Treasury Officials

Valerie Abend
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Critical Infrastructure Protection and Compliance Policy

Valerie Abend was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Compliance Policy in August 2007.  In this role, Abend oversees the Department's efforts to ensure resilience of the U.S. financial services sector.  She serves as an advisor on all policy matters related to the Bank Secrecy Act, identity theft, money laundering, and internet gambling.  Abend is also responsible for coordinating the Department's public-private partnerships focused on protecting the financial services sector and on improving the resilience.  This includes the day-to-day leadership of the Financial and Banking Infrastructure Information Committee and working collaboratively with the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council, the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, and financial regional coalitions.  Abend previously served as Director for the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Compliance Policy.

Prior to joining the Treasury Department, Abend served as the Homeland Security Coordinator and Associate Director for Public Policy at the public accounting firm KPMG, where she advised leaders from Fortune 500 companies, the Administration, Congress, and State and Local governments on homeland security, cyber security, privacy compliance, and critical infrastructure protection.  Abend served as a founding member of  the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Homeland Security Task Force and the Information Technology Sector Coordinating Council.

Abend also served on a Congressionally mandated commission examining gambling and a Congressionally mandated commission on internet taxation.

Abend graduated from the George Washington University with honors. She received a Masters Degree in Public Administration in International, Science, Technology, and Competitiveness and a B.A. in Political Communications.

Last Updated: September 7, 2007