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Office Of Enforcement


16 USC Ch. 12 The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act
18 USCS Sec. 1001 Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure Part I. Crimes Chapter 47. Fraud and False Statements
Sec. 1001. Statements or entries generally
18 USCS Sec. 3571 Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure Part II. Criminal Procedure Chapter 227. Sentences Subchapter C. Fines
Sec. 3571. Sentence of fine
22 USC Ch. 69 Cuban Democracy Act (“CDA”)
22 USCS Sec. 2349aa-9 International Security and Development Cooperation Act (“ISDCA”)
22 USCS Sec. 287c United Nations Participation Act (“UNPA”)
22 USC Sec. 6021-6091 Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (Libertad) Act of 1996
50 USC Sec. 1701-6. International Emergency Economic Powers Act (“IEEPA”)
50 USC Sec. 5-16 Trading with the Enemy Act (“TWEA”)
H.R. 3162 An Act: To deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes.
21 USC Sec. 1901 Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act
H.R.3244 Sec. 2002 Payment of Certain Anti-Terrorism Judgments
H.R. 5114 Sec. 586 Iraq Sanctions Act (“ISA”) of 1990
PL 107-228 Sec. 686 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003
Sec. 686. Payment of Anti-Terrorism Judgments
116 Stat. 2322 Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002
Public Law 108–19 Clean Diamond Trade Act of 2003
Public Law 108-61 Burma Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003