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Home arrow Working with Section 106 arrow ACHP Case Digest arrow Fall 2003 arrow New York: Construction of Foley Square U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building, New York

New York: Construction of Foley Square U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building, New York

Agency: General Services Administration
As reported in the Summer 2003 Case Digest, the General Services Administration (GSA) discovered a colonial-era African burial ground during construction of a Federal building in New York City in the early 1990s.

Subsequently, GSA amended an existing agreement on the construction project to provide for the excavation, analysis, reinterment, memorialization, and interpretation of the portion of the African Burial Ground affected by the construction.

The reinterment ceremony spanned September 30 to October 4, 2003, as a train symbolically transported four coffins and associated artifacts from Howard University in Washington, DC, to the final resting place on Broadway Avenue in New York City.

Man in African clothes offers libations on a coffin as GSA Administrator Stephen Perry and Schomburg Center Director Howard Dodson watch


Libations are offered on a coffin as GSA Administrator Stephen Perry and Schomburg Center Director Howard Dodson look on during a ceremony for the deceased from the African Burial Ground, Washington, DC (staff photo)


In September 2003, GSA executed a Memorandum of Understanding, through which the National Park Service will assist GSA in selecting the exterior memorial and developing the interpretive center for the African Burial Ground.

Juanita Thomsas, Reverand Daugherty, Ollie McClean, and Eloise Dix stand at a podium during the ceremony



(Left to right) African Burial Ground reinterment ceremony participants Juanita Thomas, Rev. Daugherty, Ollie McClean, and Eloise Dix, Washington, DC (staff photo)


For background information on this case, visit the Summer 2003 Case Digest.

GSA Administrator Stephen Perry speaks at a podium during the ceremony



Stephen Perry, GSA Administrator and ACHP Council member at the African Burial Ground reinterment ceremony, Washington, DC (staff photo)



Staff contacts: Charlene Vaughn and Laura Dean

Posted October 30, 2003

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