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Home arrow Publications arrow Intro: Report Requested by the Committees on Appropriations
Report Requested by the Committees on Appropriations

1996; 28 pages; available online
To order copies

Submitted at the request of the United States House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, this report examines two areas of concern: that there may be duplication of activities as performed by ACHP and other preservation agencies and that other Federal departments and agencies that benefit from ACHP's expert advice should assist in covering ACHP costs through reimbursable agreements.

The report concludes that there is little to no de facto duplication in core activities and that ACHP's budget request and justification for appropriated funds should be judged in relation to its particular statutory mission, the merits of its activities, and other program priorities.

To order copies

Report Requested by the Committees on Appropriations is available at no charge, except shipping and handling. To order, send a check for $3 per copy to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 809, Washington, DC 20004. After we receive your order, please allow five to seven business days for delivery. For more information, call or e-mail Artisha Thompson (phone 202-606-8515).

Updated April 26, 2002

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