arrigo, K.R.; Letelier, R.; Culver, M. 2000. SeaWiFS postlaunch calibration and validation analyses, Part 3. NASA [Natl. Aeronaut. Space Admin.] Tech. Memo. 2000-206892, Vol. 11; 49 p. Postal address code: NG.

O'REILLY, J.E.; Maritorena, S.; Siegel, D.A.; O'Brien, M.C.; Toole, D.; Mitchell, B.G.; Kahru, M.; Chavez, F.P.; Strutton, P.; Cota, G.F.; Hooker, S.B.; McClain, C.R.; Carder, K.L.; Müller-Karger, F.; Harding, L.; Magnuson, A.; Phinney, D.; Moore, G.F.; Aiken, J.; Arrigo, K.R.; Letelier, R.; Culver, M., editors. 2000. Ocean color chlorophyll algorithms for SeaWiFS, OC2, OC4: Version 4. Chapter 2 in: O'Reilly, J.E.; Maritorena, S.; O'Brien, M.C.; Siegel, D.A.; Toole, D.; Menzies, D.; Smith, R.C.; Mueller, J.L.; Mitchell, B.G.; Kahru, M.; Chavez, F.P.; Strutton, P.; Cota, G.F.; Hooker, S.B.; McClain, C.R.; Carder, K.L.; Müller-Karger, F.; Harding, L.; Magnuson, A.; Phinney, D.; Moore, G.F.; Aiken, J.; Arrigo, K.R.; Letelier, R.; Culver, M., eds. SeaWiFS postlaunch calibration and validation analyses, Part 3. NASA [Natl. Aeronaut. Space Admin.] Tech. Memo.-2000-206892, Vol. 11; p. 9-23. Postal address code: NG.

OVERHOLTZ, [W.J.]; LINK, J.[S.] 2000. Subtheme I: Ecosystem properties. [Discussion group report.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:51-52. Postal address code: WH.

PACE, R.M., III. 2000. A simple moving window estimator for describing movement paths. In: Eiler, J.H.; Alcorn, D.J.; Newman, M.R., eds. Biotelemtry 15: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Biotelemetry, Juneau, AK, USA. Wageningen, The Netherlands: International Society of Biotelemetry; p. 517-523. Postal address code: WH.

PACE, R.M., III. 2000. Radiotracking via triangulation: are small sample von Mises MLE’s normal? In: Eiler, J.H.; Alcorn, D.J.; Newman, M.R., eds. Biotelemtry 15: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Biotelemetry, Juneau, AK, USA. Wageningen, The Netherlands: International Society of Biotelemetry; p. 488-492. Postal address code: WH.

PACE, R.M., III. 2000. Radiotracking via triangulation: the folly of censoring locations on the basis of error ellipse size. In: Eiler, J.H.; Alcorn, D.J.; Newman, M.R., eds. Biotelemtry 15: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Biotelemetry, Juneau, AK, USA. Wageningen, The Netherlands: International Society of Biotelemetry; p. 528-534. Postal address code: WH.

PACE, R.M., III; Olinde, M.W.; Kimmel, F.G. 2000. Body mass variations of woodcock in south central Louisiana. In: McAuley, D.G.; Bruggink, J.; Sepik, G.F., eds. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Woodcock Symposium. Laurel, MD: U.S. Geological Survey; p. 90-95. Postal address code: WH.

PALKA, D.L. 2000. Abundance of the Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy harbor porpoise based on shipboard and aerial surveys during 1999. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-07; 29 p. Postal address code: WH.

PALKA, D.[L.] 2000. Effectiveness of gear modifications as a harbor porpoise by-catch reduction strategy off the Mid-Atlantic coast of the USA. IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/52/SM24; 27 p. Postal address code: WH.

Pauly, D.; Christensen, V.; Froese, R.; Longhurst, A.; Platt, T.; Sathyendranath, S.; SHERMAN, K.; Watson, R. 2000. Mapping fisheries onto marine ecosystems: a proposal for a consensus approach for regional, oceanic and global integrations. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2000/T:14; 15 p. Postal address code: NG.

Polacheck, T.; PALKA, D.[L.]; Borchers, D.; Cooke, J.G.; Skaug, H.J.; Dixon, C. 2000. Simulation comparison of different methods for estimating whale density from double team line transect data. IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/52/RMP18; 32 p. Postal address code: WH.

RAGO, P.J.; MURAWSKI, S.A.; Stokesbury, K.; DuPaul, W.; McSherry, M. 2000. Integrated management of the sea scallop fishery in the Northeast USA: research and commercial vessel surveys, observers, and vessel monitoring systems. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2000/W:13; 32 p. Postal address code: WH.

Resource Evaluation and Assessment Division, Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2000. Status of the fishery resources off the northeastern United States. Rev. ed. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115. [This report is a web-only publication which is updated as needed.]

ROBOHM, R.A.; PITCHFORD, S. 2000. An evaluation of bacteria as a cause of morbidity in Long Island Sound lobsters. Prepared for: First Annual Long Island Sound Lobster Health Symposium; Stamford, CT; Apr. 17-18, 2000; unpublished. Postal address code: MF.

ROSSMAN, M.C. 2000. Effectiveness of time/area closures and acoustic deterrents as harbor porpoise bycatch reduction strategies off the Northeast coast of the United States. IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/52/SM23; 13 p. Postal address code: WH.

SHERMAN, K. 2000. Book review of: Committee on Ecosystem Management for Sustainable Marine Fisheries, National Research Council. 1999. Sustaining marine fisheries. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 184 p. Fisheries 25:41-42. Postal address code: NG.

SHERMAN, K. 2000. Marine ecosystem management of the Baltic and other regions. Prepared for: Global Dialogue at Expo 2000; Hannover, Germany; Jun. 19-21, 2000; 15 p. Postal address code: NG.

SHERMAN, K. 2000. Why regional coastal monitoring and assessment? Prepared for: Establishing a framework for effective monitoring of the Gulf of Maine; Woods Hole, MA; Apr. 12-14, 2000; 21 p. Postal address code: NG.

SHERMAN, K.; KANE, J.; MURAWSKI, S.[A.]; OVERHOLTZ, W.[J.]; Solow, A. 2000. Zooplankton as an ecological indicator in a fish stock recovery assessment. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 2000/M:19; 22 p. Postal address code: NG.

SMITH, T.D. 2000. Comparison of two computer programs for calculating catch limits under the Revised Management Procedure. IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/52/Mg1; 16 p. Postal address code: WH.

SOSEBEE, K.A.; RAGO, P.J. 2000. Abundance and distribution of elasmobranchs from the NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center research vessel bottom trawl surveys. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 00/19; 26 p. Postal address code: WH.

SOSEBEE, K.A.; TERCEIRO, M. 2000. Assessment of the United States Northeast region skate complex for 2000. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 00/15; 107 p. Postal address code: WH.

STEINBACK, S.; THUNBERG, E.M. 2000. A method for analyzing trip limits in Northeast fisheries: a case study of the spiny dogfish fishery. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-06; 10 p. Postal address code: WH.

Sutinen, J.G., editor; CLAY, P.; Dyer, C.L.; EDWARDS, S.F.; Gates, J.; Grigalunas, T.A.; Hennessey, T.; Juda, L.; KITTS, A.W.; LOGAN, P.N.; Poggie, J.J., Jr.; POLLARD ROUNTREE, B.; STEINBACK, S.R.; THUNBERG, E.M.; Upton, H.F.; WALDEN, J.B. 2000. A framework for monitoring and assessing socioeconomics and governance of large marine ecosystems. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-158; 32 p. Postal address code: NG (c/o K. Sherman).

Swartz, S.L.; COLE, T.[V.M.]; McDonald, M.A.; Hildebrand, J.A.; Oleson, E.M.; Burks, C.; CLAPHAM, P.J.; Barlow, J.; Martinez, A. 2000. Visual and acoustic survey of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Lesser Antilles: preliminary results. IWC [Int. Whal. Comm.] Sci. Counc. Work. Pap. SC/52/AS 1; 30 p. Postal address code: WH.

TAYLOR, M.H.; BASCUÑÁN, C. 2000. CTD data collection on Northeast Fisheries Science Center cruises: standard operating procedures. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-11; 28 p. Postal address code: WH.

TAYLOR, M.H.; BASCUÑÁN, C. 2000. Description of the 1999 oceanographic conditions on the Northeast continental shelf. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-01; 120 p. Postal address code: WH.

[Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee]. 2000. TRAC advisory report on stock status: a report of the third meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee (TRAC), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 26-28, 2000. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 00-08; 20 p. Postal address code: WH (c/o F. Serchuk).

Wakefield, W.; FOGARTY, M.[J.]; Butler, I.; Ianelli, J. 2000. Subtheme IV: Secondary effects of fishing. [Discussion Group Report.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:63-65. Postal address code: WH.

WALDEN, J.B.; Kirkley, J.[E.] 2000. Measuring capacity of the New England otter trawl fleet. Prepared for: Proceedings of the IIFET Meeting; Corvallis, OR; Jul. 10-14, 2000; 10 p. Postal address code: WH.

WALDEN, J.B.; Kirkley, J. E. 2000. Measuring technical efficiency and capacity in fisheries by data envelopment analysis using the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS): a workbook. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-160; 15 p. Postal address code: WH.

Walsh, S.J.; CADRIN, S.X. 2000. Evaluating total allowable catch projections for yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) on the Grand Bank using multiple indices and surplus production analysis. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 00/44; 47 p. Postal address code: WH.

WARING, G.T.; QUINTAL, J.M.; Swartz, S.L., editors; Barros, N.B.; CLAPHAM, P.J.; COLE, T.V.N.; Fairfield, C.P.; Hansen, L.J.; Mullin, K.D.; Odell, D.K.; PALKA, D.L.; ROSSMAN, M.C.; U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Wells, R.S.; Yeung, C, contributors. 2000. U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico marine mammal stock assessments -- 2000. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-162; 303 p. Postal address code: WH.


Whenever possible, links have been provided to corresponding full-text publications or abstracts.
Some links are not accessible unless you or your internet provider are registered with the service.

ALMEIDA, F.[P.]; Auster, P.; CROSS, J.; Lindholm, J.; LINK, J.S.; PACKER, D.; PAULSON, A.J.; REID, R.; Valentine, P. 2000. The effects of marine protected areas on fish and benthic fauna: the Georges Bank Closed Area II example. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 130th Annual Meeting; St. Louis, MO; Aug. 20-24, 2000; p. 252. Postal address code: WH.

Balazsi, B.; WIKFORS, G.H. 2000. Experimental evidence for phytic acid-phosphorus use by pure cultures of marine microalgae. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:567-568. Postal address code: MF.

BERRIEN, P.L.; SIBUNKA, J.D.; CHAMBERS, R.C. 2000. Temperature effects on embryonic developmental rates, sizes at hatching, and survival of yolk-sac larvae of summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 5-6, 2000; p. 20. Postal address code: SH.

BLOGOSLAWSKI, W.J. 2000. Overview, 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:567. Postal address code: MF.

BRODZIAK, J.[K.T.]; LINK, J.[S.] 2000. Ecosystem management: how can we do it? [Abstr.; oral pres.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:16. Postal address code: WH.

BRODZIAK, J.[K.T.]; LINK, J.[S.] 2000. Ecosystem management: what is it and how can we do it? [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 3rd Mote International Symposium: Targets, Thresholds, and the Burden of Proof in Fisheries Management; Sarasota, FL; Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

Brown, M.V.; Strausbaugh, L.; STILES, S. 2000. Methodology for the generation of molecular tags in Placopecten magellanicus (sea scallop) and Argopecten irradians (bay scallop). Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:569. Postal address code: MF.

BROWN, R.W.; Reddin, D.G.; Short, P.B.; King, T.L.; FRIEDLAND, K.D.; Kanneworff, P. 2000. Origin of Atlantic salmon captured in a mixed stock fishery at West Greenland. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 130th Annual Meeting; St. Louis, MO; Aug. 20-24, 2000; p. 43. Postal address code: WH.

CHAMBERS, R.C.; WITTING, D.A. 2000. An experimental analysis of size-specific predator-prey interactions between juveniles of summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, and winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 5-6, 2000; p. 42-43. Postal address code: SH.

CHAMBERS, R.C.; WITTING, D.A. 2000. Experimental analysis of geographic and seasonal differences in spawning time on growth, development, and survival of larval summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 5-6, 2000; p. 8-9. Postal address code: SH.

CLAPHAM, P.J. 2000. Report on the IWC Workshop on Status and Trends of Western North Atlantic Right Whales. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Right Whale Consortium Meeting; Boston, MA; Oct. 26-27, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

CLARK, S.H.; SILVA, V.; HOLMES, E.; O'Gorman, J.B. 2000. Observations on the biology and distribution of northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, in the Gulf of Maine, from research vessel surveys. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:553. Postal address code: WH (c/o V. Silva).

Clarke, L.M.; FRIEDLAND, K.D. 2000. Evaluation of the incorporation of elemental magnesium in Atlantic salmon otoliths as an indicator of thermal history. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 130th Annual Meeting; St. Louis, MO; Aug. 20-24, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: MS.

COLE, T.[V.N.]; WENZEL, F.; LAMB, A. 2000. Northeast Fisheries Science Center aerial surveys for right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in offshore waters of New England. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Right Whale Consortium Meeting; Boston, MA; Oct. 26-27, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

DRAXLER, A.F.J.; Siclare, J.A. 2000. Response of YOY winter flounder to sediment biogeochemicals. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 5-6, 2000; p. 44. Postal address code: SH.

EDWARDS, S.F. 2000. An elemental basis of property rights to marine fishery resources. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Workshop on the Human Dimensions of Large Marine Ecosystems; W. Alton Jones Campus, Univ. of Rhode Island; Feb. 12-15, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

EDWARDS, S.[F.]; ROUNTREE, B.[P.]; LINK, J.[S.] 2000. A conceptual basis for fishery resource portfolios. [Abstr.; oral pres.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:20. Postal address code: WH.

FOGARTY, M.J. 2000. Habitat loss, carrying capacity, and fishery management. [Abstr.; oral pres.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:23. Postal address code: WH.

French, R.A.; De Guise, S.; Frasca, S., Jr.; Russell, K.S.; Burrage, T.; ROBOHM, R.[A.] 2000. A review of Long Island Sound lobster morbidity and mortality. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management; Key West, FL; Sep. 10-15, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: MF.

GARRISON, L.P. 2000. The influence of fishing pressure on the spatial distribution and overlap between exploited and unexploited species on Georges Bank. [Abstr.; post. pres.] Prepared for: Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop; Seattle, WA; Mar. 28-30, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

GARRISON, L.P.; LINK, J.S. 2000. Changes in dietary overlap among fish species on Georges Bank during the last three decades: a shift in competitive interactions. [Abstr.; post. pres.] Prepared for: Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop; Seattle, WA; Mar. 28-30, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

GARRISON, L.P.; LINK, J.S.; MICHAELS, W.L.; FOGARTY, M.J. 2000. Predation mortality on Georges Bank gadid larvae: does herring and mackerel predation impact survival? [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 130th Annual Meeting; St. Louis, MO; Aug. 20-24, 2000; p. 127. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

Gerrodette, T.; Dayton, P.K.; Macinko, S.; FOGARTY, M.[J.] 2000. Contrasting the roles of science and policy in precautionary management of fisheries: moving beyond burden of proof. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 3rd Mote International Symposium: Targets, Thresholds, and the Burden of Proof in Fisheries Management; Sarasota, FL; Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

GOLDBERG, R.; PEREIRA, J.[J.]; CLARK, P.; Faber, B.; Porter, D.; Rinek, L.; Kanter, B.; Kanter, E.; Lord, W. 2000. Population enhancement efforts for the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, in the Niantic River estuary, Connecticut, USA. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:572. Postal address code: MF.

GOULET, J.R., Jr. 2000. Climatology and canonical indices of Calanus finmarchicus abundance, temperature and salinity on the US Northeast continental shelf. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Annual Meeting; Copenhagen, Denmark; Jun. 5-9, 2000; p. 57. Postal address code: NG (c/o J. Jossi).

HAAS-CASTRO, R.E. 2000. River-specific egg size for downeast Maine Atlantic salmon: a pilot study. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: the American Fisheries Society Southern New England Chapter Meeting; Narragansett, RI; Jan. 12, 2000; p. 1. Postal address code: WH.

HART, D.R. 2000. Trophic cascades and intraguild predation in aquatic food webs. [Abstr.; oral pres.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:27. Postal address code: WH.

HENDRICKSON, L.C.; Sheehan, D. 2000. Stock assessment of northern shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) in the Northwest Atlantic: analysis of spatially-disaggregated data. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Cephalopod International Advisory Council Millennium Symposium on Cephalopod Biomass and Production; Aberdeen, Scotland; Jul. 5-7, 2000; p.n.k. Postal address code: WH.

Horne, J.K.; JECH, J.M. 2000. Incorporating behavior in target strength prediction of fish schools. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Joint session of the ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Working Groups on Fisheries Acoustic Science and Technology (FAST) and Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (FTFB); Haarlem, The Netherlands; Apr. 12, 2000; p. 3. Postal address code: WH.

JECH, J.M.; Horne, J.K. 2000. Three-dimensional visualization of fish morphometry and acoustic backscatter. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology; Haarlem, The Netherlands; Apr. 10-14, 2000; p. 6. Postal address code: WH.

JECH, J.M.; MICHAELS, W.L.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; GABRIEL, W.L.; AZAROVITZ, T.R.; MA, D.; DWYER, K.; YETTER, R. 2000. Fisheries acoustic surveys in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Sixth Annual International Conference for Marine Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments; Charleston, SC; May 1-3, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

JECH, J.M.; Reeder, D.B.; Stanton, T.K.; Chu, D. 2000. Three dimensional visualization of acoustic backscattering measurements and models by alewife. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Acoustical Society of America 140th Meeting; Newport Beach, CA; Dec. 3-8, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

KATERSKY, R.S.; Simlick, T.L.; Bengtson, D.A. 2000. The oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion and scope for growth of newly-settled summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 5-6, 2000; p. 14. Postal address code: MF.

KOCIK, J.F.; Beland, K.F.; SHEEHAN, T.F. 2000. Smolt production dynamics of an Atlantic salmon population in eastern Maine. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 130th Annual Meeting; St. Louis, MO; Aug. 20-24, 2000; p. 42. Postal address code: WH.

Lin, C.-M.; Siri, S.; STILES, S.; Chen, T. 2000. Production of transgenic mollusks and crustaceans. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:576. Postal address code: MF.

LEGAULT, C.M.; Schirripa, M.J.; Restrepo, V.R. 2000. Rebuilding plans for an uncertain stock-recruitment relationship, red grouper in the Gulf of Mexico. [Abstr.; oral pres.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:33. Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S. 2000. Quantification and dynamics of indicators of ecosystem health, goods, and services: the Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine example. [Abstr.; post. pres.] Prepared for: Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop; Seattle, WA; Mar. 28-30, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

LINK, J.S.; ALMEIDA, F.[P.]; MILLIKEN, C.[G.]; GARRISON, L.P. 2000. Overview of food web dynamics in the Northwest Atlantic: detecting changes in key processes and parameters in a multispecies context. [Abstr.; post. pres.] Prepared for: Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop; Seattle, WA; Mar. 28-30, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr. 2000. A historical review of the decline of Raritan Bay and local river habitats using the softshell clam as an indicator species. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Symposium: Evaluating Estuarine Habitat in NY/NJ Harbor; New York, NY; Oct. 24-25, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr. 2000. A review of current clam culture in New England. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:576-577. Postal address code: SH.

MANDERSON, J.P. 2000. Dynamic habitat in a temperate estuary and spatio-temporal variation in the growth of an early juvenile flatfish. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Symposium: Evaluating Estuarine Habitat in NY/NJ Harbor; New York, NY; Oct. 24-25, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: SH.

MANDERSON, J.P.; PHELAN, B.A.; MEISE, C.; STEHLIK, L.L.; BEJDA, A.J.; PESSUTTI, J.; ARLEN, L.; DRAXLER, A.[F.J.]; Stoner, A.W. 2000. Dynamic habitat in a temperate estuary and spatio-temporal variation in the growth of an early juvenile flatfish. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 5-6, 2000; p. 29-30. Postal address code: SH.

McGillicuddy, D.; O'REILLY, J.E. 2000. Assimilation of chlorophyll data into a coastal ocean model using the adjoint method. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: NASA SeaWiFS Science Team Meeting; Durham, NH; May 16-19, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: NG.

MICHAELS, W.L.; JECH, J.M. 2000. Diel variability in the acoustic target strength measurement of Atlantic herring. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Sixth Annual International Conference for Marine Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments; Charleston, SC; May 1-3, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

MICHAELS, W.L.; JECH, J.M.; Demer, D.A. 2000. Multifrequency backscatter measurements of Atlantic herring in the Northwest Atlantic. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Acoustical Society of America 140th Meeting -- Symposium on Bioacoustics of Fish and Plankton; Newport Beach, CA; Dec. 3-8, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

MICHAELS, W.L; JECH, J.M.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J. 2000. Preliminary results of the 1997-99 fisheries acoustics research by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Northwest Atlantic Herring Acoustic Workshop; Darling Marine Center, Walpole, ME; Jan. 18-19, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

MILLIKEN, C.G. 2000. Predation on Cancer crabs by fishes on the Northeast U.S. continental shelf. [Abstr.; post. pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 130th Annual Meeting; St. Louis, MO; Aug. 20-24, 2000; p. 251. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

MUNROE, T.A. 2000. Beyond winter flounder: a global perspective of species diversity in flatfish (Order Pleuronectiformes). [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 5-6, 2000; p. 3-4. Postal address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A. 2000. Three new species of soleid flatfishes from Australian waters (Soleichthys: Soleidae: Pleuronectiformes), with a redescription of Soleichthys microcephalus (Günther). [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 80th Annual Meeting; Baja California Sur, Mexico; Jun. 14-20, 2000; p.n.k. Postal address code: NS.

MURAWSKI, S.A. Are there ecosystem analogs to overfishing definitions? [Abstr.; oral pres.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:37. Postal address code: WH.

OLSON, J. 2000. A genealogy of ecological anthropology. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: The Dibner Institute Summer Seminar in the History of Biology: Putting Humans into Ecology; Woods Hole, MA; May 31 - Jun. 7, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

OLSON, J. 2000. Commentary on Dyer and Poggie's "The Natural Resource Region and Marine Policy." [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Workshop on the Human Dimensions of Large Marine Ecosystems; W. Alton Jones Campus, Univ. of Rhode Island; Feb. 12-15, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

OLSON, J. 2000. Making connections and linking levels: what community means in practice. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Anthropological Association 99th Annual Meeting; San Francisco, CA; Nov. 15-19, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

O'REILLY, J.E.; Behrenfeld, M.J.; Yoder, J.A.; Schollaert, S.; WOOD, G. 2000. Primary production in the Northeast US shelf ecosystem using the VGPM and high-resolution satellite data from AVHRR and SeaWiFS. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: NASA SeaWiFS Science Team Meeting; Durham, NH; May 16-19, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: NG.

OVERHOLTZ, [W.J.]; LINK, J.[S.] 2000. Importance and impact of predation on the dynamics of Atlantic herring. [Abstr.; oral pres.] In: Mace, P.M., ed. Proceedings of the Sixth NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop: Incorporating Ecosystem Considerations into Stock Assessments and Management Advice -- What are the Pros and Cons of Going Beyond Single Species? NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-46:39. Postal address code: WH.

PAULSON, A.J. 2000. Response of suspended matter and the associated elemental composition to tidal resuspension in New York-New Jersey Harbor estuaries. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Impacts of Motorized Boats on Shallow Water Systems; Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ; Nov. 7-8, 2000; p. 26. Postal address code: SH.

PERRY, D.M.; NELSON, D.A.; Goncalo, J.E. 2000. Growing rotifers on single and mixed algal strains to be used as a first feed for larval tautog. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:578. Postal address code: MF.

PERRY, D.M.; RAMSEYER, L.; Goncalo, J. 2000. Growth of juvenile tautog fed commercial diets in a cross-over experiment. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:578. Postal address code: MF.

Picozza, E.; Crivello, J.; Brown, M.V.; Strausbaugh, L.; STILES, S. 2000. Status report for the characterization of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, genome. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:578-579. Postal address code: MF.

PIKANOWSKI, R.A. 2000. The use of a trawl survey of lower New York Bay for fish habitat evaluation. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Symposium: Evaluating Estuarine Habitat in NY/NJ Harbor; New York, NY; Oct. 24-25, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: SH.

PITCHFORD, S.; ROBOHM, R.[A.]; MacLEAN, S.; RAMSEYER, L. 2000. Observations on mycobacteriosis in the tautog (Tautoga onitis). Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:579. Postal address code: MF.

Reeder, D.B.; JECH, J.M.; Stanton, T.K.; Chu, D. 2000. Broadband acoustic backscattering from alewife fish -- experiment and analysis. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Acoustical Society of America 140th Meeting; Newport Beach, CA; Dec. 3-8, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

REID, R.[N.] 2000. The role of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service in NY/NJ Harbor habitat evaluation. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Symposium: Evaluating Estuarine Habitat in NY/NJ Harbor; New York, NY; Oct. 24-25, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: SH.

Shaheen, P.A.; STEHLIK, L.L.; MEISE, C.J.; STONER, A.W.; MANDERSON, J.P.; ADAMS, D.L. 2000. Field and laboratory observations on the feeding behavior of newly-settled winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 5-6, 2000; p. 45. Postal address code: SH.

SHERMAN, K. 2000. Coastal and estuarine nursery grounds in ecosystem-based assessment and management programs: a global perspective. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 24th Annual Larval Fish Conference: Global Climatic Change, Essential Fisheries Habitat, and Early Life Stages; Gulf Shores, AL; Nov. 5-10, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: NG.

SHERMAN, K. 2000. Toward recovery of global biomass yields: a large marine ecosystem perspective. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: The Third World Fisheries Congress; Beijing, China; Oct. 31 - Nov. 3, 2000; p.n.k. Postal address code: MS.

Simlick, T.L.; KATERSKY, R.S.; Bengtson, D.A. 2000. Energetics of growth differences in cultured summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus: prey consumption and absorption efficiency by newly-settled juveniles. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 5-6, 2000; p. 12-13. Postal address code: MF.

SMITH, B.C.; DIXON, M. 2000. Living contaminants in microalgal feed production tanks - what do we do now? Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:581-582. Postal address code: MF.

SMITH, T.D. 2000. History of marine animal populations. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Maury II Workshop; Woods Hole, MA; Jun. 4-6, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

SMITH, T.D.; Fowler, C. 2000. Putting humans into ecology: the fisheries science experience. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: The Dibner Institute Summer Seminar in the History of Biology: Putting Humans into Ecology; Woods Hole, MA; May 31 - Jun. 7, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

STEIMLE, F.[W.] 2000. Diets of fish and lobster in the Raritan Bay estuary. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Symposium: Evaluating Estuarine Habitat in NY/NJ Harbor; New York, NY; Oct. 24-25, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: SH.

STILES, S.; ROBINSON, T.; CHOROMANSKI, J. 2000. Observations on growth and survival of juvenile bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) from genetic lines under different density and holding conditions. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:582-583. Postal address code: MF.

Swartz, S.L.; McDonald, M.A.; Hildebrand, J.A.; Oleson, E.M.; Barlow, J.; CLAPHAM, P.[J.]; COLE, T.[V.N.] 2000. Locating and enumerating endangered humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) with directional (DIFAR) sonobuoys in the eastern and southern Caribbean. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Acoustical Society of America 140th Meeting; Newport Beach, CA; Dec. 3-8, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: WH.

Trippel, E.A.; Conway, J.D.; PALKA, D.L.; POTTER, D.C.; MERRICK, R.L.; Allen, L.; King, D. 2000. Testing of reflective gillnets as an alternative management tool to reduce incidental mortalities of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Northwest Atlantic gillnet fisheries. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee meeting; Adelaide, Australia; Jun. 12-26, 2000; p.n.k. Postal address code: WH.

WEINBERG, J.R.; RAGO, P.J.; KEITH, C.; HENDRICKSON, L.C.; MURAWSKI, S.A.; Powell, E.; Mann, R.; Weidman, C. 2000. Stock assessment of surfclams along the east coast of the United States: the importance of estimating dredge efficiency. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:627. Postal address code: WH.

WHIPPLE, S.J.; LINK, J.S.; GARRISON, L.P. 2000. Biomass trade-offs in the fisheries ecosystem of the NW Atlantic: insight from a food web simulation model. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 130th Annual Meeting; St. Louis, MO; Aug. 20-24, 2000; p. 23-24. Postal address code: WH (c/o J. Link).

WIDMAN, J.C., Jr. 2000. An inexpensive digital temperature sensor for data acquisition use in aquaculture. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:584. Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H. 2000. Aquacultural feeding standards for molluscan shellfish seed: a first cut. Prepared for: 92nd Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association; Seattle, WA; Mar. 19-23, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:606-607. Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.; ALIX, J.H.; BARCIA, S.; CULLUM, J.; Shumway, S.E.; Smolowitz, R.M. 2000. Responses of bay scallops, at several life-history stages, to cultures of potentially-harmful marine microalgae. Prepared for: 20th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford, CT; Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:584. Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.; ALIX, J.H.; Shumway, S.E.; BARCIA, S.; CULLUM, J.; Smolowitz, R.M. 2000. Experimental exposures of bay scallops to suspected harmful microalgae. Prepared for: 92nd Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association; Seattle, WA; Mar. 19-23, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:639. Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.; SMITH, B.C. 2000. Intensive culture of microalgae as live feed for bivalve mollusks. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Acuicultura: Actividad Prioritaria del Tercer Milenio; Lima, Peru; Sep. 27-29, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.; SMITH, B.C.; Wilkinson, L. 2000. Design criteria for microalgal feeds production systems and the GRAMPS experience. Prepared for: 92nd Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association; Seattle, WA; Mar. 19-23, 2000. J. Shellfish Res. 19:649-650. Postal address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.; WIDMAN, J.C. 2000. Intensive seed production of pectinid mollusks. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Acuicultura: Actividad Prioritaria del Tercer Milenio; Lima, Peru; Sep. 27-29, 2000; n.p. Postal address code: MF.

WITTING, D.A.; Bosley, K.L.; CHAMBERS, R.C.; Wainwright, S. 2000. Experimental evaluation of ontogenetic diet transitions in summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, using stable isotopes as diet tracers. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; D ec. 5-6, 2000; p. 33-34. Postal address code: SH.

Yang, Z.; WOOD, G.B.; Li, X. 2000. Significance of atmospheric stablity effects on radar remote sensing of oceanic properties. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments; Charleston, SC; May 1-3, 2000; p.n.k. Postal address code: NG.

Yang, Z.; WOOD, G.B.; O'REILLY, J.E.; Li, X. 2000. Remote sensing of river plumes in U.S. Northeast coastal waters from NOAA polar-orbiting satellite. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments; Charleston, SC; May 1-3, 2000; p.n.k. Postal address code: NG.

Yoder, J.; O'REILLY, J.[E.]; Schollaert, S. 2000. Comparison of SeaWiFS, CZCS and in situ chlorophyll fields off the Northeast U.S. coast. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Ocean Optics XV; Musée Oceanographique, Monaco; Oct. 16-20, 2000; p. 105. Postal address code: NG.

ZDANOWICZ, V.S. 2000. Elemental composition of fish otoliths: results of a laboratory intercomparison exercise. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 2000 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry; Fort Lauderdale, FL; Jan. 10-15, 2000; p. 263-264. Postal address code: SH (c/o T. Noji).