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Lesson Plan

Veterans and POWs

Main Subject Area: Social Studies

Additional Subjects: Language Arts

Duration of Lesson:  90 minutes


  • POW
  • Veteran

Brief Description:

    Students will use online resources (including the U.S. Mint's H.I.P. Pocket Change™ Website) to investigate the role veterans and POWs played in our nation’s history. This activity is related directly to the U.S. POW Commemorative Coin.

National Standard(s):

  • Time, Continuity, and Change
  • Culture
  • Individuals, Groups, and Institutions

Additional Subject Area Standard(s):

  • Demonstrate competence in the general skills and strategies of the writing process
  • Gather and use information for research purposes
  • Use grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions


    Students will investigate the role veterans and POWs played in our nation’s history.

    Students will research ways veterans and POWs have contributed to our society.

Materials (online):

    U.S. Mint’s H.I.P. Pocket Change™ Web site-

    Coin of the Month feature on the POW Commemorative Coin:

    National POW Museum Information-

Materials (offline):



    Computers with Internet access

Coins Used in Lesson:

    The U.S. POW Commemorative Coin

Grade Level(s):   6-8  

Procedures (online):

    Students will work in pairs or independently to conduct online research about the contributions that Veterans and POWs make to our society.

Procedures (offline):

    1. As a class have students discuss and define both the terms veterans and POWs. Write the definitions on the board.

    2. Next, make a K-W-L chart on the board to show what students know about Veterans and POWs and what they want to learn about Veterans and POWs. It’s likely that most students don’t know there is a commemorative coin for U.S. POWs.

    3. Show students the web site about the coin and have one of the students read the description of the coin to the class.

    4. The web page talks about the different symbols on the coin, the eagle and the National Prisoner of War Museum in Andersonville, Georgia. Discuss why these were picked to be on the coin.

    5. Have the students work in groups and visit the websites about the POW Museum. Have them research answers to these questions:

    How did Veterans and POWs contribute to our society? What were conditions like for POWs?

    6. Lastly, have each student write an essay about how the contributions of POWs have impacted their lives.

Assessment / Evaluation:

    Students can be evaluated on their notes from the research and their essay about how the contributions of POWs have impacted their lives.

Differentiated Learning Options:


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