The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
November 6, 2003					(202) 663-4921
							Mark Wong
							(202) 663-4029
						(main)	(202) 663-4900
						TTY:	(202) 663-4494

EEOC To Examine American Indian and Alaska Native Perspective On Workplace/Market Place Realities and Trends

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will hold its second national forum in an ongoing series examining Realities and Opportunities in the 21st Century Workplace on Wednesday, November 12, 2003, from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon, at EEOC Headquarters, 1801 L Street, N.W. (9th Floor Commission Meeting Room). In conjunction with American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month, the public forum will focus on the unique issues and challenges facing American Indians and Alaska Natives in the 21st century workplace.

The following invited panelists are confirmed to participate in the second session of the series, which will be moderated by EEOC Chair Cari M. Dominguez:

The national forum series was launched last month by the EEOC to explore, educate, and inform employers, employees, the general public and other interested parties about workplace/marketplace trends and challenges affecting specific segments of the nation's changing population. The national dialogue is designed to facilitate a robust exchange of views, to promote a better understanding about the unique experiences and needs of each community, and to examine ways the EEOC can develop partnerships to ensure full access and inclusion for all members of society in the nation's workplaces.

The national forum series is part of the EEOC's "Freedom to Compete" Initiative, which was implemented in 2001 by Chair Dominguez to enhance agency outreach, education, communication, and coalition-building strategies to complement the Commission's enforcement programs. Further information about the Commission is available on the agency's web site at

This page was last modified on November 6, 2003.

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