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Disseminating vital research in the field of preservation technology is a major function of NCPTT. One way this function is being fulfilled is the ongoing improvement of the Center’s website: http://www.ncptt.nps.gov/.

Rodney Harrison, web development specialist, recently redesigned the NCPTT website to reflect the Center’s goal to serve as a Knowledge Center. The knowledge center concept ensures that the website will include research materials essential to preservation professionals.

Website components that have been updated and configured for ease of use include an on-line searchable database of PTT Grants and PTT Projects, an on-line bibliography from NCPTT’s Materials Research Program and a searchable database of the Directory of Analytical and Materials Testing Services for Historic Preservation.

Each database can be queried by a simple keyword search. Users can also suggest additions to each database or notify NCPTT of changes to current listings by completing a form available at each query screen. Also, new services, such as News, Advanced Search Functions, and Resources, can be accessed from the drop down menus on the website.

While the website’s infrastructure is being revamped, staff at the Center are also working to maintain updated information on training and research projects. Additionally, the Heritage Education–Louisiana program is developing a portion of the site that will allow teachers and other interested parties to learn about current mini grants projects and view lesson plans by teachers affiliated with the program.

For more information about the Center’s website, contact Rodney Harrison.

Update: In August 2004, Sean Clifford joined NCPTT as the new web development specialist. For information on the NPCTT web site, please contact Sean Clifford.
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NCPTT - National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
645 University Parkway
Natchitoches, LA 71457

Updated: Thursday, April 19, 2007
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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