U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Permanent Workforce: 1,891

Total Reported Workforce: 1,937

National Labor Relations Board EEO Indicators FY 2002 FY 2003 Change
Pre-Complaint Counseling Instances of EEO Counselor Counseling 51 33 -35.3%
% Counseled within regulatory time frame 86.3% 97% 12.4%
ADR Measures % of Instances of Counseling where ADR Offered 19.6% 36.4% 85.7%
ADR Election Rate 45.5% 16.7% -63.3%
ADR Participation Rate 8.9% 6.1% -31.5%
Complaints Filed/Complainants Complaints Filed 13 12 -7.7%
Total Workforce 1,977 1,937 -2.0%
Total Complainants 11 10 -9.1%
% of Complainants Filing Single Complaint 84.6% 83.3% -1.5%
% of Workforce who are EEO Complainants 0.6% 0.5% -7.2%
Investigations Total Completed 23 15 -34.8%
Average Processing Time for Investigation (Days) 517 298 -42.4%
Amount Spent on In-House Investigations $40,000 $60,000 50.0%
Amount Spent on Contract Investigations $19,190 $4,175 -78.2%
Type of Closures Total Closures 21 22 4.8%
Agency Dismissals 4 2 -50.0%
Administrative Judge Dismissals 0 0 NA
Withdrawals 1 0 -100.0%
Settlements 5 9 80.0%
Merit Decisions (with and without an AJ decision) 11 11 0.0%
Average Processing Days (from date complaint filed) All Closures 942 744 -21.0%
Agency Dismissals 1,109 81 -92.7%
Administrative Judge Dismissals 0 0 NA
Withdrawals 181 0 -100.0%
Settlements 676 571 -15.5%
Final Agency Decisions (with no AJ decision) 1,028 475 -53.8%
Merit Decisions (with and without an AJ decision) 1,072 1,005 -6.3%
Merit Decisions Total Number 11 11 0.0%
Decisions with Finding of Discrimination 0 0 NA
% of Decisions with Finding of Discrimination 0.0% 0.0% NA
Corrective Actions/Benefits Total Number 5 9 80.0%
Amount of Frontpay/Backpay Benefits $0 $0 NA
Amount of Lump Sum Payments $6,250 $176,567 2725.1%
Amount of Compensatory Damages $40,000 $0 -100.0%
Amount of Attorneys' Fees $3,028 $25,000 725.6%
Appeals Cases Received For Review 3 0 -100.0%
Number of Cases Closed 3 4 33.3%

NOTE: NA = Not Applicable

This page was last modified on May 14, 2004.

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