Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress

FirstSearch Databases ON-SITE ACCESS ONLY

Access: On-Site Access Only

Description: FirstSearch is a collection of electronic databases and indexes from OCLC which can be used to locate books, periodical and newspaper articles, theses, films, computer software, recordings, and other types of material on a wide variety of topics. List of databases:

  • Alternative Press Index & Archive - Indexes journals covering cultural, economic, political & social change.
  • Anthropology Plus - Offers worldwide indexing of all core periodicals, in addition to lesser known journals, from the late 19th century to today.
  • ArticleFirst - Index to articles from over 16,000 sources covering business, science and technology, humanities and social sciences, medicine, and popular culture.
  • Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals - Index of journal articles published worldwide on architecture and design, archaeology, city planning, interior design and historic preservation.
  • Bibliography of the History of Art - Covers European and American visual arts from late antiquity to the present. Encompasses the fine arts as well as decorative and applied arts.
  • Business Dateline - Describes regional business activities and trends and major stories on local firms, their products, and executives.
  • Business Organizations - Directory of organizations that serve business and industry.
  • Chicano Database - Bibliographic resource covering the Mexican-American, Chicano and the broader Latino experience.
  • CWI Contemporary Women's Issues - Contains global information on women in over 150 countries; indexes books, journals, newsletters, research reports from non-profit groups, government and international agencies, and fact sheets.
  • Ebooks - OCLC catalog of online electronic books available through libraries worldwide.
  • ECO - Index to over 5,400 scholarly journals covering agriculture, library science, anthropology, business, economics, education, fine arts, geography, history, language, law, literature, medicine, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, science, social sciences, and technology.
  • EconLit - Provides citations for dissertations and articles in journals, books, and working papers on economics.
  • ERIC - Citations to journal articles and reports in education.
  • FRANCIS - An international, multilingual, multidisciplinary database covering the humanities and social sciences.
  • GEOBASE - Covers journals, books, monographs, conference proceedings, and reports in the literature on geography, geology, and ecology worldwide.
  • GPO Catalog - Covers all types of U.S. government documents, including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records; judiciary materials; and documents issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.).
  • Hand Press Book - Union catalog of European printing from the 15th century to the 1830s.
  • History of Science, Technology, and Medicine - Includes records of journal articles, conference proceedings, books, dissertations, serials, maps and other materials.
  • Index to 19th-Century American Art Periodicals - Index of 42 art journals published in the U.S. during the 19th century containing articles, art notes, stories, poems and advertisements.
  • MEDLINE - Covering over 10,000 sources in clinical medicine, dentistry, experimental medicine, health services administration, health-related education, nursing, nutrition, pathology, psychiatry, toxicology, and veterinary medicine.
  • Papers First - Index of papers presented at conferences worldwide.
  • Proceedings - Covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received by The British Library Document Supply Centre.
  • PsycFIRST - Covers the literature in psychology and related fields in the current and most recent three years.
  • Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies - Covering more than 12,500 periodicals published primarily in Russia, the republics of the former Soviet Union, and countries in Eastern Europe, it cites and abstracts books, manuscripts, dissertations and articles.
  • SCIPIO - Art and Rare Book Sales Catalogs.
  • World Almanacs - Includes biographies, encyclopedia entries, facts, and statistics. Includes 4 of the the World Almanacs and Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia.
  • WorldCat - OCLC catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide.
How to do a search in FirstSearch and Available periodical titles in FirstSearch.

Coverage: Various Dates


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CSA Databases
EBSCO Research Databases
Gale Cengage Databases
ProQuest Databases
Wilson Databases

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