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Award by USGS Partnership Office

The State of California, via the non-profit professional California Geographic Information Association, is developing a draft business plan for imagery for the state, within the context of the Imagery for the Nation Initiative. In April of 2006, the CA GIS Council was briefed on the initiative, and a resulting imagery workgroup has met monthly since to gather background information, identify needed next tasks, and scope a statement of work. Main work tasks identified by the working group include analysis of existing (current) RFPs originating from cities, counties and regions to determine a baseline high-resolution product (to include requisite elevation and control components), articulating business case/needs, identifying and articulating ‘best practices’ and models for coordination, compilation of current public domain imagery holdings by region, county and/or urban center, consultation with imagery vendors to determine reasonable price ranges for public domain products, and conduct a web-based survey validating approach and specifications. A Request for Qualifications is currently in draft review and will invite private vendors around the state who have experience in strategic and business planning, geospatial data services, and imagery specifications.


A small portion of the seed funds were used to complete the final in a series of regional framework workshops targeted to prioritize FGDC core framework data themes and identify and prioritize CA-centric data themes (report available at


Additionally, some seed funds were used to bring in outside facilitation for a kick-off state strategic planning workshop using the Fifty State templates for strategic planning.

Key Contact:

Michael Byrne

(916) 654-1833

mbyrne [at]

Other Key Contact:

Carol Ostergren, USGS Geospatial Liaison to California


costergren [at]