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Practicing Physicians Advisory Council


The next quarterly meeting of the Practicing Physicians Advisory Council will be held on December 8, 2008, from 8:30am-4:30pm at:

Hubert H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20201


PPAC is Congressionally mandated and advises the Secretary of HHS and the Administrator of CMS on proposed changes in regulations and carrier manual instructions.  Council members have heard testimony, and provided invaluable advice and input on how CMS rules and regulations affect today's practicing physician.  The PPAC is composed of 15 members (11 of which must be MD's or DO's, the remaining members may include dentists, podiatrists, optometrists and chiropractors), who must have submitted at least 250 claims for physicians' services in the previous year.  The Council meets quarterly, and its members may serve a term of 4 consecutive years.  Nominations for the Council must be submitted by medical organizations that represent physicians.  Openings for membership on the Council are announced yearly in the Federal Register.

2008 PPAC Meeting Dates

Monday December 8th in Washington, DC

Contact Information

CMS Advisory Committee Information Hotline



Charter [PDF, 186KB] - Updated 9/20/07

Membership [PDF, 22KB] - Updated 12/3/08

December 8, 2008 Meeting Agenda [PDF, 25KB]

August 18, 2008 Meeting [ZIP, 792KB]

Directions and Security Procedures for 08/18/08 Meeting [PDF, 16KB]

May 19, 2008 Meeting [ZIP, 762KB] - Additional presentations are available upon request from the PPAC mailbox (ppac_hhs@cms.hhs.gov)

March 3, 2008 Meeting [ZIP, 512KB] - Additional presentations are available upon request from the PPAC mailbox

December 3, 2007 Meeting [ZIP 1.9MB]

August 27, 2007 Meeting [ZIP, 24.37MB]

May 21, 2007 Meeting [ZIP, 4.21MB]
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Page Last Modified: 12/04/2008 2:48:32 PM
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