Give the Gift of Disaster Preparedness 

Suggested Gift Ideas from The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Washington Emergency Management Division (WEMD)

Release Date: December 9, 2003
Release Number: 1499-35

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With Thanksgiving behind us and the December holidays ahead, the thoughts of many Americans turn to shopping. So what do you give the loved one who “has everything”?

The Washington Emergency Management Division (WEMD) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) would like to offer a list of gift suggestions for that special person who isn’t quite prepared for disaster or emergencies.

“While these may not be the glitziest gifts, they may save a life, save property or make dealing with a disaster a bit easier,” said Anthony Russell, federal coordinating officer for the recent flood disaster declaration.

“It is always good to be prepared, not only for natural disasters such as the floods experienced in Washington in October,” said Diane Offord, state coordinating officer, “but also for other types of hazards that are occurring more and more in the world today,”

Here are some gift suggestions from FEMA and WEMD:

Emergency management officials hope you will think about safety when doing your holiday shopping this year. For more information on preparing for emergencies, please go to

On March 1, 2003, FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. FEMA's continuing mission within the new department is to lead the effort to prepare the nation for all hazards and effectively manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains first responders, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Dec-2003 10:49:13