Smoking & Tobacco Use
Publications Catalog

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Evaluation Toolkit for Smoke-Free Policies
Description: Increasing numbers of states are enacting laws making indoor workplaces and public places smoke-free (i.e., prohibiting smoking in these venues). Once these laws are passed, they typically take effect within months. State tobacco prevention programs are usually asked by state officials to assess the effects and impact of these laws and report on their findings. These programs often turn to the CDC Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) for technical assistance in designing these studies. This resource is intended for use by OSH project officers and evaluation staff in providing technical assistance to state programs. It is designed to ensure that OSH staff provide standardized, high-quality technical assistance on this topic and to streamline the technical assistance process and make it more efficient. The resource could also be used by state program staff to provide technical assistance to community public health programs or coalitions that approach state programs asking for help in evaluating local smoke-free laws. The resource provides an overview of types of studies that can be conducted and describes several issues for state programs to consider in deciding which studies are most suitable and feasible for their situation. The resource draws on published studies and actual state experiences to present practical evaluation approaches that will yield valid, reliable data in a timely fashion at reasonable cost.
Also available in PDF format. Also available in PDF format.
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Tabaquismo y salud en las Americas - Informe de la Cirujana General, 1992, en colaboracion con la Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud
This publishing milestone, developed by the Pan American Health Organization, provides a country-by-country analysis of smoking prevalence and prevention efforts. The text points to both triumphs and gaps in each country based on collaboration among leaders in each country. The goal is to provide a springboard for new efforts based on individual needs of each country. This executive summary provides an overview of the full report and highlights the conclusions and findings.
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Reducing Tobacco Use: A Report of the Surgeon General - Errata Notice (2000)
This is an errata notice for Reducing Tobacco Use: A Report of the Surgeon General (2000).
Also available in PDF format. Also available in PDF format.

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Surveillance and Evaluation Data Resources for Comprehensive Tobacco Control

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Tobacco-Free Sports Stickers
These stickers promote the concept of tobacco-free sports.
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Reducing Tobacco Use: A Report of the Surgeon General. At A Glance (2000)
This 2000 At A Glance documents the report on smoking and health by the Surgeon General, which was the first publication to offer a composite review of the various methods used to reduce and prevent tobacco use: educational, clinical, regulatory, economic, and comprehensive.
Link to HTML page. More information available.
At-A Glance
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Women and Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General. At A Glance (2001)
This report provides a composite overview of smoking and health issues among women and girls in the United States. The At A Glance summarizes the major conclusions of the 2001 Surgeon General's Report.
Link to HTML page. More information available.
At-A Glance
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Las mujeres y el tabaquismo: Informe de la direccion General de Salud Publica 2001
This report provides a composite overview of smoking and health issues among women and girls in the United States. The At A Glance summarizes the major conclusions of the 2001 Surgeon General's Report.
Link to HTML page. More information available.
At-A Glance
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Targeting Tobacco Use: At A Glance 2008

Also available in PDF format. Also available in PDF format.
At-A Glance
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The Tobacco-Free Sports Playbook: Creating Programs for Healthier Youth, Teams, and Communities
This updated (2007) Playbook is designed to help state and local health departments, youth coaches, teachers, and school administrators plan and implement programs to effectively communicate tobacco-free and healthy lifestyle messages to youth. Like the first (2001) Playbook, this edition provides creative and effective ways to incorporate sports and physical activity programs into tobacco-free activities. Likewise, it provides information and examples of successful tobacco-free policies, media campaigns utilizing celebrity athletes, and education programs to help kids say "No" to tobacco and "Yes" to better health.
Also available in PDF format. Also available in PDF format.
Application URL: Printed On: 01/15/2009