The Library of Congress >> African & Middle Eastern Reading Room

Near East Collections: Library of Congress, An Illustrated Guide
Foreword by Beverly Gray, Chief, African & Middle Eastern Division
Introduction & text by Levon Avdoyan, Armenian & Georgian Area Specialist
Pictured on the Right: An Islamic book binding enameled with an intricate golden vine and highlighted with tiny burgundy and blue flowers is a particularly rich example of such bindings from the Kirkor Minassian collection. (Near East Section)

Note on transliteration - Acknowledgments

Dedicated to George N. Atiyeh Head, Near East Section 1967-95

"If thou would'st see the noblest of mankind, Behold a monarch in a beggar's garb."
Isail Qosim Abu al-Atahiyah
(A.D. 747/748-826?)

The Library of Congress >> African & Middle Eastern Reading Room
( May 7, 2003 )

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