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Complete Industry Circular Archive Now Available Online

Due to popular demand we have made available copies of all the Industry Circulars issued by TTB, the former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and their predecessor agencies since the Internal Revenue Service's former Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division issued the first circular in 1954. The Industry Circular Archive allows industry members and the general public, as well as TTB and Treasury Department staff members, to quickly obtain a copy of any Industry Circular.

To view the Archive, visit and click on "Industry Circulars" under "Quick Links" on our Web site's main page or click here.

While the scanned copies of the older, paper Industry Circulars are not currently readable by computer programs designed to assist the visually disabled, those requiring such assistance may call TTB's Regulations and Procedures Division at 202-927-8210 to obtain a copy in a format to accommodate their needs.