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Publications on Nonprofits

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Boundaries Between Nonprofits and Business Are Increasingly Blurred, Scholars Say (Press Release)
The Urban Institute

Nonprofits and businesses interact in more and newer ways every year as powerful economic and social forces change. Nonprofits adopt more business-like practices, corporations support nonprofits through cause-related marketing, and social entrepreneurs create private businesses to achieve social goals. Nonprofits and Business, a new Urban Institute Press book, explores these and many other ways the two sectors collaborate, compete, and clash.

Posted to Web: January 14, 2009Publication Date: January 12, 2009

Nonprofits and Business (Book)
Joseph J. Cordes, C. Eugene Steuerle

In this age of high-profile corporate foundations and socially responsible companies, the barrier between the nonprofit and business worlds is more permeable than ever. Nonprofits and Business assembles diverse researchers to examine nonprofits from commercial, economic, operational, and legal perspectives. As the government and the public have demanded greater efficiency from nonprofits, nonprofits have looked to corporations to find creative ways to raise money and demonstrate effectiveness. Nonprofits and Business is a unique resource on this emerging trend.

Posted to Web: December 19, 2008Publication Date: December 19, 2008

Margery Austin Turner to be Vice President for Research at the Urban Institute; Maida Schifter Appointed Corporate Secretary (Press Release)
The Urban Institute

Urban policy expert Margery Austin Turner will become the Urban Institute's vice president for research. Maida Schifter, a senior project manager, will serve as corporate secretary.

Posted to Web: December 09, 2008Publication Date: December 09, 2008

The Broader Movement: Nonprofit Environmental and Conservation Organizations, 1989-2005 (Research Report)
Baird Straughan, Thomas H. Pollak

This study, the first comprehensive look at IRS data on more than 26,000 environmental and conservation organizations – 8,000 of which had revenues of $25,000 or more – reveals a core of prominent national organizations and a larger, more rapidly growing universe of regional, local, and other specialized groups. Taken as a whole, the environmental movement expanded in number of organizations, members, and in total revenues almost every year since 1960. It focused less on advocacy than on projects and education, and was younger, more densely networked, and more dependent upon grants and contributions than was the nonprofit sector in general.

Posted to Web: December 01, 2008Publication Date: December 01, 2008

Tax Policy Center Establishes "Opportunity Fund" to Support Tax System Research and Analysis (Press Release)
The Urban Institute

The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center launches a new intellectual venture capital fund to help policymakers, the public and the media better understand the U.S. tax system and the policy challenges facing the nation over the next decade. The $10 million Opportunity Fund will include a $2.5 million challenge grant from the Gates Foundation.

Posted to Web: June 18, 2008Publication Date: June 18, 2008

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