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- Library of Congress

In affiliation with the
Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
and the
Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC)

October 30-31, 2000

The Bicentennial symposium To Preserve and Protect: The Strategic Stewardship of Cultural Resources provided directors and administrators of libraries, museums, and archives the opportunity to learn how colleagues are handling concerns related to setting standards, using measurements, and justifying budgets for funders. Plenary and breakout sessions enabled participants to explore concerns that overlap and lend themselves to complementary solutions. Experts in the cultural heritage community led sessions on:

  • Facing challenges confronting the stewards of our nation's cultural heritage
  • Developing preservation and security strategies, priorities, and expectations
  • Measuring the effectiveness of preservation and security programs
  • Coping with theft, vandalism, deterioration, and bad press
  • Building the preservation and security budget and successfully promoting the program
  • Defining the preservation and security challenges of electronic information and digitization
  • Promoting innovations in security and preservation
  • Cooperating nationally and internationally to preserve and secure collections

Air transportation for the symposium's speakers and moderators was donated by U.S. Airways.





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