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Symposium on Antiviral Drug Resistance

The fifth HIV DRP Symposium on Antiviral Drug Resistance, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute's HIV Drug Resistance Program and cosponsored by the University of Pittsburgh, will be held Nov. 14-17 at the Westfields Conference Center in Chantilly, Va.

The symposium series brings together researchers in a variety of virus systems to exchange new information on viral targets for therapy, on antiviral drugs and on resistance to these drugs. Each session focuses on a different class of molecular targets for antiviral therapy, with emphasis on normal structure and function, interactions with antiviral drugs and the evolutionary basis and specific mechanisms of viral resistance.

The program will include invited speakers as well as oral and poster presentations. Scheduled speakers include Ronald Desrosiers, Kai Simons, Joseph Sodroski and others. For more information, including online registration and submission of abstracts, visit

Tae Kwon Do Beginner's Class

The NIH Tae Kwon Do School is offering a beginner's class for adults and mature teens starting Sept. 15. The curriculum combines traditional striking arts, forms and sparring with emphasis on self-defense. No experience is necessary. Class will meet in the Malone Center (Bldg. 31C, B4 level, next to the NIH Fitness Center) from 6 to 8 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, and will continue for about 2 months until participants can be integrated into the regular school training. Dues are $40 per quarter and a uniform costs $30. Interested persons are welcome to watch regular training sessions. For information call Andrew Schwartz, (301) 402-5197 or visit

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