Paul Kelly
Rowan Companies, Inc.
Nominated by: Terry Holman, Policy and Management Improvement

Carolita Kallaur with Paul Kelly, Rowan CompaniesPaul Kelly has been an ardent supporter of the MMS and the Outer Continental Shelf Program. He has served on the OCS Policy Committee for 14 years as a member, Subcommittee Chair, Committee Vice-Chair and Chair. The Committee was highly productive under his inspired leadership, and he has been involved in every major report the Committee has produced. Mr. Kelly is also an advocate of using science to form good policy and was instrumental in establishing a close working relationship between the OCS Policy and Scientific Committees that continues today.

Additionally, Mr. Kelly was a key ocean industries participant in the National Ocean Conference. He was a member of the Global Security Panel and presented an excellent overview of the role of oil and natural gas in ensuring global security for the nation.

Mr. Kelly is an articulate spokesman for the industry whose message is one of concern for protecting the human, coastal and marine environments while maintaining a strong, viable oil and gas industry.

Mr. Kelly embodies the private citizen's role in developing good public policy, and his efforts are consistent with the intent and spirit of the Corporate Leadership Award.