The NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers
competitive scholarships to exceptional students from
disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to biomedical, behavioral, and social science research careers at the NIH.
Meet the Scholars of 2001
C. Brandon Ogbunugafor

University: Howard University
Hometown: Yonkers, NY

NIH Research Project:
Identifying Targets and Regulators of RprA, a Small Regulatory RNA

Mentor: Susan Gottesman, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
National Cancer Institute

Scholar Picture

I am a senior at Howard University where I am pursuing a degree in chemistry. I became interested in biomedical research when I discovered that I could apply my acumen in the sciences to improve the quality of life for people around the world. I am currently conducting my research in biochemical genetics at the National Cancer Institute's prestigious Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Biochemical Genetics Section, under Dr. Susan Gottesman, Section Chief.

My personal project attempts to characterize an Escherichia coli small regulatory RNA molecule. These small RNAs have been discovered to play a significant role in E. coli gene regulation. It is our hope that studying these RNAs will bring new insight to E. coli physiological control, which has larger implications for our understanding of the role of RNA in all living cells. The project has so far been one of the more thrilling experiences in my life, where I have learned that research is indeed a 24-hour discipline in which people find themselves thinking of new ideas and approaches well after they have returned home from the lab.

The UGSP has allowed me the opportunity to work at one of the world's premiere institutions for biomedical research. The environment is a nourishing one, where students are encouraged to pursue their intellectual interests and make a lasting contribution to their lab. I am grateful to the NIH and the UGSP for the direction they have given to my career path.