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By Maria Galban

In 1975, the Curatorial Division (now the Museum Management Program) of the National Park Service began to publish a technical series entitled Conserve O Gram. Conserve O Grams are four-page leaflets that provide up-to-date information on curatorial practices and museum techniques. The series addresses issues that museums and historic sites face when caring for collections.

The main focus of the series is preserving collections and preventing object deterioration. It outlines factors that cause deterioration and techniques used to prevent it. The series is useful for individuals who care for collections of fine art, furniture, books, photographs, textiles or other memorabilia. They are helpful both for highly trained museum professionals and for those with little or no museum experience.

Conserve O Grams provide care instruction for particular ‘Conserve O Grams’ Spread the Word on Preservation Issues types of objects and offer guidance on such issues as collections storage, exhibition, pest control and curatorial safety.

Each Conserve O Gram deals with a specific topic. Some of the titles include: Cleaning Wood Furniture (pdf); Storage Techniques for Hanging Garments (pdf); Leather Dressing: To Dress or Not to Dress (pdf); Caring for Silver and Copper Objects (pdf); and What Makes a Book Rare? (pdf) Recent publications address disaster preparedness and recovery.

The Conserve O Gram series can assist individuals in learning how to prevent object deterioration and determining when objects need the professional attention of a conservator. They also provide bibliographic references and web resources for further information.

Since its inception, the publication has reflected changes in the technology of preservation. Old leaflets have been retired or revised as new technologies and practices emerged. In 1993 the series received a new look when the old bright yellow publication was replaced with an updated design. In addition, the series is now easily downloaded from the Museum Management Program Internet website.

Conserve O Grams are published in supplements twice yearly with each supplement containing five or six leaflets and an updated Table of Contents. You can find all of the current Conserve O Grams on the Internet at http://www.cr.nps.gov/museum/publications/conserveogram/cons_toc.html.

Maria Galban was a graduate student at George Washington University and an intern with the Museum Management Program of the National Park Service.
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Updated: Thursday, April 19, 2007
Published: Sunday, January 11, 2009

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