Treasury Officials

Photo: Curtis S. ChinCurtis S. Chin
U. S. Executive Director to the Asian Development Bank



Curtis S. Chin was sworn in as U.S. Executive Director to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on April 25, 2007.  Nominated for the position by President George W. Bush in September 2006, Chin was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in March 2007.

As the United States’ senior representative at the Asian Development Bank headquarters in Manila, Philippines, Chin serves on the Board of Directors of the multi-lateral development bank.  The 12-person board supervises the ADB’s financial statements, approves its administrative budget, and reviews and approves all policy documents and all loan, equity, and technical assistance operations.  

Previously, Chin served as a managing director at Burson-Marsteller where he worked in various capacities, focusing most recently on such issues as corporate responsibility, stakeholder engagement, and public-private sector partnerships.  He has lived and worked throughout the United States and Asia, including postings in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.  He previously served on the Department of State’s Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy and as a Special Assistant to the Secretary of Commerce during President George H.W. Bush’s Administration.

Chin graduated from Northwestern University with a B. S. in Journalism and a department major in economics.  He received an M.A. in Public and Private Management from the Yale University School of Management.

Last Updated: October 1, 2007