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New Books from Urban Institute Press

Nonprofits and BusinessNonprofits and Business
Joseph J. Cordes and C. Eugene Steuerle | $29.50

In this age of high-profile corporate foundations and socially responsible companies, the barrier between the nonprofit and business worlds is more permeable than ever. Nonprofits and Business assembles diverse researchers to examine nonprofits from commercial, economic, operational, and legal perspectives. more

Public Housing CoverPublic Housing and the Legacy of Segregation
Margery Austin Turner, Susan J. Popkin, and Lynette Rawlings | $29.50

Scholars and public housing officials assess whether—and how—public housing policies can simultaneously address the problems of poverty and race. more

Kids Having Kids Cover
Kids Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy, second edition

Saul D. Hoffman and Rebecca A. Maynard | $34.50

Teen childbearing in the United States has been declining since 1991, yet we consistently have the highest teen birth rates in the industrialized world. In 1997, Kids Having Kids was the first comprehensive effort to identify the consequences of teen childbearing for the mothers, the fathers, the children, and our society. This updated second edition features a new chapter evaluating teen pregnancy interventions, along with revised and updated versions of most first edition chapters. more

Meet the Author

harry hatry

Harry Hatry, author of Performance Measurement: Getting Results, Second Edition is a distinguished fellow at the Urban Institute in Washington, D.C., where he directs the Institute's Public Management Program. He spoke about how performance measurement can improve service delivery:

Hatry: It's the attempt in a systematic way to regularly provide data to agency officials about the outcomes and the efficiency of their programs. That information should provide guidance for managers to improve, to find out where problems exist, to see where they are doing well and where they are not doing well. They can then take action and use later performance measurement reports to see if the desired outcomes occurred. more

Asset Building and Low-Income Families

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