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School Gardens with Constance Carter

Children with vegetables from the gardenMeet Constance Carter, Head, Science Reference Section, Science, Technology & Business Division, Library of Congress.

Constance Carter, Head of the Science Reference Section, Library of Congress, describes the history of the school garden in America and offers reasons why school gardens are making a comeback.

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Library of Congress Web Sites of Interest

American Memory

America From the Great Depression to World War II
Search on school gardens to find images of school gardens and children's victory gardens.

American Landscape and Architectural Design
Images of school and children's gardens in New York, NY.

Garden and Forest (1888-1897)
Search on school gardens to find articles on school gardens.

Juvenile Nature Literature and Nature Pedagogy, c.1850-1920 from The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850-1920
Bibliography of print material documenting the development of late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century juvenile nature literature and pedagogy, including what was known as the "nature study" movement in American education.


Library of Congress Online Catalog
To search for materials on school gardens, select Basic Search, then Subject Browse. Subject headings are school gardens, children's gardens, botany-experiments, gardening –study and teaching (elementary), gardening—experiments.

Prints and Photographs Online Catalog
Search on school gardens or children's victory gardens to find photographs and posters.

Science & Technology Division

Children's Gardens

School Gardening Activities: a Guide to Selected References

School Gardens: a Guide to Selected Resources

Other Web Sites of Interest
Link disclaimer

American Horticultural Society: Youth Gardening
An array of resources (see links at left) assembled to help young gardeners, including schoolchildren, by a major national gardening organization.

Chicago Botanic Garden: School Gardening
Information and links about the Chicago Botanic Garden's extensive school gardening program.

Edible Schoolyard
An innovative school gardening program created in collaboration with chef Alice Waters.

Gardens for Learning: Creating and Sustaining Your School Garden
A comprehensive, downloadable guidebook created to support today's school-gardening movement, by the California School Garden Network.

Growing a Green Generation
A curriculum of gardening activities for preschool and kindergarten, from the University of New Hampshire.

KinderGARDEN: School Gardens
A page of resources about school gardens from KinderGARDEN, the Web site on children, plants, and the outdoors from Texas A&M University.

A Web site of resources from the National Gardening Association.

My First Garden
A gardening plan for 4th Grade students, from the University of Illinois Extension.

School Garden Wizard
A project created for America's K-12 school community through a partnership between the United States Botanic Garden and the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Other Materials of Interest

Print Sources on School Gardens: Works Published before 1923

Baldwin, William Alpheus. Industrial-Social Education. Springfield, Mass.: Milton Bradley Co., 1903.
   LC call number: LB1598.B25

Davis, Kary Cadmus. School and Home Gardening: A Text Book for Young People, with Plans, Suggestions and Helps for Teachers, Club Leaders and Organizers. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1918.
  LC call number: SB55.D4

Dreer, Henry A. Dreer's Garden Book. Philadelphia: 1915.
  LC call number: SB115.D7

Fairview Garden School Association. School Gardens. Yonkers, N.Y.: 1910.
   LC call number: SB56.Y7F3

Foster, Olive Hyde. Gardening for Little Girls. New York: Duffield & Co., 1917.
  LC call number: SB457.F65

French, Allen. The Beginner's Garden Book: A Textbook for the Upper Grammar Grades. New York: Macmillan, 1914.
  LC call number: SB55.F7

Fryer, Jane. The Mary Frances Garden Book. Philadelphia:  John C. Winston Co., c1916.
  LC call number: SB457.F7

Fullerton, Edith Loring. Small Gardens for Small Folks. Philadelphia: W. A. Burpee & Co., 1912.
  LC call number: SB55.F8

Galloway, Beverly Thomas. School Gardens: A Report upon Some Cooperative Work with the Normal Schools of Washington, with Notes on School-Garden Methods Followed in Other American Cities. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletin no. 160. Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1905.
  LC call number: SB56.U6G2

Greene, Maria Louise. Among School Gardens. New York: Charities Publication Committee, 1910.
  LC call number: SB55.G7

Gowans, Ethel. Home Gardening for City Children of Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Grades. Washington:  U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1919.
  LC call number: SB55.G6

Gunston, Herbert William. Principles and Practice of School Gardening and Connected Handwork. London and New York: Sir I. Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1922.
  LC call number: SB55.G9

Hemenway, Herbert Daniel. Hints and Helps for Young Gardeners: A Treatise Designed for Those Young in Experience As Well As Youthful Gardeners. Hartford, Conn.: The author, 1906.
  LC call number: SB55.H4

-----. How to Make School Gardens: A Manual for Teachers and Pupils. New York: Doubleday, Page, 1903.
  LC call number: SB55.H5

Higgins, Myrta Margaret. Little Gardens for Boys and Girls. Boston:  Houghton Mifflin, 1910.
  LC call number: SB457.H6

MacDonald, Alfred. School-Supervised Gardening in a City School System. Washington:  U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1920.
  LC call number: SB55.M3

Macfeat, Minnie. Elementary Agriculture and School Gardening at Winthrop. Rock Hill, S.C.: The Record Press, 1910.
  LC call number: S531.M17

Meier, William Herman Dietrich. School and Home Gardens. Boston: Ginn and Co., c1913.
  LC call number: SB.M4

Nebraska. Dept. of Public Instruction. School Gardening for Nebraska Boys and Girls Club. N.p., n.d.
  LC call number: SB55.N2

Pack, Charles Lathrop. The War Garden Victorious. Philadelphia:  J. P. Lippincott Company, 1919.
   LC call number SB83.P3

Paine, Albert Bigelow. A Little Garden Calendar for Boys and Girls. Philadelphia:  Henry Altemus Co., 1905.
  LC call number: SB457.P3

Palmer, Clayton F. Elementary Horticulture for California Schools: A Manual for Teachers and Amateur Gardeners. [Los Angeles?]: 1910.
  LC call number: SB55.P3

Parsons, Henry Griscom. Children's Gardens for Pleasure, Health and Education. New York: Sturgis & Walton, 1910.
  LC call number: SB55.P4

Rockley, Alicia Margaret. Children's Gardens. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1902.
  LC call number: SB457.R6

Shaw, Ellen Eddy. Gardening and Farming. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1911.
  LC call number: SB457.S6

Sherwood, Herbert Francis. Children of the Land: The Story of the Macdonald Movement in Canada. New York: 1910.
   LC call number: S535.C2M5

Smith, Charles Orchard. Garden Clubs in the Schools of Englewood, New Jersey. U.S. Bureau of Education Bulletin no. 26. Washington:  U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1917.
  LC call number: L111.A6 1917, no. 26

Stebbins, Cyril A. The Principles of Agriculture through the School and Home Garden. New York: Macmillan Co., 1913.
  LC call number: S495.S82

Stout, Arlow Burdette. Gardening: An Elementary School Text Treating of the Science and Art of Vegetable Growing. Yonkers-on-Hudson, N.Y.: World Book Co., 1922.
  LC call number: SB321.S7

Templin, R. L. Information and Suggestions on School Gardens, Children's Home Gardens, Junior Clean-Up Work and How to Make Your Home and Community a More Desirable Place in Which to Live. Cleveland: The Children's Flower Mission, c1915.
  LC call number: SB55.T4

United States. Superintendent of Indian Schools. Nature Study and Gardening, Primary Methods and Outlines for the Use of Teachers in the Indian Schools. Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1905.
  LC call number: SB55.U5 1905

United States School Garden Army. Courses in School-Supervised Gardening for the Northeastern States. Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1919.
  LC call number: SB55.U67 1919b

-----. The Fall Manual of the United States School Garden Army. Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1918.
  LC call number: SB55.U7 1918

-----. Lessons in School-Supervised Gardening for the Southeastern States. Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1919.
  LC call number: SB55.U65 1919

-----. A Manual of School-Supervised Gardening for the North-Eastern States. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Office, 1919.
  LC call number: SB55.U67 1919a

-----. An Outline of a Course of Study in Gardening. Washington:  U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1918.
  LC call number: SB55.U7 1918a

Waterman, Nixon. A Little Gardening Book for a Little Girl. Boston: The Page Co., 1920.
  LC call number: SB457.W3

Weed, Clarence Moores, and Philip Emerson. The School Garden Book. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1909.
  LC call number: SB55.W5

Williams, Dora. Gardens and Their Meaning. Boston, New York: Ginn and Co., c1911.
  LC call number: SB453.W5

Print Sources on School Gardens: Recently Published Sources

Crabtree, Margot, ed.  The Edible Schoolyard: Learning in the Real World. Berkeley, Calif.: Center for Ecoliteracy, 1999.
  LC call number: <SciRR>

Guy, Linda A., Cathy Cromell, and Lucy K. Bradley. Success with School Gardens: How to Create a Learning Oasis in the Desert. Phoenix, Ariz.: Arizona Master Gardener Press in cooperation with the University of Arizona, Maricopa County Cooperative Extension, c1996.
  LC call number: SB55.G95 1996

Houghton, Elise. A Breath of Fresh Air: Celebrating Nature and School Gardens. Toronto: Learnxs Foundation, 2003.
  LC call number: <SciRR>

Jaffe, Roberta, and Gary Appel. The Growing Classroom: Garden-Based Science. Menlo Park, Calif.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1990.
  LC call number: <SciRR>

Johnson, Katherine A., and Marti Ross Bjornson. The Chicago School Garden Initiative: A Collaborative Model for Developing School Gardens That Work. Glencoe, Ill.: Chicago Botanic Garden, 2003.
  LC call number: <SciRR>

Johnson, Laura J.  "The School Garden Movement." In City Bountiful: A Century of Community Gardening in America, 51-110. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
  LC call number: SB457.3.L39 2005 <SciRR>

Kiefer, Joseph, and Martin Kemple. Digging Deeper: Integrating Youth Gardens into Schools and Communities: A Comprehensive Guide. Montpelier, Vt.: Food Works, Common Roots Press, 1998.
  LC call number: <SciRR>

Starbuck, Sara, Marla Olthof, and Karen Midden. Hollyhocks and Honeybees: Garden Projects for Young Children. St. Paul, Minn.: Redlear Press, c2002.
  LC call number: SB55.S78 2002

Thorp, Laurie. The Pull of the Earth: Participatory Ethnography in the School Garden. Lanham, Md.: AltaMira Press, c2006.
  LC call number: SB55.T56 2006

Magazines and Reports

American City.
  LC call number: HT101.A5
Annual Report of the Home Gardening Association of the Cleveland Public Schools.
  LC call number: SB56.C6H7
Annual Seed and Bulb Circular of the Home Gardening Association of the Cleveland Public Schools.
  LC call number: SB56.C6H8
Bulletin of the Pan American Union.
  LC call number: F1403.B955
Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Office of Experiment Stations
   LC call number: S21.E7
Cornell Nature-Study Leaflets.
  LC call number: QH53.C81
Cornell Teacher Leaflets on Nature Study.
  LC call number: QH53.C83
Country Life in America.
  LC call number: S1.C85
  LC call number: N1C87
  LC call number: L11.E2
Elementary School Teacher.
  LC call number: L11.E6
Nature-Study Review.
  LC call number: QH1.N55
New England Magazine.
  LC call number: AP2.N4
Report of the Children's Farm School in De Witt Clinton Park.
  LC call number: SB56.N7A3
Report of the School Garden Committee, Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists.
  LC call number: SB55.S7
Review of Reviews.
  LC call number: AP2.R4
Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society.
  LC call number: SB21.M45

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  October 4, 2007
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