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Budget of the United States Government: Summary Tables Fiscal Year 2001

Download all tables in xls format (637 KB, ZIP file), or wk4 format (679 MB, ZIP file).

2001 Budget Proposals (from Budget, Part VI)

  • S-1. Framework for Social Security and Medicare Reform and Fiscal Discipline (wk4 10 KB) or (xls 18 KB)
  • S-2. Current Services Surpluses (wk4 5 KB) or (xls 14 KB)
  • S-3. Budget Summary (wk4 9 KB) or (xls 16 KB)
  • S-4. Summary of Mandatory and Revenue Proposals (wk4 15 KB) or (xls 22 KB)
  • S-5. Health Initiatives (wk4 13 KB) or (xls 18 KB)
  • S-6. Proposed Discretionary Spending Limits (wk4 10 KB) or (xls 18 KB)
  • S-7. Restoring Budgetary Conventions (wk4 6 KB) or (xls 15 KB)
  • S-8. Discretionary Proposals by Appropriations Subcommittee (wk4 7 KB) or (xls 16 KB)

Summaries by Agency (from Budget, Part VII)

  • S-9. Discretionary Budget Authority by Agency (wk4 8 KB) or (xls 16 KB)
  • S-10. Mandatory Proposals by Agency (wk4 36 KB) or (xls 39 KB)

Other Summary Tables (from Budget, Part VII)

  • S-11. Receipts by Source -- Summary (wk4 7 KB) or (xls 16 KB)
  • S-12. Effect of Proposals on Receipts (wk4 55 KB) or (xls 48 KB)
  • S-13. Federal Employment in the Executive Branch (wk4 17 KB) or (xls 22 KB)
  • S-14. Federal Government Financing and Debt (wk4 15 KB) or (xls 22 KB)
  • S-15. Comparison of Economic Assumptions (wk4 9 KB) or (xls 16 KB)

Resources by function (from Budget, Chapter 32)

  • Table 32-1. Budget Authority by Function, Category and Program (wk4 142 KB) or (xls 116 KB)
  • Table 32-2. Outlays by Function, Category and Program (wk4 143 KB) or (xls 119 KB)
  • Table 32-3. Direct and Guaranteed Loans by Function (wk4 32 KB) or (xls 39 KB)
  • Table 32-4. Tax Expenditures by Function (wk4 51 KB) or (xls 49 KB)

Economic assumptions (from Analytical Perspectives, Chapter 1)

  • Table 1-1. Economic Assumptions (wk4 11 KB) or (xls 20 KB)
  • Table 1-2. Comparison of Economic Assumptions (wk4 8 KB) or (xls 16 KB)
  • Table 1-3. Comparison of Economic Assumptions in the 2000 and 2001 Budgets (wk4 7 KB) or (xls 16 KB)
  • Table 1-4. Effects on the Budget of Changes in Economic Assumptions Since Last Year (wk4 6 KB) or (xls 15 KB)
  • Table 1-5. Adjusted Structural Balance (wk4 5 KB) or (xls 15 KB)
  • Table 1-6. Sensitivity of the Budget to Economic Assumptions (wk4 8 KB) or (xls 17 KB)

Federal employment and compensation (from Analytical Perspectives, Chapter 10)

  • Table 10-1. Federal Employment in the Executive Branch (wk4 17 KB) or (xls 22 KB)
  • Table 10-2. Total Federal Employment (As measured by total positions filled) (wk4 8 KB) or (xls 17 KB)
  • Table 10-3. Total Federal Employment (As measured by Full-Time Equivalents) (wk4 6 KB) or (xls 16 KB)
  • Table 10-4. Personnel Compensation and Benefits (wk4 9 KB) or (xls 18 KB)

Federal Programs by Agency and Account (from Analytical Perspectives, Chapter 25)

  • Legislative Branch (wk4 48 KB) or (xls 51 KB)
  • Judicial Branch (wk4 24 KB) or (xls 30 KB)
  • Department of Agriculture (wk4 161 KB) or (xls 36 KB)
  • Department of Commerce (wk4 62 KB) or (xls 60 KB)
  • Department of Defense -- Military (wk4 145 KB) or (xls 144 KB)
  • Department of Education (wk4 43 KB) or (xls 45 KB)
  • Department of Energy (wk4 49 KB) or (xls 50 KB)
  • Department of Health and Human Services (wk4 86 KB) or (xls 80 KB)
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development (wk4 56 KB) or (xls 56 KB)
  • Department of the Interior (wk4 122 KB) or (xls 106 KB)
  • Department of Justice (wk4 73 KB) or (xls 66 KB)
  • Department of Labor (wk4 55 KB) or (xls 52 KB)
  • Department of State (wk4 45 KB) or (xls 46 KB)
  • Department of Transportation (wk4 117 KB) or (xls 109 KB)
  • Department of the Treasury (wk4 89 KB) or (xls 80 KB)
  • Department of Veterans Affairs (wk4 56 KB) or (xls 52 KB)
  • Corps of Engineers (wk4 31 KB) or (xls 34 KB)
  • Other Defense -- Civil Programs (wk4 14 KB) or (xls 21 KB)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (wk4 23 KB) or (xls 27 KB)
  • Executive Office of the President (wk4 21 KB) or (xls 29 KB)
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (wk4 25 KB) or (xls 29 KB)
  • General Services Administration (wk4 21 KB) or (xls 27 KB)
  • International Assistance Programs (wk4 60 KB) or (xls 60 KB)
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (wk4 20 KB) or (xls 26 KB)
  • Office of Personnel Management (wk4 22 KB) or (xls 27 KB)
  • Small Business Administration (wk4 18 KB) or (xls 25 KB)
  • Social Security Administration (wk4 21 KB) or (xls 26 KB)
  • Other Independent Agencies (wk4 163 KB) or (xls 146 KB)
  • Federal Government Totals FY 2000 -- FY 2002 (wk4 7 KB) or (xls 17 KB)
  • Federal Government Totals FY 2003 -- FY 2005 (wk4 7 KB) or (xls 17 KB)

ZIP format: You may need WinZip installed on your computer to unzip a ZIP file.