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USGM40 PGUM 201214
91212 TTAA  70121 91212 99005 26037 09010 00115 25825 09011
92798 20422 10018 85527 19878 09513 70168 09868 08002 50588
04764 15512 40761 14556 00502 30972 31519 05003 25098 41758
19508 20245 54157 17527 15425 66157 23519 10659 83150 33505
88999 77999 51515 10164 00015 10194 10017 08508=

USGM40 PGUM 200003
91212 TTAA  70001 91212 99006 26656 11010 00124 26256 11012
92807 20027 11521 85532 18670 12525 70174 10476 10516 50590
05943 13503 40761 15528 19503 30972 30938 26501 25099 41350
21008 20246 54156 18022 15424 66356 18517 10660 81550 32509
88999 77999 51515 10164 00012 10194 11521 11520=

USGM40 PGUM 190006
91212 TTAA  69001 91212 99005 27041 09018 00121 26846 /////
92805 20613 10538 85533 16606 10532 70173 09446 08514 50588
05750 14015 40761 14760 16010 30972 30563 20012 25099 39980
21020 20247 52976 23529 15426 68971 21019 10660 80967 21506
88999 77999 51515 10164 00001 10194 11036 09520=

USGM40 PGUM 181203
91212 TTAA  68121 91212 99005 27039 09014 00118 26833 09016
92803 21220 09530 85532 16209 11024 70167 10657 14528 50589
05339 10017 40761 15522 12008 30972 31130 16016 25099 41350
17518 20246 54157 20516 15424 70156 19015 10658 79956 20504
88999 77999 51515 10164 00002 10194 09527 12525=

USGM40 PGUM 180013
91212 TTAA  68001 91212 99006 27643 08015 00126 27237 08017
92811 21412 08528 85542 17015 09524 70182 10250 12521 50590
05516 03014 40763 15717 12508 30973 30536 19015 25100 39963
19029 20248 53361 18541 15427 68559 16525 10661 79357 14515
88999 77999 51515 10164 00001 10194 08525 11521=

    US Dept of Commerce
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    National Weather Service
    1325 East West Highway
    Silver Spring, MD 20910
    Page Author: NWS Internet Services Team
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