Date: March 23, 1988

Sunset Review: TBD

Expiration Date: TBD

SUBJECT: Authority to Effect Transfers in the Gold Certificate Fund

1. DELEGATION. By the authority granted to me as Fiscal Assistant Secretary by Treasury Order 101-05, the Commissioner, Financial Management Service, is hereby delegated the authority to give instructions and sign wires to the New York Federal Reserve Bank, as fiscal agent, to effect transfers in the Gold Certificate Fund.

2. REDELEGATION. The authority delegated by this directive may be redelegated to officials of the Financial Management Service.

3. CANCELLATION. Treasury Directive 16-56, "Authority to Effect Transfers En-the Gold Certificate Fund," dated October 9, 1987, is superseded.

4. OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Office of the Commissioner, Financial management Service, Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary.