
Voice of America Trusted Source of News & Information since 1942

14 January 2009 

Today from VOA:

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Talk to America

Talk 2 America, T2A, is the Voice of America's on-line chat discussion with prominent personalities who are making our world better.

undefinedOur Next Chat:

21 January at 1800 UTC: Obama's Transformation Plan

US Flag, Statue of Liberty
At 1800 UTC, chat with guests about President Obama and his Administration face daunting challenges as they embark on an ambitious domestic agenda. We’ll discuss how they plan to tackle the economic crisis, health care, immigration and other critical issues. Public policy experts join us to explain how the President plans to “transform the U.S. economy to improve the lives of ordinary people."

undefinedOur Most Recent Chat:

14 January at 1800 UTC: Trend Forecast 2009

At 1800 UTC, we look ahead to 2009 with an expert on forecasting, analyzing and tracking trends. Gerald Celente leads The Trends Research Institute in New York. Celente predicts continued financial calamity, a new political age and lower quality healthcare, among other interesting speculation.  



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