The NIOSH Surveillance Strategic Plan


Tracking occupational injuries, illnesses, and hazards has been an integral part of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) since its creation by the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970. In collaboration with its many partners, NIOSH has established surveillance programs to help describe the magnitude of occupational hazards, diseases, and injuries in the U.S. These surveillance activities have often documented the Nation's progress in reducing the burden of work-related diseases and injuries. They have also identified many old and new problems that require additional research and prevention efforts. Despite these accomplishments, occupational health surveillance in the U.S. remains fragmented, with substantial data gaps.

Given these deficiencies, the changes in the workplace over the past 30 years, and the competing demands for resources, NIOSH embarked on a process to assess current surveillance needs and to identify its goals for the next decade. The Surveillance Strategic Plan is the result of this effort.

I am grateful for the tremendous cooperation from our partners in developing this plan. I anticipate that it will serve not only as a guide for surveillance within NIOSH, but will provide a framework for occupational safety and health surveillance nationally. I look forward to continued collaboration with our many partners in government, the private sector, labor, academia, and non-governmental organizations in implementing this plan and making its vision and mission a reality.

Lawrence J. Fine, M.D., Dr.P.H.
Acting Director
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

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