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Food Pyramid
Grains, Beans, and Starchy Vegetables
Meat and Others
Fats, Sweets, and Alcohol
Spanish Guide
A Joint Initiative of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Recipe and Meal Planner Guide

Image of grains Grains, Beans, and Starchy Vegetables

(6 or more servings)

  • Choose whole-grain foods such as whole-grain bread or crackers, tortillas, bran cereal, brown rice, or bulgar. They're nutritious and high in fiber.
  • Choose beans as a good source of fiber.
  • Use whole-wheat or other whole-grain flours in cooking and baking.
  • Eat more low-fat beads such as bagels, tortillas, English muffins, and pita bread.
  • For snacks, try pretzels or low-fat crackers.

A serving can be:

  • 1 slice bread
  • 1/2 small bagel, English muffin, or pita bread
  • 1/2 hamburger or hot dog bun
  • 1 6-inch tortilla
  • 4 to 6 crackers
  • 1/2 cup cooked cereal, pasta, or bulgur
  • 1/3 cup cooked rice
  • 3/4 cup dry cereal
  • 1/2 cup cooked beans, lentils, peas, or corn
  • 1 small potato
  • 1 cup winter squash
  • 1/2 cup sweet potato or yam

National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP)    http://ndep.nih.gov
NIDDK, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

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