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KFC CAB seal

Kansas City Financial Center

Customer Advisory Board

"The Bi-Annual KFC CAB Meeting has been a very resourceful and an informative meeting that I have had the pleasure of attending the past few years. The information received at these meetings has helped me keep up with Treasury updates on systems, processes and point of contacts. Moreover, the wealth of meeting with other agencies and having the opportunity to network and provide feedback on those agencies processes has been outstanding. I look forward to all my KFC CAB invites."
     Brandi Erdtmann, Immigration and Customs Enforcement

"I have been involved with the Kansas City Customer Advisory Board since 1998. It has been a fantastic vehicle to network with other agencies and to get to know the staff at KFC. Each meeting has been informative and interesting. They are well worth committing agency funds to attend.
     Denny Lessner, Social Security Administration

"The KFC CAB meetings have provided me with invaluable contacts and information. The GSA Financial & Payroll Services Division has a very good working relationship with the KFC and these CAB meetings help to strengthen and sustain this relationship. I really appreciate the time and effort the KFC dedicates to these meetings to make the presentations and training sessions meaningful. In addition to this, the contacts I have made through the CAB have helped me on several occasions to find solutions and answers quickly."
     Jane Pritchett, General Services Administration

   Last Updated:  Wednesday June 04, 2008

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