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Older and Wiser: The Worker Education and Training Program Approaches Two Decades

Worker Education and Training Program
Fall 2004 Awardee Meeting

From December 6–7, 2004, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) was proud to sponsor the December WETP Awardee meeting in Durham, North Carolina. Over 100 people within our community joined us for this exciting event, comprised of plenary sessions, small break-out groups, dynamic audio visual interactions, and plenty of time for questions and answers.

The meeting opened with welcoming remarks from the staff of the NIEHS Worker Education and Training Branch. During the next day and a half, invited speakers gave presentations on a range of topics including the new policy on fair use of materials created with NIH funds, improvements to the WETP curricula catalog, advances in training technologies for worker safety and health, the results of a Clearinghouse study of market trends in labor needs on hazardous waste sites, and updates to the minimum criteria.

In addition to time spent during the day at the meeting, a strong representation of the Awardee community gathered together at the Durham Marriott Hotel for a karaoke session of popular tunes and classical jazz music.


Click on the links below to view the agenda for the Awardee Meeting.


Click on the link below to view the Awardee Meeting Attendees.


Click on the links below to view presentations given at the Awardee Meeting.
Please note: Only sessions with presentations available are listed.

Meeting Reports

Click on the links below to view the Awardee Meeting report. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: May 07, 2007