Uses of Class

Packages that use GeoDate
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt Core classes for the Scientific Graphics Toolkit. 
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.contour Contour and polygon fill support. 
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.demo JApplets and applications that demonstrate the use of sgt. Classes and interfaces that define the sgt datamodel. 
gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.prop Property dialogs for sgt components using javax.swing
gov.noaa.pmel.swing Classes and beans developed from the javax.swing package. 
gov.noaa.pmel.util Contains date and time facilities and miscellaneous utility classes. 

Uses of GeoDate in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt that return GeoDate
 GeoDate TimeAxisStyle.getStartTime(TimeRange trange)
          Returns a beginning time rounded to the nearest minor increment.
 GeoDate CartesianGraph.getXPtoTime(double p)
          Transform physical X coordinate to time.
 GeoDate CartesianGraph.getYPtoTime(double p)
          Transform physical Y coordinate to time.
 GeoDate LinearTransform.getTimeTransU(double p)
          Transform from physical coordinates to time.

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt with parameters of type GeoDate
 int TimeAxisStyle.getMinorValue(GeoDate time)
          Get the minor time value for labeling.
 int TimeAxisStyle.getMajorValue(GeoDate time)
          Get the major time value for labeling.
 boolean TimeAxisStyle.isRoomForMajorLabel(GeoDate delta)
          Determines if there is enough room in delta time for another major label.
 boolean TimeAxisStyle.isStartOfMinor(GeoDate time)
          Determines if time is the start of a minor interval.
 void TimeAxisStyle.computeDefaults(GeoDate delta)
          Determine the minor label interval from the time extent of the axis.
 void CartesianGraph.setClip(GeoDate tmin, GeoDate tmax, double min, double max)
          Set the clipping rectangle in user coordinates.
 double CartesianGraph.getXUtoP(GeoDate t)
          Transform GeoDate to physical coordinate.
 int CartesianGraph.getXUtoD(GeoDate t)
          Transform GeoDate to device coordinate.
 double CartesianGraph.getYUtoP(GeoDate t)
          Transform time to physical coordinate.
 int CartesianGraph.getYUtoD(GeoDate t)
          Transform time to device coordinate.
 void AxisTransform.setRangeU(GeoDate t1, GeoDate t2)
          Set the user coordinate range for GeoDate values.
 double LinearTransform.getTransP(GeoDate t)
          Transform from time to physical coordinates.

Constructors in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt with parameters of type GeoDate
AxisTransform(double p1, double p2, GeoDate t1, GeoDate t2)
          AxisTransform time constructor.
LinearTransform(double p1, double p2, GeoDate t1, GeoDate t2)
          LinearTransform constructor.

Uses of GeoDate in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.contour

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.contour that return GeoDate
 GeoDate ContourLine.getReferenceTime()
          Get reference time for the time point of the Point2D object.

Uses of GeoDate in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.demo

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.demo that return GeoDate
 GeoDate[] PseudoRealTimeData.getTimeArray()

Uses of GeoDate in

Methods in that return GeoDate
 GeoDate[] SimpleLine.getTimeArray()
          Get the Time coordinate array.
 GeoDate[] SGTLine.getTimeArray()
          Get the array of Time values.
 GeoDate SimplePoint.getTime()
          Get the time coordinate.
 GeoDate[] SimpleGrid.getTimeArray()
 GeoDate[] SimpleGrid.getTimeEdges()
 GeoDate[] SGTGrid.getTimeArray()
          Get the array of temporal values.
 GeoDate[] SGTGrid.getTimeEdges()
          Get the Time edges.
 GeoDate SGTMetaData.getModuloTime()
          Get temporal modulo value
 GeoDate SGTPoint.getTime()
          Get the Time value.

Methods in with parameters of type GeoDate
 void SimpleLine.setTimeArray(GeoDate[] tloc)
          Set the Time coordinate array
Property Change: dataModified.
 void SimpleGrid.setTimeEdges(GeoDate[] edge)
          Set the values for the temporal grid edges.
 void SimpleGrid.setTimeArray(GeoDate[] tloc)
          set the temporal grid centers
Property Change: dataModified.
 void SGTMetaData.setModuloTime(GeoDate val)
          Set temporal modulo value.

Constructors in with parameters of type GeoDate
SimpleLine(GeoDate[] tloc, double[] yloc, java.lang.String title)
          Constructor for X Time and Y double.
SimpleLine(double[] xloc, GeoDate[] tloc, java.lang.String title)
          Constructor for X double and Y Time.
SimpleGrid(double[] grid, GeoDate[] tloc, double[] yloc, java.lang.String title)
          Constructor for X time and Y double.
SimpleGrid(double[] grid, double[] xloc, GeoDate[] tloc, java.lang.String title)
          Constructor for X double and Y time.

Uses of GeoDate in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.prop

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.prop that return GeoDate
 GeoDate GeoDateDialog.getEarliestDateAllowed()
 GeoDate GeoDateDialog.getLatestDateAllowed()
 GeoDate GeoDateDialog.getInitialDate()
 GeoDate GeoDateDialog.getGeoDate()
 GeoDate GeoDateDialog.getDate()

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.prop with parameters of type GeoDate
 void GeoDateDialog.setEarliestDateAllowed(GeoDate earliestDateAllowed)
 void GeoDateDialog.setLatestDateAllowed(GeoDate latestDateAllowed)
 void GeoDateDialog.setInitialDate(GeoDate initialDateIn)
 void GeoDateDialog.setGeoDate(GeoDate dt)
 int GeoDateDialog.showDialog(GeoDate date, int x, int y)
 void GeoDateDialog.resetMonthYearPanel(GeoDate newDate)

Constructors in gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.prop with parameters of type GeoDate
GeoDateDialog(GeoDate inDate)
GeoDateDialog(GeoDate inDate, GeoDate earliestDateAllowedIn, GeoDate latestDateAllowedIn, int xlocIn, int ylocIn)

Uses of GeoDate in gov.noaa.pmel.swing

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.swing that return GeoDate
 GeoDate JSlider2Date.getMinRange()
          Get the minimum for the range.
 GeoDate JSlider2Date.getMaxRange()
          Get the maximum for the range.
 GeoDate JSlider2Date.getStartValue()
 GeoDate JSlider2Date.getEndValue()
 GeoDate JSlider2Date.getMinValue()
          Get the minimum handle value
 GeoDate JSlider2Date.getMaxValue()
          Get the maximum handle value

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.swing with parameters of type GeoDate
 void JSlider2Date.setRange(GeoDate min, GeoDate max)
          Set the range for the slider.
 void JSlider2Date.setMinRange(GeoDate min)
          Set the minimum for the range.
 void JSlider2Date.setMaxRange(GeoDate max)
          Set the maximum for the range.
 void JSlider2Date.setStartValue(GeoDate tmin)
 void JSlider2Date.setEndValue(GeoDate tmax)
 void JSlider2Date.setMinValue(GeoDate tmin)
          Set the minimum handle value.
 void JSlider2Date.setMaxValue(GeoDate tmax)
          Set the maximum handle value.

Uses of GeoDate in gov.noaa.pmel.util

Fields in gov.noaa.pmel.util declared as GeoDate
 GeoDate TimePoint.t
          Time coordinate
 GeoDate TimeRange.start
          The range's first time
 GeoDate TimeRange.end
          The range's last time
          The range's time increment
 GeoDate SoTRange.GeoDate.start
          The range's first time
 GeoDate SoTRange.GeoDate.end
          The range's last time
          The range's time increment

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.util that return GeoDate
 GeoDate SoTValue.GeoDate.getValue()
          Get the value
 GeoDate GeoDate.add(GeoDate time)
          Add time to current GeoDate.
 GeoDate GeoDate.subtract(GeoDate time2)
          Subtract time2 from current GeoDate.
 GeoDate GeoDate.divide(double val)
          Divide by value.
 GeoDate GeoDate.increment(float val, int tu)
          Increment current GeoDate by SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS, or YEARS
 GeoDate GeoDate.increment(double val, int tu)
          Increment current GeoDate by SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS, or YEARS
 GeoDate GeoDate.decrement(float val, int tu)
          Decrement current GeoDate by SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS, or YEARS
 GeoDate GeoDate.decrement(double val, int tu)
          Decrement current GeoDate by SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS, or YEARS

Methods in gov.noaa.pmel.util with parameters of type GeoDate
 void SoTValue.GeoDate.setValue(GeoDate date)
          Set the value from a GeoDate
 GeoDate GeoDate.add(GeoDate time)
          Add time to current GeoDate.
 GeoDate GeoDate.subtract(GeoDate time2)
          Subtract time2 from current GeoDate.
 double GeoDate.offset(GeoDate ref)
          Time offset from reference GeoDate
 int GeoDate.compareTo(GeoDate anotherDate)
          Tests to see if the current GeoDate is less than, equal, or greater than.

Constructors in gov.noaa.pmel.util with parameters of type GeoDate
SoTValue.GeoDate(GeoDate date)
          Construct a SoTValue from a GeoDate.
TimePoint(double x, GeoDate t)
          Construct a TimePoint.
TimeRange(GeoDate tstart, GeoDate tend)
TimeRange(GeoDate tstart, GeoDate tend, GeoDate tdelta)
GeoDate(GeoDate t)
          Constructs a new GeoDate from an existing GeoDate.
SoTPoint(double x, GeoDate y)
          Construct a SoTPoint from a double and a GeoDate.
SoTPoint(GeoDate x, double y)
          Construct a SoTPoint from a GeoDate and a double.
SoTRange.GeoDate(GeoDate tstart, GeoDate tend)
SoTRange.GeoDate(GeoDate tstart, GeoDate tend, GeoDate tdelta)

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Generated on December 13 2001