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Industry Circular

Number: 60-47

Date: December 22, 1960

Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division



Importers, and others concerned:

Purpose. The purpose of this circular is to inform importers of German Wines that the certification of origin system adopted by the Federal Republic of Germany with respect to German Wines exported to the United States does not extend to all German Wines as stated in Industry Circular No. 60-5.

Background. Refer to Industry Circular No. 60-5.

Conclusion. The Internal Revenue Service has been informed that the Federal Republic of Germany does not authorize the issuance of certificates of origin and identity for products described as "May Wine and "Sekt". As to other German Wines, the certificate of origin requirements described in Industry Circular No. 60-5 remains intact.

The Commissioner of Customs is being requested to advise his Collectors at the various ports of entry to discontinue requiring certificates of origin for the two products identified above.

Inquiries. Correspondence in regard to this Industry Circular should refer to its number and be addressed to the Director, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax (O:AT:BT), Washington 25, D. C.

Dwight Avis

Dwight E. Avis

Director Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division

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