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gfdl's home page > about us > syukuro manabe symposium

Syukuro Manabe Symposium


18-20 March 1998
Princeton, New Jersey, USA

Jointly sponsored by
Princeton University's Atmospheric
and Oceanic Sciences Program (AOSP),
The Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI), and
The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (NOAA/GFDL).

Take a look at the Manabe Banquet Haiku Contest finalists.

[Suki photo]
     This scientific colloquium honored Suki Manabe's remarkable achievements during his career in climate modeling. Approximately 20 invited speakers discussed their recent work or provided an overview of their area of expertise. The mix of 30-minute talks highlighted some of the most important current developments in many aspects of climate change, including climate modeling, observational diagnostics, paleoclimate, and interactions among the various elements that together constitute the coupled climate system.

The two and one-half day meeting took place on March 18-20, 1998, with a banquet in Suki's honor on the evening of the 19th.

   Program Schedule

  Symposium Speakers:
  Michael L. Bender
  Wallace S. Broecker
  Mark Cane
  Robert J. Charlson
  Jonathan A. Foley
  Filippo Giorgi
  Peter H. Gleick
  James E. Hansen
  Klaus F. Hasselmann
  Thomas R. Karl
  Ralph F. Keeling
  Jeffrey T. Kiehl
  John E. Kutzbach
  Douglas R. MacAyeal
  John F. B. Mitchell
  Jerry Mahlman
  Stefan Rahmstorf
  Benjamin D. Santer
  Stephen H. Schneider
  John M. Wallace

[CO2 warming map]

After Manabe, S., and R. J. Stouffer, 1993:
Century-scale effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on the ocean-atmosphere system. Nature, 364 (6434), 215-218.

[Click Here] to view Suki's GFDL bibliography.


from Suki's new home at the Frontier Research System for Global Change in Japan, where he is Program Director of the Global Warming Research Program.

Additional Information
(click above for more information about parking, travel directions, online maps, schedules, banquet info, contact persons, etc.)

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